Crime Donald Trump Viral Video

The View Co-Hosts Have A Field Day Mocking Trump’s Legal Problems: ‘I’m Thinking Him Into Jail’

The co-hosts of “The View” ripped into failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump on Thursday, mocking him and making fun of his mounting legal problems a day after New York Attorney General Letitia James announced she was filing a civil lawsuit against the Trump Organization, the ex-president, and his three oldest children, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric.

Additionally, Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity Wednesday night that he had declassified thousands of documents he illegally took from the White House by “thinking” about them.

That led Whoopi Goldberg to close her eyes as if thinking, which caused co-host Joy Behar to ask:

“What are you doing, Whoopi? Thinking about it.”

Goldberg replied:

“I’m thinking him going to jail.”

Co-host Sunny Hostin, who is a former federal prosecutor, noted:

“It’s a 220-page lawsuit, and it lays out his financial statements for years and years and years. And it also says that he wildly inflated the worth of nearly every one of his properties and overall. That lawsuit said that 11 of his annual financial statements included more than 200 false and misleading asset valuations. You can get put in jail for just doing that one thing, just one.”

Behar added that since Trump loves to exaggerate everything, he’ll likely do the same thing when he gets to prison:

“He’ll go to jail and be, like, it’s the biggest, most beautiful cell I’ve ever been in. 14,000-square-foot cell I’m in. One more thing. you know, when Rosie O’Donnell went after him, everybody remembers that, right? The thing that got him really ticked off, not the hair thing. He didn’t care about that. It was because she went after the money. She said he doesn’t have the money. He’s a liar and an exaggerator and that made him so vicious. He was like a vicious animal. He really was.”

Donald Trump Espionage Fox News WTF?!

Trump Tells Hannity He Declassified Documents With His Mind: ‘By Thinking About It’

Disgraced, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump has a new excuse for why he violated the law by hoarding thousands of classified and top secret documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida: He telepathically declassified all of them with his mind, “by thinking about it.”

In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that aired Wednesday evening, Trump was asked:

“A president has the power to declassify. You have said on Truth Social a number of times you did declassify. Is there a process? What was your process?”

The ex-president replied:

“There doesn’t have to be a process as I understand it. If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified,’ even by thinking about it because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago or wherever you’re sending it. And there doesn’t have to be a process. There can be a process but there doesn’t have to be. You’re the president. You make that decision. So when you send it, it’s declassified. I declassified everything.”

That is complete and total bullshit, as former White House counsel for ethics Norm Eisen noted on CNN:

“There’s no indication that Trump actually ever declassified these documents. The reason [Trump’s] lawyers have never said in a court filing that the documents were declassified is because they would be subject to penalties themselves, ethics penalties, penalties of the court if they said something that isn’t true.”

And former Trump White House communications director Stephanie Grisham explained that there is indeed a process for declassifying the sort of materials Trump had in his possession:

“You don’t just say the words, ‘These are now declassified,’ and it’s done. There is a process. And more importantly, people, agencies would need to be told. The CIA, the DOJ, the FBI, the people who have sources and methods out there. They would need to know that, ‘Hey, these documents are suddenly declassified,’ so that they can move those sources around.”

Twitter users had some thoughts on the idea of using mental telepathy to change things from top secret to copacetic.

Donald Trump Fox News Viral Video

This Devastating Attack Ad Has Donald Trump Threatening To Sue Fox News

Donald Trump is absolutely furious!

Why? Because the Lincoln Project is running an ad in regular rotation on Fox News that calls the disgraced, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president an “impotent and flabby” loser and con man who is grifting off his supporters because it’s the only way he can make a dime now that his name is as worthless as pyrite.

The ad, which carries the title “Sucker” is clearly aimed both at the ex-president, but also at the MAGA faithful who continue to willfully hand their money over to the Donald by attending his rallies, buying his merchandise, and contributing money to his “Save America” political action committee.

The narration alone is enough to condemn Trump, but with the accompanying images, it lays bare the notion that Donald gives a damn about anyone but himself, with the narrator intoning:

Dear MAGA, we have some bad news. No, not that he lost. Not that your little coup attempt failed and its planners and the attackers are going to jail. No. The really bad news is why Trump told you he lost. Why he set it up way before the 2020 election. It wasn’t voter fraud but it was fraud.

Trump told you the election was stolen ripped you off, to sucker you, to take your hard-earned money and shovel it into his pockets. He spent it on himself not to take back the White House.

It was the biggest scam in political history. Every dollar you sent him paid to keep his shady business empire and lavish lifestyle going. It was a sucker game all along. And you know who the sucker is? You.

Trump was enraged by the ad and its message, going on his failing Truth Social site and posting this hateful missive:

“The Perverts and Lowlifes of the Lincoln Project are back on, where else, Fox News. I thought they ran away to the asylum after their last catastrophic campaign, with charges made against them that were big time sleaze, and me getting many millions more votes in 2020 than I got in 2016.

The Paul Ryun run Fox only has high standards for ‘Trump’ ads, but not for anyone else. The Perverts should not be allowed to ‘false advertise,’ and Fox News should not allow it to happen.

“See you all in Court!!!”

That’s just bluster and smoke. He’s not suing anyone. And even if he did, he’d lose on free speech grounds.

But perhaps best of all was what Lincoln Project founder Rick Wilson had to say in response to Donald’s little threat:

“In 2020, The Lincoln Project took up a long-term free lease in Trump’s brain. His threat to sue the Lincoln Project today is like Trump himself; impotent, flabby, and pathetic.”

Damn! That burn is going to leave one hell of a mark.


Congress Elections GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene Likens ‘RINO’ Mitch McConnell To A Snake Whose Head Must Be Cut Off

With the midterm elections now less than two months away, it seems a civil war has broken out inside the Republican Party, with right-wing extremist GOPers who still steadfastly support former president Donald Trump and more mainstream members of the party openly sniping at each other.

The latest example of this phenomenon can be seen in remarks made by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), whom Greene compared to a snake that must be killed.

Greene is furious that McConnell has pulled some $10 million from Arizona Republican Senate candidate Blake Masters, who continues to fall further behind incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly.

During an appearance on Right Side Broadcasting with convicted felon Steve Bannon, Greene lashed out at McConnell:

“I have a message for Arizona: you guys have a major opportunity, and this is an opportunity, Steve, you’re going to understand exactly what I’m saying. Mitch McConnell is pulling his support and pulling money from backing Blake Masters for Senate, and he’s doing that because Blake Masters is not the type of senator Mitch McConnell wants in Washington. But Arizona has an opportunity that only they can pull off. If they elect Blake Masters and send him to the Senate here in Washington, D.C., they are going to be cutting the head off the snake and defeating Mitch McConnell, the RINO that has controlled the Senate for years now. This is the message that needs to be sent to Washington, Steve.”

While she was at it, Greene also reiterated her support for Christian nationalism, the same sort of political belief that helped spawn fascism in Germany, Italy, and Spain in the 20th century:

“Everyone knows this nation is, we’re about to have a complete revival. Because Americans know who our identity is. We are a Christian nation, we are a country of nationalism, we care about our borders, we care about our economy, we care about our children.”


Immigration Joe Biden Ron DeSantis

Biden Has The Perfect Response When Asked About DeSantis Possibly Sending Migrants To Delaware

Now that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has proven there is no disgusting stunt he won’t try in order to get media attention and boost his chances of re-election (along with his bid for the White House in 2024), there are reports that he may be planning to transport more migrants, this time to President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware.

The Independent reports:

The White House is coordinating with state officials and aid groups preparing for the potential arrival of a plane with migrants sent from Texas to coastal Delaware near the beach home of President Joe Biden.

The flight, due to arrive on Tuesday afternoon, could mark the second flight within a week organised by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration to move people seeking asylum in San Antonio to northeastern towns.

“We are coordinating closely with state officials and local service providers who are prepared to welcome these families in an orderly manner as they pursue their asylum claims,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters.

That led to this exchange today during a press opportunity in the Roosevelt Room where Biden was making remarks on the DISCLOSE Act:

Q On the border, why is the border more overwhelmed under your watch, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Because there are three countries that are — never have — there are fewer — fewer immigrants coming from Central America and from Mexico. This is a totally different circumstance.

What’s on my watch now is Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. And the ability to send them back to those states is not rational. You could send them back and have them — we’re working with Mexico and other countries to see if we can stop the flow. But that’s the difference.

Thank you.

But there was one more shouted question as the president began to leave the room:

Q What more can your administration be doing, Mr. President?

Q Ron DeSantis — it looks like he’s sending migrants to Delaware. Do you have any comment or response to that, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: He should come visit. We have a beautiful shoreline.