Congress GOP

Jim Jordan And Matt Gaetz Get Burned To The Ground Over A ‘Pledge Of Allegiance’ Amendment: Video

The House Judiciary Committee held its first hearing Wednesday since Republicans took control of the lower chamber of Congress, ostensibly to discuss the U.S.-Mexico border, but it quickly devolved into an attempt by Republicans on the committee to prove they’re more patriotic than their Democratic colleagues.

Business Insider reports that committee member Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) recommended a change of the Judiciary Committee’s rules which would mandate beginning each meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Rep. Gerry Nadler (D-NY) the ranking Democrat on the committee rightly noted why he felt no such change was needed, remarking:

“I would oppose it simply on the grounds that, as members know, we pledge allegiance everyday on the floor,” said Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, the highest-ranking Democrat on the panel. “And I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day to show how patriotic we are.”

That led Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) to suggest that language should be added to the amendment that would specifically ban insurrectionists from leading the pledge, an obvious dig at Gaetz and committee chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH). Gaetz sought a pardon from failed one-term former president Donald Trump for his role in the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection and Jordan was in contact with Trump via telephone prior to and during the attack on Congress.

Cicilline explained his rationale:

“If we adopt this amendment, then we will be truthful in representing that stating this pledge is an affirmation of your defense of democracy and the Constitution. It’s hard to take that claim seriously, if in fact, an individual who in any way supported an insurrection against the government of the United States is allowed to lead the pledge.”

Cicilline’s amendment didn’t pass. Gaetz’s did. But the Rhode Island Democrat still managed to make his point and troll his GOP colleagues to their faces.

Congress GOP

WATCH Lauren Boebert Get Swatted Down For Trying To ‘Blame The Victim’ During House Hearing

Believe it or not, but one of the dumbest members of Congress (and maybe one of the dumbest on the face of the entire planet) now has a starring role on the House Oversight Committee, and she found out on Wednesday that her ignorance gives others all the ammunition they need to make her look like the moronic dullard she is and will always be.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was the designated idiot and the topic was whether or not federal funds allocated by Congress for COVID assistance were spent improperly.

When it came her time to speak, Boebert suggested that U.S. taxpayers were “defrauded a possible $560 billion as a result of the federal government’s negligence in carrying out these federal COVID relief funding programs.”

She then asked:

“Does anyone know an organization in America or around the world, public or private, that has been scammed out of $560 billion, and simply, is that okay? I certainly can’t think of one and I don’t think that it’s okay either.”

The congresswoman also asked witnesses who were testifying if anyone had faced discipline or been relieved of their duties because they “failed to keep hundreds of billions of dollars from being stolen from the American taxpayer.”

When none of the witnesses had any reply to her question, Boebert referenced information that suggested money was improperly spent during the COVID pandemic, saying, “How the heck were these bureaucrats so dang incompetent that they were being scammed out of $35 million every hour for nearly two years?”

That led fellow committee member Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) to mock Boebert and her “effort to blame the victim for fraud by bad actors” mentioning that funds allocated by Congress for pandemic relief “was both lifesaving and [economy] saving as we faced the worst pandemic in our history.”

As you’d expect, Boebert had no intelligent response to Goldman.

Here’s the video: