Crime Elections Fox News Lies The Biden Administration

WATCH Pete Buttigieg Take A Fox News Host To School On The Issue Of Crime In The US

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg brilliantly used facts to counter the falsehoods being spouted by Fox News host Lawrence Jones when the secretary appeared on the network to discuss the 2024 election and this week’s Democratic National Convention.

Jones challenged Buttigieg to defend the Biden administration’s actions against crime in the United States, claiming that violent crime was up 10% across 66 major cities.

“Well, certainly the Biden-Harris record for bringing crime down compared to why crime went up under Donald Trump, and I often wonder whether viewers of this network are aware that violent crime went up under Donald Trump,” Buttigieg said. “I think that deserves more coverage so we can ask ourselves why, and some of that has to do with policy. Some of that has to do with the message we send. When you have Donald Trump, an unrepentant convicted criminal running against a prosecutor like Kamala Harris, we have an opportunity to send a message about whether we’re serious on law and order in this country or whether it’s a talking point, or whether it’s just something people try to use as a political theme for partisan gain. You want to talk about inflation? Inflation went up in every country after COVID, but we brought inflation down in this country.”

Jones attempted to interrupt Buttigieg, but the transportation secretary would have none of it, making his next point despite the host’s rudeness.

“Every election is about the future, right? In the future, economists predict the Trump plan will increase costs for American families by $3,900, so why would we go back to somebody who’s going to make it worse?”

“You guys sent the cavalry in for you guys, for your protection, but the people of Chicago don’t see that on a day-to-day basis,” Jones claimed. “What are you guys going to do to stop the bloodshed in our communities?”

Buttigieg also noted that gun crime is a problem in the U.S., and yet the GOP refuses to pass sensible gun reform legislation.

“The big question, I think, for politics, for policy, for media, is who is going to help them versus who is going to use them. The questions she’s asking are the exact questions that any citizen should be asking.”

When Jones attempted to dodge the gun issue, Buttigieg once again pushed back.

“Donald Trump says no, the Republican Party says no,” Buttigieg said. “Talk about assault weapons, something that made a difference, when that assault weapons ban contributed to a reduction in crime. I remember coming to Chicago as a kid, and by the way, even though some media only want to talk about the worst and most painful things that go on in our cities, Chicago is a proud city, Chicago is an extraordinary city. But I do remember coming here when crime and murder was off the charts.”

Jones then asked Buttigieg to name one Republican leader in Chicago.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa – listen to me,” Buttigieg replied. “Not only did we have those levels of crime under Democratic and Republican leaders, but if you’ll try to cherry pick this for partisan purposes, you want to play that game? So is the case in Boston, where there is a much lower murder rate and also a Democratic mayor. We could talk about the murder rate in Mississippi being double what it is in Illinois. Now I could go around saying that the murder rate in Mississippi being double what it is in Illinois because Mississippi has a Republican governor and Illinois has a Democratic governor, but you and I both know it just doesn’t work that way.”

Pete Buttigieg is a national treasure, and he’s one of the best in the world when it comes to countering the bullshit narratives being spun over at Fox.

Elections GOP Racism Social Media WTF?!

Megyn Kelly Gets Dragged Online For Her ‘Racist’ Reaction To DNC Speech

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly found out the hard way Monday evening that sometimes it’s better to remain silent than speak and let the internet know what a racist sack of human dung you are.

Reacting to a speech from Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-CA) at the opening night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in which Butler noted that both she and Vice President Kamala Harris had graduated from historically black colleges, Kelly posted this on Twitter:

“Laphonza Butler spkg – (she filled Feinstein’s seat) – celebrating that she and Harris both graduated from historically black colleges. Imagine the white person up there: I’m proud to tell you I went to a mostly white university!”

Of course, if Kelly knew a damn thing about American history, she’d know why black colleges and universities were created in the first place, as the Thurgood Marshall College Fund notes on their website:

“Black students were unwelcome at existing public and private institutions of higher education (IHEs), even after the passing of specific legislation, resulting in a lack of higher education opportunities.”

Kelly was then dragged on social media.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media WTF?!

Clueless Trump Happily Accepts A Bogus Endorsement From A Fake Taylor Swift

Failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-convicted ex-president Donald Trump was delighted when he ran across what he thought was an endorsement from a group claiming to be fans of pop star Taylor Swift.

According to USA Today:

Trump took to his social media platform Truth Social and posted several suspected artificial intelligence-generated images alluding to Taylor Swift and Swifties’ support for his campaign, despite the singer vocalizing disdain for the Republican nominee in the past.

“Taylor wants you to vote for Donald Trump,” reads one generated image of Swift as Uncle Sam, while another seemingly AI image, marked as satire, reads, “Swifties turning to Trump after ISIS foiled Taylor Swift concert.” The image references a suspected terrorist plot planned for Swift’s Vienna concert earlier this month. Austrian authorities, with help from U.S. officials, thwarted the attack.

The pictures include artificially generated images and potentially one real photo of Swifties for Trump supporters, akin to the real group MAGA Swifties.

Swift, the biggest name in modern music, endorsed President Joe Biden four years ago and is expected to do the same for Vice President Kamala Harris. No timeline has been set for when Swift will make such an annoucement, but there are rumors it could happen at this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. There have also been hints that Swift might perform at the convention, though those have yet to be confirmed.

For now, the disgraced ex-president will have to settle for Kid Rock.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Rachel Maddow Warns: This Is How The GOP Plans To Cause ‘Maximum Chaos’ In The 2024 Election

Even though the momentum of the 2024 race for the White House has shifted from failed former president Donald Trump to Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats in recent weeks, the November 5 election is expected to be incredibly close, perhaps coming down to a few thousand votes in several key battleground states.

If Harris does manage to prevail in November, that doesn’t guarantee she will be sworn in as the 47th president of the United States, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow warns in a terrifying op/ed for the New York Times.

“Election boards across the country now include Republican officials who have not only propounded Mr. Trump’s lies about the last presidential election being ‘stolen,’ they have tested how far they can go in denying the certification of the vote,” Maddow writes. “Republicans tried this ploy more than two dozen times in at least eight states since 2020.”

How would this look if Republicans decided to try and contest the 2024 results? With “legal challenges” and “certification refusals” by MAGA Republicans, especially in states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, all of which went for President Joe Biden in 2020 by narrow margins, Maddow explains.

“The point of these certification refusals may not be to falsify or flip a result, but simply to prevent the emergence of one. If one or more states fail to produce official results, blocking any candidate from reaching 270 electoral votes, the 12th Amendment prescribes Gerald L.K. Smith’s dream scenario: a vote in the newly elected House of Representatives to determine the presidency.”

Once the election was before the House of Representatives, here’s what would take place, Maddow continues: “Each state delegation would get one vote; today, Republicans control 26 state delegations; Democrats control 22; and two are evenly divided…. No one should be surprised when certification refusals happen or when they are then exploited to try to maximize chaos and upset.”

“After all, the Republican nominee this year is no Richard Nixon.”

With the House controlled by Republicans, it would be easy for the GOP to pull off the ultimate legal coup: Choosing the next president despite the will of the voters who cast their ballots for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, likely with the full blessings of the right-leaning Supreme Court, which has shown it has no problem stacking the deck for Republicans and giving the next president absolute immunity from prosecution.

The solution to this nightmare is for those of us who care about the United States to vote in massive numbers that cannot possibly be denied or overturned. Then we can begin to heal and repair the country that Republicans seem hell-bent on trying to burn to the ground.

Elections GOP Kamala Harris Polls

JD Vance: Polls That Show Kamala Harris Has Electoral Momentum Are All ‘Fake!’

According to Sen. J.D. Vance, all of the polls that show Vice President Kamala Harris with political momentum on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago are all “fake” and shouldn’t be believed.

Vance appeared on the friendly airwaves of Fox News earlier this morning. Host Shannon Bream asked him about several recent polls that have Harris pulling ahead of failed former president Donald Trump in several key battleground states. Rather than answer the question, Vance suggested that support for Harris is stagnant and decreasing.

“How does that not line up then with another poll we got out this morning, Washington Post, ABC, they’re giving the vice president nationally a four to five-point lead?” Bream inquired. “I mean, those are new numbers.”

“So if you think the momentum is not swinging or your internal polls are suggesting differently, every other poll that’s been released has shown great momentum in her direction.”

Vance replied, “You know, Shannon, I think there are a lot of polls that actually show her stagnating and leveling off. Of course, ABC, Washington Post was a wildly inaccurate pollster in the summer of 2020.”

But this isn’t 2020. It’s 2024.

“We can’t worry about polls,” Vance insisted. “Consistently, what you’ve seen in 2016 and 2020 is that the media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters.”

“I’m telling you, every single person who’s watching this, the Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot.”

Fake polls? That’s a common refrain when a candidate is losing. And the Trump-Vance ticket is losing badly, especially when it comes to momentum and fundraising. Their poll numbers drop nearly every time one of them opens his mouth.

At this rate, Trump and Vance could wind up losing by a historic margin. Maybe that would finally put a stake through the heart of the MAGA movement.