Crime Donald Trump Justice Department WTF?!

Kimberly Guilfoyle Suggests She Knows More About Federal Law Than Jack Smith

Disgraced former Fox “News” host Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is engaged to Donald Trump Jr., wants us all to know that Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith doesn’t understand federal law the way she does, and that means the criminal case against failed former president Donald Trump doesn’t have a chance of succeeding.

On her podcast, Guilfoyle went on for several minutes about the indictment of her future father-in-law, suggesting that presidential power always overrides the law, even after a president leaves the White House and returns to private life.

“You’ve heard a lot about the Espionage Act and all of the bluster from Special Counsel Jack Smith, but there’s another law called the Presidential Records Act that undercuts the entire argument. Any record the president or his staff creates or receives in their official duty or capacity is a presidential record,” Guilfoyle insisted.

“Translation: Donald Trump had the right under the law to maintain custody of his records whether they were classified or not,” she added.

“So what we’re really dealing with is just another example of Democrat prosecutors creating new legal theories to weaponize the law against Donald Trump,” Guilfoyle claimed.

Wow! Is that true? Nope. What Guilfoyle said is a complete crock of shit, as CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale explained in March.

The Presidential Records Act says that, the moment a president leaves office, NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) gets custody and control of all presidential records from his administration. Nothing in the act says there should be prolonged “talk” or a negotiated “agreement” between a former president and NARA over a former president’s return of presidential documents – much less that there should have been a months-long battle after NARA first contacted Trump’s team in 2021 to try to get some of the records that had not been handed over at the end of his presidency.

The Presidential Records Act could not possibly be clearer. It reads:

“Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.”

Reports are that Trump is looking for a good attorney to represent him in the upcoming documents case. Since Guilfoyle seems to be such an expert, why doesn’t he ask her to be his lawyer?

Probably because he knows she’s a clueless moron and he’d wind up getting a 500-year sentence.


Crime Donald Trump

Trump’s Latest Legal Headache From Special Counsel Jack Smith: Possible Wire Fraud Charges 

In addition to the criminal charges failed one-term former president Donald Trump could face when Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith completes his investigation of the classified documents Trump had illegally at Mar-a-Lago, a report from The New York Times also suggests that Smith may well indict Trump for wire fraud.

According to The Times, “Led by the special counsel Jack Smith, prosecutors are trying to determine whether Mr. Trump and his aides violated federal wire fraud statutes as they raised as much as $250 million through a political action committee by saying they needed the money to fight to reverse election fraud even though they had been told repeatedly that there was no evidence to back up those fraud claims.”

“In the past several months, prosecutors have issued multiple batches of subpoenas in a wide-ranging effort to understand Save America,” The Times added, “which was set up shortly after the election as Mr. Trump’s main fund-raising entity.”

That led former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner to note during a Saturday appearance on MSNBC, “Wire fraud is the stock and trade of the federal prosecutors. If you use the wires, it’s an old-time term, it used to mean the TV, the radio, the telephone — now it’s the internet — as part of a scheme to defraud others out of their money.”

Kirschner continued, “Those are fairly easy charges to prove. So I have a feeling, you can see a series of wire fraud charges in what I would predict would be the larger charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

Trump has been committing fraud for decades by refusing to pay contractors, attorneys, and employees. But defrauding the United States is a much more serious matter, if only because the DOJ has almost unlimited resources to pursue Donald to the doors of the nearest federal prison.

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

WTF?! Trump Bizarrely Claims Special Counsel Jack Smith Stole The 2020 Election

While he loves to make fun of any verbal misstatement that President Joe Biden makes, failed one-term former president Donald Trump made the mistake of the year with statements he made today about the ongoing investigation being conducted by Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Mediaite reports that Trump said in a video he posted on his failing Truth Social site that Smith attempted to rig the 2020 election against him because he’s leading in the polls. Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland in November of last year.

The video begins with Trump attacking Biden.

“He has been totally uncooperative, won’t show the documents under any circumstances, and is fighting like hell. I very simply went by the Presidential Records Act. Very importantly, it was designed and written for this purpose have a right to declassify and did absolutely nothing wrong, but was purposely given by the DOJ and Biden a Trump hating prosecutor, Jack Smith.”

Then the disgraced ex-president goes after Smith.

“He’s a Trump hater. His wife said Trump paid her. His family is a Trump hater. They all hate Trump. They hate him with a passion. They’ll do anything they can to hurt Trump. But he’s a harasser and an abuser of our people in order to obstruct and interfere with the 2020 presidential election.”

From there comes Trump’s suggestion Smith is actually trying to sabotage his chances in 2024.

“That’s why they’re doing it. We’re leading by a lot in the polls. If I weren’t, I believe it would all stop where if I weren’t running, I believe it would all stop immediately. But that’s not going to happen. The public will not stand for this unequal treatment. Joe Biden is guilty. I am not at all. Thank you very much.”

Of course, this isn’t the first time Trump has made laughable verbal gaffes, as seen in this video from Newsweek:

It certainly appears that all the pressure on Donnie is taking a toll on his already diseased mind.

Crime Donald Trump Espionage

Jack Smith Will Have No Choice But To Charge Trump With Espionage: Legal Expert

Based on recent reporting that failed former president Donald Trump may have shown classified documents people who visited him at his Mar-a-Lago resort, Special Counsel Jack Smith will be charging the ex-president with espionage as well as obstruction of justice, a state attorney said Wednesday.

On April 2, The Washington Post reported that Trump may have shared classified information with others.

As investigators piece together what happened in May and June of last year, they have been asking witnesses if Trump showed classified documents, including maps, to political donors, people familiar with those conversations said.

That, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg, would constitute a direct violation of the Espionage Statute found in federal law.

During an appearance on “Deadline: White House” Wednesday, Aronberg noted:

“I think the reason that they asked about the map is another statute, 18 USC 719 (e), ‘The Espionage Statute,’ says that someone who is unauthorized to have possession of a map and then shows it to someone who can’t see it violates that statute,” Aronberg explained. “So, they’re not just going after him for obstruction, but also espionage, which is punishable by up to ten years in prison. That’s why there’s a lot of trouble ahead. That’s why Bill Barr is saying, hey, this is the tough one. It’s not New York that will do in the former president in. I think it’s the Mar-a-Lago documents because there’s a direct tie between the former president and the alleged criminality there.”

Keep in mind that’s ten years for each count of violating the Espionage Statute. And Trump could be charged for every single time he took the documents out and showed them to others who didn’t have a valid security clearance. Two people would be 20 years. If he showed them to 10 people, he’d be facing a century in federal prison.

Things are about to get much worse for Donald Trump. The only question that remains is when Smith will hand down the indictments against the former president and exactly what crimes the former president will be charged with.


Crime Donald Trump

Former Trump Attorney: Jack Smith Has More Than Enough Evidence To Indict Trump In Docs Case

When Donald Trump was still president, one of the attorneys who defended him was Ty Cobb, and now Cobb is speaking out on the matter of the classified documents Trump took from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago resort.

During an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, Cobb was asked:

“There is so much attention on the Alvin Bragg indictment,” said anchor Erin Burnett. “I do know, though, that you think that there is another and a bigger charge more significant charge about to come in the special counsel’s investigation into the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, and that you think that Jack Smith will charge Trump with obstruction, and he’s going to do that likely within 60 days. Why that specific charge and why that, at this point, accelerated timeline?”

Cobb replied:

“I think … the evidence is falling into place so neatly on those offenses. On the false statements to the FBI, to the Department of Justice on the attempts to conceal documents both in connection with the grand jury subpoena and in connection um what with the post search events. So I think that case is coming together rapidly and in a way that is virtually unassailable, and it may well overtake, I think it will well overtake, the January 6th investigation. Keep in mind, there are two different grand juries on those two matters, and there’s no obligation that they be brought at the same time.”

“So I think that case is accelerating,” Cobb continued. “I think the evidence, you know, it’s coming over the transom in waves, and it’s all falling neatly into place. And it should not be difficult, given the fact that ever since the government noticed big gaps in the documents that Trump had left at the White House and what he had previously known to have, including the letters from his, you know, friends in North Korea ever since they started trying to get those documents and retrieve the classified documents, there has been false statement after false statement. There have been, you know, failures to cooperate. There has been an attempt to have employees lie to people. So the evidence is building brick by brick, and there isn’t a good brick in there for the former president.”

That led Burnett to inquire, “You think all this could happen, just to be clear, within the next 60 days charge?”

“I do,” Cobb said. “I think the evidence has come together fast enough to that that could be easily charged. And if it is charged that quickly, I think it could, you know, quickly overtake the Bragg case as the lead case, most likely to get to trial before November of 2024.”