Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Gets Award For ‘Hottest Woman In Congress’ – Complete With Her Name Spelled Incorrectly

Poor Lauren Boebert. No one takes the Colorado Republican congresswoman seriously because she’s a educationally-challenged clown who barely passed the GED exam shortly after she was elected.

Despite that, many on the right-wing of the GOP love to tout Boebert’s devotion to the Second Amendment and the fact that she’s easy on the eyes, which is always a big deal for male Republicans who can’t get enough of the blonde female hosts on Fox News.

Matter of fact, Boebert just won an award for being the “Hottest Woman in Congress,” which came complete with a gift certificate to Red Lobster and a nice framed certificate. Here, see for yourself:

Lauren Boebar? Must have been a poorly educated Trump supporter who was in charge of printing the certificate.

Twitter had a damn field day:

Elections GOP WTF?!

Arizona GOP Senate Candidate Shoots At Lookalikes Of Biden And Pelosi In ‘Disgusting’ Ad

A Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate has released a Super Bowl ad that shows him in an armed showdown with President Joe Biden, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), whose wife, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot and seriously wounded by a gunman in 2011.

The Hill reports:

Arizona Senate candidate Jim Lamon’s campaign released a Super Bowl ad on Thursday depicting him in an armed “showdown” with Democratic leaders including incumbent Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly (D). 

The 30-second ad features actors depicting Kelly, President Biden, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

“The good people of Arizona have had enough of you. It’s time for a showdown,” Lamon, who plays himself in the ad, says. 

The Democratic figures then draw their weapons and Lamon shoots at them, prompting them to run away.

Blake Masters and Michael McGuire, who are Lamon’s rivals for the GOP nomination, blasted him for his sick ad, with Masters calling it “absurd and desperate. Fits his campaign.”

McGuire noted:

“Real violence and use of deadly force is no laughing matter. Violence in America is real and it isn’t funny. This ad shows poor judgment and isn’t reflective of the values of the Second Amendment. This ad will do more to boost Mark Kelly’s fundraising than help Republicans.”

Shannon Watts, founder of the gun control group Moms Demand Action, weighed in on Twitter:

Rather than apologize, Lamon doubled down:

Lamon has almost no chance of winning the GOP nomination, and even he were to get the nod, isn’t seen as a serious contender to Kelly.

Congress GOP Social Media Uncategorized WTF?!

Matt Gaetz’s Latest Tweets Sound A Lot Like Death Threats Aimed At Kevin McCarthy

Something very strange is going on with Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, and it doesn’t bode well for how he’ll respond on the day indictments for child sex trafficking are handed down against him and he’s facing the prospect of life in prison.

Gaetz posted three tweets earlier today that on the surface seem like little more than a vapid commentary on a Newsweek article he came across with the title “All-male cheetah pack kill leader in bloody coup.”

That prompted the Florida congressman to follow-up with this:

Cheetahs and House Leadership races, huh? Well, the current leader of House Republicans is Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who said Wednesday he agrees with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that the January 6 attack on the Capitol was indeed “a violent insurrection.”

It’s tempting to say that Gaetz was aiming his tweets at McConnell, but he referenced “House Leadership races,” so that narrows down who he’s referring to.

No matter how you look at it, however, it sounds like a direct threat of some violent action that Gaetz is formulating, even though the chance he’ll still be a free man when such decisions are made is fading by the day, because another person with knowledge of the accusations against Gaetz has now entered a guilty plea and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors, according to Politico:

A Florida collectibles dealer connected to the federal investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz formally entered a guilty plea in Orlando on Wednesday, marking another twist in the ongoing probe into the Republican congressman.

Joe Ellicott, known as “Big Joe,” pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiracy to commit fraud and drug charges and has agreed to cooperate with federal authorities. Ellicott is a relatively minor figure in the ongoing Gaetz probe but was listed on a federal grand jury subpoena in December 2020 along with Gaetz and several other men.

Here’s some free advice for Kevin McCarthy in light of the Gaetz’s tweets: You might want to increase your security detail and keep a close eye on the perv from Florida.


MT Greene Humiliates Herself With Absurd Rant About Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Gazpacho Police’ Spying On Congress

Based on what she said Wednesday evening during an appearance on One America News (OAN), it’s very clear that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has lost what was left of her already defective mind.

According to Greene, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is using the Capitol police to spy on Republicans in Congress.

Mediaite reports:

Greene said Pelosi is using the Capitol Police to target members of Congress. She cited the allegations made by Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), who on Tuesday claimed police had “illegally” entered his office in November and took pictures. He also said “intelligence agents” dressed as construction workers returned days later and questioned an aide.

The Capitol Police issued a statement saying, “The weekend before Thanksgiving, one of our vigilant officers spotted the Congressman’s door was wide open. That Monday, USCP personnel personally followed up with the Congressman’s staff and determined no investigation or further action of any kind was needed.”

Yet from that unsubstantiated claim from a fellow nutjob member of the GOP caucus, Greene decided to suggest that she and others are being spied on, remarking:

“So we have the Capitol Police – now, I don’t think it’s the rank and file – I think it is those in charge in the administration. And Nancy Pelosi is using them like political pawns, sending them into our offices.”

As if that wasn’t bizarre enough, Greene then asserted that Capitol police were also investigating visitors who come to meet with members of Congress:

“They’re even checking into people that go to our events outside of outside of Washington. So everything is completely out of control. Not only do we have the D.C. jail, which is the D.C. gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi’s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress spying on the legislative work that we do, spying on our staff and spying on American citizens that want to come talk to their representatives.”

Gazpacho, it should be noted, is defined as a “cold soup made of raw, blended vegetables.”

Presumably, Greene was attempting to say “Gestapo,” but her brain was too filled with conspiracy theories and other assorted bullshit to process the word correctly.

Greene went on to add this bit of clear incitement to yet another insurrection:

“This government has turned into something that it was never meant to be and it’s time to make it end.”

Here’s what’s really going on with all of the Republican complaining and wailing: They’re terrified because they know the House Select Committee has evidence that implicates them in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. And now they’re imagining how bad it’s going to be when all the evidence is laid before the American public and the Justice Department beings handing down criminal charges.

Oh well, if she’s lucky, Marjorie can always make her some nice ramen gazpacho in federal prison.


Donald Trump Jr. GOP U.S. Senate

Donald Trump Jr. Attacks Mitch McConnell As The GOP Civil War Reaches A Fever Pitch

Donald Trump Jr. (along with his father) is in full panic mode, terrified of what the House Select Committee on the January 6 Capitol insurrection will uncover next.

Just how fearful is Junior? Enough so that he thought it’d be a good idea to attack Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Twitter just because McConnell dared to say that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol was indeed a “violent insurrection,” according to The Hill:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) criticized the Republican National Committee (RNC) for its censure of Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and broke with their language on the Jan. 6, 2021 riot, calling it a “violent insurrection.”

“It was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election. … That’s what it was,” McConnell said. 

McConnell’s pointed remarks came in response to remarks made by RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, who said the Capitol riots were “legitimate political discourse.”

McDaniel later tried to walk back those comments, but the damage had already been done, giving the appearance that the RNC supports the violent rioting which resulted in the deaths of five people.

And now Don Jr. has entered the fray, taking to Twitter to accuse McConnell of being a Democrat:

What Junior neglected to mention is that McConnell still has his job. Donald Trump doesn’t, and is under investigation in multiple states. He’s also likely to be referred to the Justice Department for his role in the Jan. 6 attack.

Don Jr. was in contact with the White House on the day of the Capitol insurrection. But if he has nothing to hide and did nothing wrong, why doesn’t he volunteer to testify in open session before the Jan. 6 committee? Probably because he knows that he’s guilty as hell and so is his old man.

It’s so much fun to watch as Republicans go after each other. If we’re lucky, they’ll rip their party into a million pieces. The country would be a hell of a lot better off if they did.