Elections GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Does 35 Push-Ups To Support Herschel Walker – And It’s Even Worse Than You Can Imagine

In an effort to get Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker elected in next months runoff election, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show Wednesday evening and agreed to do push-ups to prove his support for Walker.

Queerty ran across the video of Graham working out on Walker’s YouTube account and reports:

The challenge came about after Sean Hannity spoke to Walker and Graham on a Fox News segment. He said that Walker impressed him previously with his ability to do push-ups. Hannity suggested Walker check out whether Graham was up to the challenge of doing some himself.

This led to a campaign video in which Graham challenges viewers to donate $34 if he and Walker can each do 34 push-ups. It’s unclear why they plumped for the number 34.

In the video, Graham happily gets down and does 35 push-ups, followed by Walker.

Before you watch the video, you might want to make sure your children and elderly relatives are out of the room. It could well be too much for impressionable youngsters and lead to cardiac arrest for anyone over the age of 60 once they start laughing and can’t quit.

Graham was also present when Walker was being interviewed and the candidate proudly proclaimed that “This erection is about the people.”

Erection election in a pumped up direction. Since Walker is too clueless to explain policy, the push-ups tell all you need to know about the “substance” of his campaign.

Elections Fox News U.S. Senate

Gisele Fetterman Claps Back At Fox News For Pushing A Conspiracy Theory About Her

Gisele Fetterman is sick and tired of the bullshit being spread by Fox News and other right-wing “news” outlets regarding her husband, Senator-elect John Fetterman (D-PA) since he won a contentious election over Republican challenger Mehmet Oz.

Specifically, Fox is now suggesting that Mrs. Fetterman is some sort of “puppet master” who will be the de facto senator from the Keystone State, even though the voters didn’t elect her.

The New Republic notes that Fox seems determined to undermine the new Pennsylvania senator before he even takes office in January.

That triggered right-wing attacks that have persisted ever since. A survey by liberal press tracker Media Matters for America found that Fox News’s primetime lineup mentioned Fetterman more than Democratic nominees in six other competitive races combined.

On Tuesday, Fox News host Harris Faulkner took issue with a photo Gisele tweeted of herself beside her Senator-elect husband who is partially cropped from the image (…the couple have a running joke that John doesn’t fit in photos).

A conspiracy theory was implied that Gisele was trying to steal the show (and maybe even the Senate seat) from her duly elected husband.

“First day for Senator-elect Gisele Fetterman,” said Townhall’s Mia Cathell. “Why is she even there?” asked someone called Bonchie on RedState. Both remarks were quickly aggregated with other jabs against Gisele into a digital story on Fox News’s website, which was followed by a graphics package of mean tweets about the Fettermans that Faulkner gleefully read on-air.

Gisele has seen and heard the hateful attacks on her, and now she’s giving as good as she got from Fox, slamming them and others in right-wing media as misogynists.

“The right-wing hates women. They especially hate strong women, and I think that’s what you’re seeing,” said Gisele of the ceaseless ridicule she’s gotten from conservative media operatives looking to define her as self-serving and suspicious. “The fact that a spouse of a senator-elect has been attacked nonstop for the past 24 hours and everyone’s okay with it and everyone thinks it’s normal … it’s not normal,” said Gisele after her first day on Capitol Hill.

“Since entering the Capitol for training, my inbox has been completely filled with threats and horrible things. And that’s because I’ve been a non-stop loop on Fox News,” said the Brazilian-born Senate spouse. “Hopefully it’s not like this forever … and hopefully it’s not like this for the next young Latina or person of color or spouse who enters this space.”

As a matter of fact, Gisele insists, she has never and will never seek to have a career in politics.

“Never. It’s not for me. It’s a very cruel world, and I am not cruel. I don’t ever wanna become cruel. I’m sensitive. I want people to like me. It hurts me when people are mean.”


Donald Trump Elections U.S. Senate

Trump Claims Arizona ‘Stole The Electron’ After Senate Race Is Called For Democrat

The Senate race between incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly and his Republican challenger, Blake Masters, was called Friday evening, with Kelly being declared the winner after 83% of the ballots had been counted.

NBC News reported:

Kelly’s projected victory on Friday comes three days after polls closed, and as Arizona officials continued counting ballots that were mailed or dropped off, particularly in the vote-rich Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. It gives Democrats 49 Senate seats, one short of securing a majority, with Nevada still counting votes and Georgia’s contest headed to a Dec. 6 runoff.

Masters, it should be noted, was enthusiastically endorsed by failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump.

As you’d expect, Trump was apoplectic after it became clear that Masters had failed to win. He took to his failing Truth Social social media site and demanded a new election be held.

“They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!”

Stole the electron? What in the hell?

There were also these posts from the disgraced ex-president:

But it was the “electron” typo that drew the most attention and ridicule.


Elections GOP Polls U.S. Senate

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson In Big Trouble As New Poll Shows Him Losing Badly In November

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is fading quickly down the stretch as the 2022 midterm election enters the last leg, with a new poll showing him significantly behind in his race to remain in the U.S. Senate.

Johnson, who has been an ardent acolyte and apologist for disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now down by 7 points to Democratic nominee Mandela Barnes, who would become the youngest member of the Senate at 35 if he defeats the incumbent. He would also be the first black senator to ever represent Wisconsin.

The poll, from Marquette Law School, shows Barnes with a commanding 51-44% lead over Johnson, and the fact that Barnes is above 50% this late in the race is bad news for Johnson, who has a high unfavorable rating among those polled.


Johnson recently shot himself in the foot with remarks he made suggesting that Social Security and Medicare should be discretionary spending, meaning that Congress could refuse to fund the programs anytime they choose to. A discretionary item in the federal budget is also subject to review annually, which would jeopardize the long-term stability of both programs that benefit senior citizens.

Additionally, Johnson promised voters he wouldn’t serve more than two terms in the Senate, but is now seeking a third term, which has reportedly rankled many in the Badger State.

A win for Mandela Barnes would be a huge gain for Democrats and another step toward getting a filibuster-proof majority that would allow the Senate to get more done, including passing voting rights and abortion rights legislation which is being held hostage by Republicans.

Democrats are also doing well in other states that currently have GOP senators, including Ohio and Pennsylvania, where Trump-endorsed candidates J.D. Vance and Mehmet Oz are struggling to gain traction with voters.

GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Gets Verbally Slapped Down For His Hateful Attack On A Democratic Colleague

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham stepped way over the line during debate Sunday on amendments to the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and he quickly got put in his place for his remarks.

HuffPost notes that Graham attacked Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH):

Graham directly addressed Hassan, calling her actions “deceitful” and “dishonest,” during a debate on repealing a tax on foreign oil.

“This gives phony and cynical a bad name,” Graham snapped in a video shared by Forbes. They wouldn’t let you do this in professional wrestling. If you think people are this dumb, you are gonna be sadly mistaken.”

That led Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who was presiding over the Senate at the time, to admonish Graham for attacking the motives of a fellow senator and directly addressing Hassan instead of through the chair, which is Senate procedure.

What got Graham so agitated? Of all things, a tax on foreign oil, which Graham wanted removed. Instead, it was defeated soundly, which led the South Carolinian to squawk:

“What she’s doing is trying to strike the provisions that she just voted against but it requires 60 votes So she can vote for repealing a gas tax she just voted against so she’ll look good for the voters. If you really wanted to repeal the gas tax, the new one indexed to inflation, you should have voted for my amendment.

“What you’re doing is deceitful, it’s dishonest, and we’re gonna call you out!”

Murphy told Graham:

“The senators are reminded to address each other through the chair and in the third person.”

After being called out, The Hill notes, Graham “settled down.”

Here’s the video courtesy of Forbes: