
Obviously Drunk Giuliani Viciously Attacks Joint Chiefs Chairman At 9/11 Anniversary Dinner

It’s hard to believe now, but there was a time when former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani was actually admired and respected by most Americans.

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Giuliani became a national leader and healer, a man who was sought out for his expertise and steadiness under fire.

Now, however, 20 years later, Rudy is little more than a drunken fool, a man who has fallen so far into the muck that he’s a laughingstock, a man people roll their eyes at when he opens his mouth.

And that was most certainly the case Saturday evening when Giuliani got rip-roaring drunk and stood up to speak at a dinner commemorating the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Instead of honoring the victims and sacrifice made 20 years ago by those brave first responders and the sadness of the nearly 3,000 Americans we lost on that horrific day in September of 2001, Rudy began railing at Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, waving his arms like a madman as he screamed about the recent U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan:

“I wanted to grab his stars and shove it down his throat and say, ‘it’s 400 miles from China, asshole! China is going to be our enemy for the next 40 years! You have an airbase 400 miles from them and you’re giving it up? Idiot! What the hell is wrong with you? Who pays you? Christ!”

Yeah, as if Guiliani has the balls to even look in Milley’s direction, let alone confront him. All the general would have to do is give Rudy one quick tap on the shoulder and the drunken jackass would fall over and pass out.

As if that wasn’t more than enough humiliation for one evening, Giuliani then began imitating Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain and seemed to suggest he’d been offered the sexual favors of a young girl by Prince Andrew:

“I know Prince Andrew is very questionable now. I never went out with him. Ever! Never had a drink with him, never was with a woman or young girl with him. Ever, ever, ever.”

Pathetic and moronic. That pretty much sums up Rudy Giuliani.

Abortion GOP Reproductive RIghts in America WTF?!

Abbott: Texas Women Who Are Raped Won’t Need Abortions Because I’ll ‘Eliminate All Rapists’

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said Tuesday that women in his state who are raped need not worry they won’t be able to get an abortion because he plans to “eliminate all rapists” in the Lone Star State.

At a signing ceremony for yet another piece of bad legislation (which makes it harder to vote in Texas), Abbott was asked:

“Why force a rape or incest victim to carry a pregnancy to term?”

The governor responded:

“It doesn’t require that at all because obviously, it provides at least six weeks for a person to get an abortion. That said, however, let’s make something clear. Rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them.”

No need to worry, ladies. Gov. Abbott is going to do what has never been done in the history of the world: Completely eliminate rape by arresting all the rapists and prosecuting them for the crime. Why didn’t anyone think of that sooner? This Abbott guy must be a freaking genius!

Actually, he’s as dumb as a damn stump.

What Abbott conveniently neglected to mention was that rape is already an underrated crime because women feel shame when it happens to them. And yet now Texas wants to all but guarantee that women and girls who are raped or victims of incest have no choice but to give birth. It’s beyond horrific; it’s inhumane and outright torture.

Even worse, for Abbott to pretend he actually gives a damn is also perverse. If he cared, it wouldn’t have signed the anti-abortion law in the first place. If he cared, he wouldn’t try to make it harder for people to vote.

But like nearly every Republican in today’s GOP, Greg Abbott only cares about himself and his own self-aggrandizement. Everyone else is secondary to his political ambitions. Too bad there isn’t a law to cover that crime.


Donald Trump GOP Whining WTF?!

Angry Trump Whines About Cable News Outlets Covering Hurricane Ida ‘All Night Long’

Failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump is livid that cable news outlets spent most of Sunday reporting on Hurricane Ida, which was bearing down on the Gulf Coast and made landfall last night.


During a call-in interview with right-wing radio host Todd Starnes, Trump whined that the networks should have been covering events in Afghanistan, which they did all last week:

“Because Afghanistan is not even something that can be discussed in a rational way. The level of stupidity — and we had a great agreement. And Biden admitted the other day, he made a mistake because they didn’t want him to say that no people have been killed since this agreement was signed.”

Actually, the “agreement” Trump referred to was put in place during the final months of his administration, and it was a deeply flawed plan that allowed the Taliban to take control of the country in record time. Trump even sent then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Doha, Qatar, to meet with members of the Taliban, something President Joe Biden has refused to do because he doesn’t want to give the group legitimacy the way Trump did.

Trump also claimed he had been tough on the Taliban and had told the leader of the group he would bomb his house first if anything went wrong. However, considering that the former president is a pathological liar, that’s probably complete nonsense:

“And the media, which is fake and crooked and corrupt, they’re the worst people, they’re the most corrupt people. The only thing I don’t understand is why. They’ve got to hate our country. And they are in fact the enemy of the people. But the corrupt media shows the hurricane all night long.”

Then why doesn’t Trump start his own media company? Probably because no one will invest any money on a project he’s attached to. Trump has always been a failure in the business world and is an incompetent fool who had millions of dollars handed to him by his father. He later squandered that money and had to be bailed out on multiple occasions by his family and banks such as Deutsche Bank, which is getting ready to call the Donald’s loans in later this year.

Here’s an idea for you, Donald: Put the crank away and go to bed instead of staying up all night tweaking. You’re burning out the few brain cells you have left.

Congress Foreign Policy The Biden Administration WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Impeach Kamala Harris For Not Personally Evacuating Americans From Kabul

It’s a given that Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is probably the loosest cannon in the entire U.S. Congress, but something she said Monday could well place her in the Moron Hall of Fame.

During an appearance on the extreme right-wing Real America’s Voice network, Greene said she was outraged that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t in Kabul, Afghanistan, helping to evacuate Americans from the country. The only solution, Greene said, was to impeach Harris:

“For her to not speak out about this, for her not to fly over to Afghanistan to the Kabul airport is disgraceful, and unforgivable. She should be impeached as well. All of them are complicit in this. And they knew. They knew.”

This comes just a day after Greene demanded that President Joe Biden also be impeached for withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan, a move that was initiated under Greene’s lord and savior, Donald Trump.

Using Green’s blueprint, Biden and Harris would both be impeached and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would become president. Clearly, the congresswoman from Georgia didn’t think this one through all the way. Provided, that is, she’s even capable of thought.

Twitter soon reminded Ms. Greene that she needs to learn to keep her mouth shut and stay off social media unless she wants even more mockery:

Here’s a better idea for Marjorie Taylor Greene: If you’re so concerned about Americans in Kabul, why don’t you fly over and help evacuate them? Probably because you’re too chickenshit and selfish to do anything for another human being.


Domestic Terrorism The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Michael Flynn Says Accused Capitol Insurrectionists Are Facing ‘Crucifixion’ From Nancy Pelosi

Speaking at a conference hosted by so-called “Biblical Prophecy Expert” Phil Hotsenpiller on Saturday, disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn eagerly defended the insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, which resulted in the deaths of five people, including a police officer.

Since he was speaking to a “religious” crowd, Flynn thought he’d engage in some high-level sacrilege, telling the attendees:

“Nancy Pelosi’s insurrection crucifixion, which is all about the sixth of January, right? All about the sixth of January.

“That’s a crucifixion.

“They are putting — I mean, honest to God, they’re putting good, great people, patriots up there.”

Honest to God, it’s a wonder the roof of the building didn’t open up and a bolt of lightning strike Flynn where he stood.

Crucifixion? That would be a fitting punishment for the traitors who stormed the seat of government and demanded that the will of the majority of American voters be overturned so their candidate could be installed as emperor for life.

Twitter users had a few thoughts on Flynn’s remarks, too: