Congress Viral Video WTF?!

Did Marjorie Taylor Greene Audition For ‘American Idol’ In 2002?

It’s fascinating to see what does and doesn’t go viral online.

Cat and dog videos almost always do well on social media, as do cute snippets of adorable kids.

But those in the public eye, be they in the entertainment or political realm, often do the best, if only because we have a natural curiosity about such people.

So it should come as no surprise that when a video of someone who looks exactly like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began circulating on Twitter, it didn’t take long before everyone was sharing the clip of her seemingly doing an audition for “American Idol.”

Sure looks like her, doesn’t it? But Mediaite says it’s not:

Except it wasn’t her, though the contestant, Stefanie Sugarman, sure had the combative attitude Greene has.

Sugarman auditioned on Season One of the show in 2002. She was 23 years old, or five years younger than Greene, when she auditioned. Sugarman was from California, whereas Greene is from Georgia. Sugarman was in marketing, while Greene was in general-contracting and CrossFit.

Sugarman sang a cringeworthy version of H-Town’s “Knockin’ Da Boots.”

The best part of the video, however, is how the judges tell Sugarman that she has very little talent, which is painfully obvious from her audition:

Judge Paula Abdul called Sugarman “very, very outgoing,” but said “I personally don’t feel that you’re the next American Idol.”

Judge Randy Jackson told Sugarman she’s “not a very good singer.”

“I think you’re lying through your teeth,” Sugarman shot back.

The real Marjorie Taylor Greene is not a very good person, either.



Lauren Boebert Asked Jewish Americans Visiting The US Capitol If They Were Doing ‘Reconnaissance’

A group of Jewish Americans say they were “confused” by remarks Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) made to them when they recently visited the Capitol to speak with a member of Congress.

BuzzFeed News reports:

Members of the group, which was meeting with Rep. Tom Suozzi, were wearing yarmulkes, and the person coordinating the group is Orthodox, with a traditional beard.

One witness said the group, along with other members of Congress, was waiting for an elevator. When the doors opened, Boebert stepped out of the elevator and looked the group of visitors “from head to toe,” the witness said. Boebert then asked if they were there to conduct “reconnaissance.”

“When I heard that, I actually turned to the person standing next to me and asked, ‘Did you just hear that?’” a rabbi who was with the group told BuzzFeed News.
“You know, I’m not sure to be offended or not,” the rabbi said. “I was very confused.” The rabbi added that “people are very sensitive” now, especially after what happened in Texas this past weekend, when an armed man held four people hostage at a synagogue.

When asked about her disgusting comments, Boebert — who has been accused of bringing insurrectionists into the Capitol just hours before the January 6 insurrection — said she was just repeating what Democrats had said to her:

“I saw a large group and made a joke. Sadly when Democrats see the same they demonize my family for a year straight.
“I’m too short to see anyone’s yarmulkes.”

Even if the person was the same height? Sure, Lauren.

Rep. Suozzi said Boebert’s comments were unacceptable:

“The bottom line is that everyone, especially members of Congress, have to be very, very thoughtful in the language they use. Because when you’re a member of Congress, you have an important role to play in society. You can’t be cavalier in the comments you make especially if they could be perceived as being antisemitic, or discriminatory.”

However, as we’ve seen on numerous occasions with Lauren Boebert, she isn’t the least bit thoughtful and frequently says things that prove her own bigotry and bias. She’s a cancer on Congress and needs to be removed from office.


Donald Trump History The Trump Adminstration

Historians Rank Trump Among The 5 Worst Presidents In US History

While he loves to claim that millions of Americans wanted him to win a second term in office, it appears that history will not be kind to failed, one-term former President Donald Trump, who has debuted on C-SPAN’s 2021 Survey of Presidential Leadership in 41st place, which places him among the five worst presidents in U.S. history.

Politico reports that the survey is conducted annually among a collection of historians, and those historians do not think much of Trump:

“This survey marks Trump’s first appearance on the list, on which the one-term president placed higher than only three other presidents: Franklin Pierce, Andrew Johnson and the perpetually last-ranked James Buchanan.”

The ratings are based on 10 qualities of presidential leadership;

  • Public Persuasion
  • Crisis Leadership
  • Economic Management
  • Moral Authority
  • International Relations
  • Administrative Skill
  • Relations with Congress
  • Vision/Setting an Agenda
  • Pursued Equal Justice for All
  • Performance Within the Context of the Times

When it comes to administrative skills, Trump ranked dead last among his predecessors in American history. He also ranks last when it comes to moral authority.

The reasons for Trump’s low rating are almost too numerous to mention, but presidential historian Douglas Brinkley suggested it had a lot to do with the 2021 impeachment, which made Trump the only president in history to be impeached twice:

“This year, people compared which is worse: Watergate or the Trump impeachment? The word ‘impeachment’ probably cost Nixon a few spots downward this year, and maybe Clinton too.”

In what will no doubt be especially galling to Trump, Barack Obama moved into the top 10.

The top 5 presidents, according to historians, are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Lincoln has been ranked first since the survey began in 2000.

In time, as it becomes clearer just how incompetent and fundamentally evil Trump was during his term in office, it’s safe to predict he will be seen s the worst president in the long history of the United States. If he’s indicted, that spot is virtually guaranteed.


Donald Trump Jr. Eric Trump

Filmmaker Uncovers Bizarre Dynamic Between Eric And Don Jr. – Eric Is ‘Scared’ Of His Brother

If you ever wondered how tight of a family the Trumps are, British documentarian Alex Holder found out during his hours of filming them and reports that things are just as dysfunctional as you’d expect;

Holder has released his documentary about the Trumps, “Unprecedented,” and agreed to be part of an “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit, where he responded to questions.

One of the most interesting things Holder revealed is that Eric Trump is “scared” of Donald Trump Jr.

“Eric seemed to be pretty scared of his older brother.”

Additionally, Holder notes that he found Eric to be the least like his father, but Don Jr. and Ivanka were “very similar to their old man.”

“Eric was the friendliest,” Holder noted. “I don’t think Don, Jr. liked me very much.”

Did Holder sense any love among the family members? Nope.

When asked if he thought there was “genuine love” in the family, Holder said the Trumps had a “pretty unusual family dynamic” that was “all about supporting ‘Dad’ — at all costs.”

And then there’s the matter of Donald himself. He’s just as laughable as you think:

Holder said that the former president wears “a huge amount of makeup,” which he puts on himself in a process that takes “a couple of hours each morning.” He also commented that Trump did say racist things off-camera and that the former president’s diet mainly consisted of burgers and Diet Coke. 

How did the Trumps treat Holder? They tried to schmooze him:

“It’s interesting. They are a real estate family from New York. So, they are good at the charm and schmooze…. But to be honest, it’s pretty transparent.”

Liars, bullshitters, grifters, and dysfunctional as hell. Yes, the Trump clan is just as messed up as we all suspected, and it sounds like they deserve each other, if only because most people wouldn’t have anything to do with such unsavory characters.



Marjorie Greene Says She Hates Solar Panels: ‘I Don’t Want To Have To Go To Bed When The Sun Sets’

You probably thought there was no way in hell Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) could possibly get any dumber, and yet remarks she made during a meeting with her constituents may well prove to be the most ignorant statements made this year by any member of Congress from either party.

Greene began by pretending to be a Christian:

“Can we just say thank God for air conditioning?”

And then she began to talk about household appliances, most of which have higher IQs than her:

“Let’s talk about refrigerators. I like my refrigerator. I’m sure you like yours, too.”

The led to this bit of mindless drivel:

What about washing machines and dryers? Lord please God don’t make me scrub clothes in a bucket! And have to hang them out on the line.

And from that, she transitioned to solar and wind power:

“When we switch over to wind turbines and solar panels, I’m gonna be really pissed off about that.”

Why is she going to be pissed off? Unfortunately, she explained:

“I mean, I like the lights on. I want to stay up later at night. I don’t want have to go to bed when the sun sets. Its so silly. I mean, all of this is absolutely insane.”

If Greene wants to see what “insane” really looks like, all she has to do is find the nearest mirror and take a long look.

How does anyone get to be this damn stupid? And is she really this dense, or is she just willfully ignorant, saying what she thinks her constituents want to hear? Whatever the reason, Marge got plenty of feedback on Twitter.