Congress Foreign Policy GOP U.S. Senate WTF?!

WATCH: Lindsey Graham EXPLODES When Asked A Question By Reporter During Trip To Israel

During a visit to Israel on Monday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had a full-scale meltdown when a reporter from right-wing network Newsmax asked him a question about Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

At a press conference, Newsmax’s Daniel Cohen began by thanking Graham for his support of Israel, but then asked, “And I’d like to ask any Democrat senator here that would like to speak to Rashida Tlaib. She still has a tweet up condemning Israel for a hospital attack.”

Graham replied, “We are here together, not to talk about the problems at home, which are many.”

Cohen pressed: “It’s a question.”

That’s when Graham grew angry.

“You’re not going to screw this up!” Graham shouted.

Cohen: “I’m not trying to screw it up.”

That only made Graham angrier, leading him to suggest Cohen should be removed.

“Get this guy out of here!”

Graham then pounded the podium and declared:

“I’m an American. And I believe in free speech. I don’t believe what the squad has to say at all. But I came here with Democrats and Republicans to let everybody in the world know.”

“Don’t judge every Democrat by the squad, and don’t judge every Republican by some of the things you hear.”

A few minutes later, Graham offered an apology to the reporter: “And I’m sorry, my friend. I probably shouldn’t have said it, but my nerves are raw right now.”

Here’s the video:


Crime Elections GOP Whining

Lindsey Graham Tries To Defend Trump From Indictment And Steps Into A Steaming Pile Of Irony

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) went on Fox “News” Monday evening and did his best impression of Henny Penny, declaring that the sky was definitely falling if disgraced former president Donald Trump wound up being indicted in the state of Georgia for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Appearing with Fox host Jesse Watters, Graham whined that the legal problems facing Trump were “unfair.”

“The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not,” Graham declared. “This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man in jail.”

As HuffPost notes, many couldn’t help but wonder if Graham fully appreciated the irony of his words.

Users on … Twitter said deciding Trump’s fate at the ballot box was “sorta the point here.”


Donald Trump Elections GOP

Lindsey Graham Gets Booed By Crowd And Verbally Humiliated By Trump At Rally

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) got the opposite of a warm homecoming welcome when he appeared at a campaign rally for failed former president Donald Trump in Pickens, South Carolina.

Videos circulating on social media show the crowd lustily booing the senior South Carolina senator as he made remarks and introduced the twice-indicted ex-president, with the Greenville News reporting:

Graham, from nearby Oconee County, said he was going to help Trump win the 2024 general election and even pointed out that he was part of the Senate Judiciary Committee that helped bolster the Supreme Court’s conservative sheen. Despite that, the crowd remained unmoved and the booing continued for just over six minutes of Graham’s remarks.

When Trump took the stage, he tried to suggest that South Carolina loved Graham, according to Mediaite.

“Now, you know, you can make mistakes on occasion. Even Lindsey down here, Senator Lindsey Graham, we love Senator Graham.”

More loud booing.


“But when I need some of those liberal votes, he’s always there to help me get them, okay? We got some pretty liberal people. But he’s good. He’s good. We know the good ones. We know the bad ones, too. We got some real bad ones. But even he makes mistakes on occasion.”

To say it was a very bad day for Lindsey would be the biggest understatement of 2023. Even his own home state hates his guts.


Abortion GOP WTF?!

Lindsey Graham Has A Full-Scale Hissy Fit After CNN Host Fact-Checks Him On Abortion Laws

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham had pitched a massive hissy fit during an appearance on CNN Sunday morning when host Dana Bash dared to fact-check him on the issue of abortion and the laws regarding the procedure.

Appearing on “State of the Union,” Graham was discussing the usage of the Comstock Act to possibly ban the abortion drug mifepristone, which led Bash to ask if the senator agreed with Donald Trump that such matters should be decided by the states or if he thought former Vice President Mike Pence was right to suggest that abortion should be banned at the federal level.

Rather than respond, Graham threw mud, incorrectly suggesting the Democrats are in favor of “barbaric” abortions up until the very moment of birth, which led Bash to note, “Just for the record, Roe went up to viability.”

Graham got red in the face and raised his voice as he stated, “No! No! No! Quit covering for these guys! No, no, no! You’re media, you keep covering for these guys! They introduced legislation that allowed abortion on demand with taxpayer-funded [abortion] up to the moment of birth. That was their position in Washington! That’s the law they want to pass, and nobody in your business will talk about it!”

Bash retorted, “Senator. I’m not covering for anybody. You know that, and when I have Democrats on, I’ve asked many — all of them — about their position on where they believe this issue should be.”

“My question for you, sir, is about President Trump, who you’ve endorsed to be president again. Is he right in saying that this issue should be a state’s issue?”

Instead of replying to the question, Graham could only manage that was certain Trump iss opposed to later-term abortion, which had nothing to do with Bash’s question.

Here’s a suggesting for Sen. Graham: Since you can’t possibly have an abortion or give birth to anything but exaggeration and lies, let women and their doctors decide. The government has no role in family planning decisions.

Here’s the video:

Donald Trump Fox News GOP

Weepy Lindsey Graham Begs Fox Viewers To Give Money To Trump’s Legal Defense Fund

If you see the name of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) trending on social media this morning, it’s because he made a complete jackass of himself during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show Thursday evening.

Graham was discussing the indictment of disgraced ex-president Donald Trump by a Manhattan grand jury with the Fox News host when he got all weepy and started begging viewers to send cash to the failed one-term, twice-impeached former president for his legal defense.

His eyes red as if he’d been crying and at times slurring his words, Graham whined:

“They’re trying to destroy Donald Trump because they fear him at the ballot box. To the conservatives out there, make sure you vote if you got friends, make sure they vote. If you don’t have any friends, go make some friends but you need to help this man, Donald J. Trump. They’re trying to drain him dry; he’s spent more money on lawyers than most spend on campaigns. They’re trying to bleed him dry. — go tonight, give the president some money to fight this bullshit. This is going to destroy America”


Graham’s plea was mocked by “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough Friday morning on MSNBC:

“I’ve got to say, that Lindsey Graham moment? He’s tearing up. Lindsey knows what a bad man Donald Trump is. Lindsey is the one who said, ‘if we make him our nominee, he’ll destroy the Republican party and we deserve it.'”

Scarborough added:

“Lindsey almost crying there — that reminded me of Oral Roberts climbing up into his tower in the ’80s, saying, ‘Give me $3 million or I’m not coming down from this tower.'”

Graham also got thoroughly mocked on Twitter.