According to Donald Trump’s most devoted (and deranged) acolytes and supporters, today, August 13, 2021, was supposed to be the day that he would be “reinstated” as president.
Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, has been saying ever since January that Trump was going to be magically back in the White House today, but considering that he’s a recovering crackhead, you have to wonder if perhaps he’s been hitting the pipe again.
However, Joe Biden remains president, and Lindell has been walking/running back his ludicrous prediction, saying in July:
“Here’s what I said about a week ago, I said we’re going to live stream to the world on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of August,” he explained about his cyber symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. “But what I said was when you all see what I’ve seen and what I have, the morning of the 13th, you’re going to wake up and go, ‘Wow, what are we going to do?’ Everyone’s going to know it and that’s when we’re going to bring it to the Supreme Court.” Lindell didn’t say “that everything’s going to change the morning of the 13th” (a Friday the 13th, mind you), but “everybody’s going to know what I know.”
Translation: Forget what I said earlier. I was high on pillow fumes and Red Bull. You guys totally misunderstood what I tried to say. I never ever predicted such a thing.
Uh…yeah. OK. Whatever, man.
But the August 13 prediction did manage to produce one tangible bit of good: It resulted in some hilarious postings on Twitter. Take a look:
Happy #ReinstatementDay to all MAGA Patriots! Make sure you’ve washed and pressed your treason flag to wave at the BIG PARADE that will take place in your deranged head.
The Traditional #ReinstatementDay Tree is Satanic Red Fir from Slovenia. Many decorate it with My Pillows, Goya beans and tiny magahats.
The tree is often topped with a windmill, and for extra cancer, 5G. A modern method is to mount a tiny mushroom to the top, called a "Stormy"
— Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon (@tomiahonen) August 13, 2021
We Wish You A Reinstatement Rudolf The Ex Attorney I'm Dreaming Of A My Pillow Ding Dong Junior is High It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Fake News Do You Hear What Trump Hears? I Saw Mommy Kissing Justin Trudeau Deck The Halls With Our Delusions
— Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon (@tomiahonen) August 13, 2021
Oh well, maybe the MAGA morons can schedule another day for their next delusion. Is there anything happening on December 25 that would prevent them from making that Reinstatement Day Part Deux?
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) thought she’d try to explain her thoughts on the COVID-19 vaccine, vaccine mandates, protective masks, and the rights of individuals as laid out in the U.S. Constitution, but only succeeded in proving her complete ignorance of the law and how pandemics are controlled.
In an op-ed she wrote Fox News that was published on the network’s website, Boebert argued that vaccinations were a matter of personal choice and masking mandates are what she called “anti-American bullcrap.”
“For those that want the vaccine and believe it works, take it and don’t be so concerned about those who made the decision not to. For those choosing not to, make sure it is an informed decision with your doctor.
“For those deemed most at-risk, please seek medical advice from a doctor on how best to protect yourself. That does not mean forcing the rest of us from living our lives, shutting down our businesses, closing our schools or forcing us to wear masks and stripping away our right to health care privacy.”
Of course, the more people who refuse to get the vaccine, the less chance we’ll all have to live our lives and move forward to herd immunity, but the congresswoman conveniently neglected to mention that.
Proving that she only cares about herself and no one else, Boebert quickly shifted the focus of the op-ed to herself:
“So far, my family and I have personally experienced all of that and think it is anti-American bullcrap.
“They started by giving us good advice to wash our hands, avoid touching our faces and keep distanced from those that were sick for a couple of weeks.”
What’s really bullcrap is putting yourself above others and refusing to do what you can to help control a public health crisis that has so far killed over 615,000 Americans and is once again filling up hospitals with new patients who are infected and near death.
Boebert was quickly hit with backlash, with many readers telling her she clearly has no idea what the Constitution actually says.
You don't have to get the vax.
But you CAN be barred from participating in society if you choose not to.
This is constitution 101 stuff. And why Barrett upheld the university vaccine mandate requirement.
The success or failure of any government in the final analysis must be measured by the well-being of its citizens. Nothing can be more important to a state than its public health; the state's paramount concern should be the health of its people.
No the US government cannot hold you down and force you to be vaccinated but they can set mandates that dictate who can do what we can do what based upon their vaccination status.
So, what exactly is your plan to reduce COVID cases in the US. If you choose to endanger others by not getting a vaccine or wearing a mask, you should choose to stay home. The choices you make come with responsibilities.
Let everyone who chooses to not get vaccinated and not wear a mask to also agree to not burden our health care professionals and hospitals. Seems only fair. You know that whole “when it’s my time to go” thing.
Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz (R) doesn’t believe that everyone who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 deserves to be punished or charged with a crime because many of them are clearly being “persecuted” and the Biden administration is “targeting” them.
In an interview with HuffPost, Cruz had this to say about the fact that hundreds of Capitol insurrectionists are now facing serious legal jeopardy for their illegal actions:
“If an individual assaulted a police officer, they should spend a long, long time in jail.
If, on the other hand, the Biden administration is targeting and persecuting people for exercising political speech that is nonviolent and simply expressing their peaceful support for a political party different from that in power, that is not the purpose of our criminal justice system.”
And if a frog had wings, it wouldn’t bump it’s ass every time it jumped, Ted.
“As it turns out, Cruz’s sentiments are now increasingly common among those who remain loyal to failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:
“Some allies of former President Donald Trump are upset that protesters who didn’t assault police officers are being charged with misdemeanor offenses, the same type of charges they’d face had they been arrested at any protest inside the Capitol. Demonstrations are banned within the Capitol complex, and even an errant laugh during a congressional hearing can get you led out of the room in flex cuffs.”
So if you stand up during a congressional hearing and speak out of turn, you can be carted off and charged, but if you riot and enter the Capitol, take a shit in the hallways, and rub your feces on the walls, that’s no biggie, according to Cruz and other Trump faithful who seem to think the rules apply to everyone but them.
What happened on Jan. 6 was a crime. Plain and simple. And it has to be treated as such. If it isn’t, we’re inviting it to happen again and be even rose the next time.
Novelist Stephen King has created some incredibly memorable villains in his books, but he doesn’t think Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has what it takes to be among them.
As King explained during an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” the novelist was asked about some of the tweets he’s sent out recently that were highly critical of DeSantis, and he made it clear that while the governor is certainly evil enough with his absurd COVID-19 policies, he doubts that the Floridian has enough brains to carry off any actual evil plans:
“Ron DeSantis is probably not the brightest bulb in the chandelier at the best of times.”
That led Colbert to ask:
“So, not an evil genius? Not a mastermind?”
King responded:
“No, I wouldn’t say so. You know, he’s got that deer-in-the-headlights look somehow.”
“Deer in the headlights hoping that’s two motorcycles that are going to go right by him.”
It should be noted that King — who is a native of Maine — now spends half the year in Sarasota, so he’s had a chance to observe DeSantis up close, and he’s not impressed, firing off tweets making it clear that he thinks the Florida governor is a few cans short of a six pack:
DeSantis is right! Masks should be banned in schools! And (as Dan Rather says) let's ban helmets in football. Let's ban padded gloves in boxing. Surgeons should go barefaced. I have a right to light up a butt in Publix. BUT A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE? NEVER!
DeSantis policies are right-wing "the individual rules and to hell with what happens" policies. They are turning a beautiful state into a big ICU ward where even healthy people can barely breathe.
Hey, Florida–here's your man Ron DeSantis: Not only are COVID infections in Florida sky high, the beaches are almost uninhabitable due to red tide from the Piney Point disaster, and the fish kill is in the mega tons.
Or, to put it another way, consider what the AV Club had to say about DeSantis not being fit for a King novel. They pretty much hit the proverbial nail on the head:
“So that’s evil, but is it Stephen King evil? Not according to King, who greeted Colbert’s pitch for a future fictional Florida governor villain with the dismissive shrug of a guy who knows what makes a truly compelling antagonist. After all, your best Stephen King monsters (your Greg Stillsons, your Randall Flaggs) couple their nefarious machinations with a complexity of thought and more than a little charisma, whereas, in King’s authorial estimation, Florida is currently being led by a garden variety venal, callous dope, whose threadbare conservative posturing couldn’t sustain even the shortest tale of terror.”
But if you want to think of something truly terrifying, just imagine Ron DeSantis as president. Now THAT’S enough to give you nightmares.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) wants to be president so damn badly! How badly? Enough so that he’s willing to let thousands of Floridians die of COVID-19 while he pretends that everything is just fine in the Sunshine State. He insists mask mandates won’t be allowed on his watch, no matter how many children and senior citizens wind up on ventilators and die in complete isolation, unable to see their families as they take their last, labored breath.
So it should come as no surprise that DeSantis would snipe at the current resident of the White House, President Joe Biden, simply because Biden made this remark on Wednesday while discussing the rise in COVID cases being seen in the states of Florida and Texas:
“I say to these governors: Please help. But if you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way. The people are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.”
Biden is trying to save lives, even in Republican-controlled states, because he’s doing what he promised he’d do when he was running in 2020: Be a president for all Americans.
How did DeSantis react to Biden’s remarks? Like a spoiled child. Like a man who cannot accept constructive criticism. We’ve had a president like that, and his name was Donald Trump. He’s one of the main reasons we’re in the fix we see before us right now as it pertains to the coronavirus.
DeSantis told reporters this while he was visiting Panama City and was asked about what the president had said:
“Why don’t you do your job. Why don’t you get this border secured, and until you do that I don’t want to hear a blip about Covid from you.”
Shortly after DeSantis made that snippy soundbite, he was also using it to try and raise money for his reelection efforts in 2022, sending out a blast email in which he pretended to be a tough guy:
“Joe Biden has the nerve to tell me to get out of the way on COVID while he lets COVID-infected migrants pour over our southern border by the hundreds of thousands. No elected official is doing more to enable the transmission of COVID in America than Joe Biden with his open borders policies.”
The governor wants us to believe the reason COVID is spreading is because of immigrants coming into the United States, though he has never presented a scintilla of evidence to support his allegation. He’s bullshitting. He’s lying. He’s using hatred and fear of “the other” to try and cover up his own heartlessness and incompetence.
Or, to put it another way, Ron DeSantis is pulling a Trump.
But White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had the perfect response to Gov. DeSantis, telling reporters at Thursday’s daily press briefing:
“25% of hospitalizations in the country are in Florida.
“It is also a fact that the governor has taken steps that are counter to public health recommendations. So, we’re here to state the facts. Frankly, our view is that this is too serious, deadly serious to be doing partisan name calling. That’s what we’re not doing here, we’re focused on providing public health data information to the people of Florida, to make sure they understand what steps they should be taking, even if those are not steps taken at the top of the leadership in that state.”
“This is too serious—deadly serious—to be doing partisan name-calling.”
That’s how you deal with an empty suit, wannabe tough guy like Ron DeSantis. The governor should be ashamed of himself. But to feel shame, you have to possess a conscience. Clearly, DeSantis has no conscience. Just hubris, bluster, and bile.