Donald Trump GOP Social Media

Trump Threatens Violence On Truth Social: ‘We Are Going To Do Things To You That Have Never Been Done Before’

With another federal indictment looming and another in the state of Georgia likely sometime next month, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now platforming a video on his Truth Social site that seems to call for violence in response to his worsening legal situation.

The video features a black and white photo of the disgraced ex-president along with audio of him warning, “If you f— around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.”

Trump originally spoke those words in an October 2020 interview with radio host Rush Limbaugh, just weeks before he lost to President Joe Biden, according to the Washington Post.

“Down in the polls and isolated by illness, President Trump retreated to the safe spaces of two Fox networks and Rush Limbaugh’s radio program in a 36-hour burst of media interviews three weeks before Election Day. The sprawling, somewhat manic phone-in interviews put Trump front and center on the radar of many of his most loyal supporters, via the most conservative-friendly media outlets, but arguably did little to reach the independent and moderate voters Trump will need to close the gap with former vice president Joe Biden.”

Trump never closed the gap and lost by 7 million ballots in the popular vote and by a margin of 306 to 232 in the Electoral College, which is considered to be a landslide.

Here’s some of the Twitter reaction to Trump’s violent video threat:


Donald Trump Social Media

Latest Photo Of Trump’s Combover Has Social Media Howling With Laughter

You’ve probably wondered when you look at failed one-term, twice-impeached and indicted former president Donald Trump what the deal is with his hair. Is it a toupee? A weave? Does he spend hours combing it over to make it look like he has a bird’s nest atop his skull?

Those questions and others have been asked for years, with the New York Post reporting a few years ago:

President Trump’s bizarre hairdo is the result of scalp-reduction ­surgery, careful styling held in place by strong hairspray — and too much cheap dye, according to a new book.


Scalp reduction — also known as alopecia reduction — is a procedure in which a surgeon removes a man’s bald spot, then sews the more hirsute skin back together.

Scalp reduction, careful styling, and hairspray.

That leads us to this photo shared on Twitter by Ron Filipkowski:

Be sure and notice the bad application of makeup, too, especially at the neck and around the ears. Wouldn’t it just be easier to go with what you’ve got and not spend hours every day trying to look like someone you aren’t?

But of course this is a symptom of a larger condition with Trump: Malignant narcissism and excessive self-absorption. He hates himself, so he has to try and pretend he’s someone else. Only then will people accept and love him, even though he’s a pathetic loser.

Social media had a field day with the photo.


Supreme Court

Kavanaugh’s Fellow Justices Consider Him An ‘Intellectual Lightweight’ And Are ‘Losing Patience’: Report

As the key swing vote on the United States Supreme Court, you’d think Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh would take his job a bit more seriously.

But according to a revealing report from Mark Joseph Stern of Slate, Kavanaugh is actually considered to be an “intellectual lightweight” by his colleagues and they’re rapidly “losing patience” with him.

When he was nominated for the high court by failed former president Donald Trump, Kavanaugh was known very differently.

During his 12 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Kavanaugh styled himself as a brainy operator who combined intellectual firepower with affable moderation, in rhetoric if not in substance. He wanted to be the conservative whom liberals could respect—Justice Antonin Scalia without the volcanic temper—and the high-minded jurist who could sell right-wing legal theories to the public as common-sense constitutional principles.

But it turns out that almost no one respects Kavanaugh, no matter their political affiliation, and what he’s become is “a man with seemingly few fixed convictions and even fewer interesting things to say. To the extent that his colleagues think about him at all, they seem to view him as a fixer who can cobble together five votes for a diaphanous majority opinion that decides almost nothing.”

Translation: Brett Kavanaugh is a lightweight. Oh, and he likes beer. A lot. He made that clear during his confirmation hearings.

Kavanaugh’s written rulings have been threadbare, sometimes composed of a sentence or two, and often drawing scorn from his fellow justices, who have called him out in their own writings. Consider:

  • In U.S. v. Texas, “Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote her own five-page concurrence picking apart Kavanaugh’s majority opinion.”
  • Also in U.S. v. Texas, “(Neil) Gorsuch pointed out that Kavanaugh was ‘simply ignoring’ several important questions that undermined his logic.”

How much do his fellow justices dislike Kavanaugh? According to Stern, they can’t hide their contempt for their colleague.

Thomas, Barrett, and Gorsuch aren’t the only members of the court who are losing patience with Kavanaugh. Justice Elena Kagan memorably castigated him for treating “judging as scorekeeping,” whining about “how unfair it is” when he loses, and repeating the same bad arguments “at a higher volume.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor has repeatedly accused him of outright dishonesty by misrepresenting precedent and dangling false promises. In a fed-up dissent in just her first term, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson compared a Kavanaugh majority opinion to the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Alito’s rebuttal to Kavanaugh’s dissent in Sackett v. EPA consisted of exactly one sentence: Kavanaugh’s argument, Alito wrote, “cannot be taken seriously.”

Where does that leave the highest court in the land? Well, Kavanaugh can only be removed by impeachment, and there’s certainly no political will for that to happen, especially since no Supreme Court justice has ever been impeached and removed from office. Samuel Chase was impeached, but he remained on the court.

For now, Kavanaugh will remain the ultimate judicial lightweight who is seen as a joke by his colleagues on the bench. And in some ways, that’s a fitting punishment for his past sins.


Donald Trump Immigration The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Former Staffer Reveals Trump’s ‘Incandescently Stupid’ Plan For Getting Cattle Over His Border Wall 

One of Donald Trump’s signature issues and campaign promises when he ran for president in 2016 was that he’d build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and make the Mexican government pay for it.

Here’s a quick video memory refresher:

However, as soon as construction began on the wall, it soon became clear that some unanticipated problems would require solutions, according to former Trump administration Department of Homeland Security Miles Taylor in a soon-to-be-released book he’s written, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy From the Next Trump

According to Newsweek, one of the most daunting challenges involved cattle.

In his book, Taylor recalls that in a March 7, 2019, meeting, Trump “out of nowhere” complained that ranchers in Texas were being allowed to open doors in the border wall to allow their cattle to reach the Rio Grande.

“No doors. I don’t want doors,” Trump said, according to Taylor. “How crazy is this? There are doors in the border wall? It’s stupid. They can just walk up, open the door, and thousands of [illegals] rush in.”

Kirstjen Nielsen, then the homeland security secretary, told Trump that this wasn’t true, Taylor writes. But Trump “didn’t care” and ordered them to acquire any land where ranchers had access to the Rio Grande.

But if you build a wall with no doors, how in the world will the cattle be able to go across?

Trump’s solution: Have the animals cross via ladders.

“Give the ranchers ladders. They can use ladders to get to the other side, but not doors. You could use small fire trucks. Call the local fire stations, and use the ladders on their trucks to help them get over.”

Taylor says the idea was “so incandescently stupid I couldn’t laugh.”

How do you tell a moron with no understanding of basic physics and the animal world that cows and horses are not going to climb ladders, no matter what’s waiting for them on the other side?

Of course, none of this should surprise anyone when you consider some of the other moronic ideas the Donald had while serving as president. For example:

And now we can add cows traversing ladders. The idiocy has no bottom with Donald Trump.


QAnon WTF?!

QAnon Leaders Are Now Encouraging Their Members To ‘Experience Physical Death’

A couple of years ago, some members of the QAnon movement (which many experts consider to be a cult), gathered in Dallas to await the return of the late President John F. Kennedy and his son, John Jr.

The people in Dallas were being led by a man named Michael Brian Protzman, who is known as Negative48 by his closest followers, all of whom believe that baby-eating pedophiles control the major governments of the world, including the United States.

But while most of the QAnon rhetoric has been aimed at others, especially Democratic political figures, an offshoot of the group is now suggesting that it may be time for members to “experience physical death,” which is setting off alarm bells for those who warn the movement is entering a dark phase that may culminate with a mass suicide event such as the one that Jim Jones led in Guyana circa 1978, when 909 people killed themselves by drinking fruit punch laced with cyaninde.

According to Vice:

While the group initially appeared to be waiting for the reappearance of JFK,  over the weekend, the tone of Protzman’s comments shifted dramatically. Besides proclaiming that he was God’s representative on earth, he also took part in a video chat where participants openly spoke about having to experience death in order to learn the truth.

“Ultimately… we have to experience that physical death… let go… come out on the other side,” one of the participants in the video call suggested.

Where were members to meet next? Waco, Texas:

The administrator of Protzman’s Telegram channel posted a screenshot of a navigation app showing the destination as Waco, Texas, where in 1993 a monthslong law enforcement siege of the Mount Carmel compound belonging to the Branch Davidian religious sect ended with 76 people dead, including 25 children.

That led Mike Rothschild, author of The Storm Is Upon Us, which is about QAnon, to tweet out a warning:

“The moment when the leaders of a cultic group start talking about the need for physical death to reach utopia is the moment to get the authorities involved.”

Though it’s impossible to predict what will happen next with a group of people as mentally unstable as QAnon believers, we could all awaken one morning and see the tragic results of such apocalyptic beliefs.