Elections GOP Whining WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses Democrats Of Trying To ‘Create Happiness’ So They Can Win The Midterms


If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd bullshit that could possibly emanate from the putrid piehole that Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene calls her mouth, what she said earlier today is so ridiculous that it’s incredible she was able to say it without bursting into laughter.

Appearing on the right-wing “Real America’s Voice” podcast, Greene suggested that Democrats want to “create happiness” so they can win the midterm elections:

“I think we’re going to hear Joe Biden, he’s going to claim victory over Covid. And if he does that then you’ll know the Democrats are lying. You’ll know for sure like we’ve already known along that they’re just using Covid for politics and they’re very much looking to move on and create happiness going into the midterms.”

Wouldn’t Biden be justified in declaring victory over COVID? After all, it was his administration that made sure everyone who wanted a vaccination got one. 64% of the U.S. population is now fully vaccinated. 76% have received at least one dose. That’s despite the lies and misinformation spread by right-wing media and anti-vax extremists like Congresswoman Greene, who was too busy attending a white nationalist convention over the weekend to do anything constructive for her constituents.

There are already rumblings inside the GOP that they may not do as well as they originally thought in November. With clowns like Marjorie Taylor Greene on the ballot, Republicans have every reason to be concerned.

Perhaps the best response to Greene’s rant came from Twitter:

That’d make one hell of a bumper sticker. Maybe Margie can have some printed up.

GOP Social Media WTF?!

MTG Tries To Explain Her ‘Gazpacho Police’ Gaffe – Only Succeeds In Further Humiliating Herself

For Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), it’s a matter of going from the frying pan right into the fire.

On Wednesday, the Georgia Republican had a complete meltdown during an interview with One America News (OAN), accusing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) of spying on members of the GOP caucus:

“So we have the Capitol Police – now, I don’t think it’s the rank and file – I think it is those in charge in the administration. And Nancy Pelosi is using them like political pawns, sending them into our offices.

“They’re even checking into people that go to our events outside of outside of Washington. So everything is completely out of control. Not only do we have the D.C. jail, which is the D.C. gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi’s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress spying on the legislative work that we do, spying on our staff and spying on American citizens that want to come talk to their representatives.”

Gazpacho is a cold soup made of raw, blended vegetables, not a type of police force. Gestapo would have been the correct word, but when you’re as stupid as Greene, you find new ways to embarrass yourself every time you open your big mouth.

And now the Georgia Republican is trying to suggest that she meant to use the wrong word and did it as some sort of moronic homage to her lord and savior, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:

“Some of us slip up a word every now and then, but Joe Biden doesn’t even know the words coming out of his mouth practically all the time.

“The good news is that the people know the difference.

“So in the famous words of some one I hold dear.. Covfefe!”

But people weren’t buying Green’s pathetic excuse, and they couldn’t resist telling her so. Take a look:


MT Greene Humiliates Herself With Absurd Rant About Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Gazpacho Police’ Spying On Congress

Based on what she said Wednesday evening during an appearance on One America News (OAN), it’s very clear that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has lost what was left of her already defective mind.

According to Greene, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is using the Capitol police to spy on Republicans in Congress.

Mediaite reports:

Greene said Pelosi is using the Capitol Police to target members of Congress. She cited the allegations made by Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX), who on Tuesday claimed police had “illegally” entered his office in November and took pictures. He also said “intelligence agents” dressed as construction workers returned days later and questioned an aide.

The Capitol Police issued a statement saying, “The weekend before Thanksgiving, one of our vigilant officers spotted the Congressman’s door was wide open. That Monday, USCP personnel personally followed up with the Congressman’s staff and determined no investigation or further action of any kind was needed.”

Yet from that unsubstantiated claim from a fellow nutjob member of the GOP caucus, Greene decided to suggest that she and others are being spied on, remarking:

“So we have the Capitol Police – now, I don’t think it’s the rank and file – I think it is those in charge in the administration. And Nancy Pelosi is using them like political pawns, sending them into our offices.”

As if that wasn’t bizarre enough, Greene then asserted that Capitol police were also investigating visitors who come to meet with members of Congress:

“They’re even checking into people that go to our events outside of outside of Washington. So everything is completely out of control. Not only do we have the D.C. jail, which is the D.C. gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi’s gazpacho police spying on members of Congress spying on the legislative work that we do, spying on our staff and spying on American citizens that want to come talk to their representatives.”

Gazpacho, it should be noted, is defined as a “cold soup made of raw, blended vegetables.”

Presumably, Greene was attempting to say “Gestapo,” but her brain was too filled with conspiracy theories and other assorted bullshit to process the word correctly.

Greene went on to add this bit of clear incitement to yet another insurrection:

“This government has turned into something that it was never meant to be and it’s time to make it end.”

Here’s what’s really going on with all of the Republican complaining and wailing: They’re terrified because they know the House Select Committee has evidence that implicates them in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. And now they’re imagining how bad it’s going to be when all the evidence is laid before the American public and the Justice Department beings handing down criminal charges.

Oh well, if she’s lucky, Marjorie can always make her some nice ramen gazpacho in federal prison.


Congress GOP LGBT Issues WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Unhinged Meltdown After Her Hateful Anti-Trans Sign Is Vandalized

Shortly after she took office in early 2021, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted a disgusting sign outside her congressional office, which just so happened to be across the hall from another member of Congress who has a transgender child.

As CNN reported at the time:

Illinois Rep. Marie Newman, whose daughter is transgender, posted a video on Twitter of her hanging the pink and blue transgender pride flag outside her office Wednesday afternoon, captioning that Greene tried to block the act “because she believes prohibiting discrimination against trans Americans is ‘disgusting, immoral, and evil,'” adding, “thought we’d put up our Transgender flag so she can look at it every time she opens her door” with winking and transgender flag emojis.

That evening, Greene retweeted Newman’s post and added a video of her hanging a sign that reads “There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE …Trust The Science!”

Now, however, someone has decided to leave a message on Greene’s sign –“Free Palestine”– and it put her into an unhinged tizzy, taking to Telegram (because she’s been banned from Twitter) and posting a video that is just this side of deranged in which she angrily declares:

“I want you to know about the criminals who actually work in these office buildings, because I’ve been having to deal with them now for months and months.

“This sign is such a trigger factor for Democrats and apparently people who actually work in my office building — that they started vandalizing this sign, and then they stole the sign, so I’ve gone through six signs since early last year.”

But it’s what Greene says next in the video that’s so damn laughable:

“This is criminal activity. It’s vandalism, destruction of property, so when the person gets caught they’re going to be held accountable. But here’s the scary thing — they work in our building!”

Criminal activity? Is it as bad as what was done on January 6, which Greene has repeatedly tried to downplay? She even has the nerve to whine that the domestic terrorists who defaced the Capitol and killed a police officer on that horrific day are being mistreated while they’re incarcerated and awaiting trial. Which makes you wonder if Greene would be this enraged if someone had written “Free the J6 prisoners” on her beloved sign.

Near the end of her video, Greene tries to get sympathy by asserting that her life is in danger:

“Because if someone is this crazy, so crazy and deranged over a sign that says there are only two genders, male and female, and they keep attacking it … then obviously they may try to attack me personally.”

In one final hissy fit flourish, Greene talks about how much she hates being in Congress, which makes you wonder why she doesn’t just resign and not run for reelection in the midterms:

“Anyways, I just wanted to give y’all a little heads up on what actually happens in Washington — and it’s loserville, loserville in Washington. Absolute most pathetic place I’ve ever been in my life. Completely disgusts me. It’s totally dysfunctional. The Democrats are destroying our county, and then there’s idiots that have to run around and vandalize signs because they’re so triggered by the fact that there are only two genders.”

Poor Marjorie! She’s used to being a bully, but when someone pushes back or writes a message on her hallowed sign, she pitches a fit like a spoiled toddler.

Here’s the video:


GOP Whining Racism Supreme Court

Majorie Taylor Greene Has A Meltdown Over Biden’s Plan To Nominate A Black Woman As Next SCOTUS Justice

Even though she swears she’s not a bigot or a racist, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is absolutely apoplectic that President Joe Biden has promised to nominate a black woman to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

Greene made an appearance on the “War Room” podcast of indicted former Trump administration official Steve Bannon on Monday, and she immediately began whining about Biden and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has said he welcomes the nomination of a black woman to the high court:

“We want leaders in Washington that are actually going to do the job instead of beg and cry on television for small dollar donations when someone is actually trying to get them out of office. And so for Lindsey Graham to stand there on television and defend Joe Biden’s pick for a Black justice on the Supreme Court, which is the most racist thing — I thought we were done with racism in this country — we should look at character, accomplishments, and he ability to do the job.”

Greene then added that all Graham is doing is “helping Biden’s agenda” and “doesn’t care about the two-tier justice system in America because he feels he was a victim of the riot at the Capitol right along with Nancy Pelosi…”

Did Marjorie have a problem with any of the SCOTUS nominees from failed, one-term former President Donald Trump? Of course not; they were all white and right-wing extremists.

The fact that Greene would dare to say, “I thought we were done with racism in this country” proves just how dangerously out of touch she is. It also suggests that she feeling aggrieved by the idea of a black Supreme Court justice because her bigotry cannot allow her to consider the idea without it arousing anger in her tiny cinder of a heart.