Elections GOP WTF?!

Georgia GOP Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Says Evolution Is Bogus Because ‘There Are Still Apes’

According to Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker, the theory of evolution is bogus because apes and humans currently coexist on the planet.

Walker made his remarks during an appearance at a Georgia church over the weekend, HuffPost reports:

“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? … If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.”

Yeah, think about it. Because it’s quite clear that Walker didn’t give it much thought.

Evolution doesn’t say that humans evolved from the apes that are found at the zoo. Instead, both humans and apes have a common ancestor that walked the Earth about 10 million years ago.

Humans are also technically classified as apes, but that doesn’t mean the chimp you see at the zoo is just one evolutionary step from being fully human. And there’s nothing that prohibits apes and humans from coexisting at the same time. If there was, then one of the two species wouldn’t be here.

Walker went on to try and prove his thesis about why God is necessary for all creation by saying that science “can’t do” the “conception of a baby.”

“They’re still trying to do that, but they can’t, because there has to be a God.”

Does there have to be a God for in vitro fertilization? If so, is he found in the test tube or the contents of that glassware? And if God is in everything, how to explain the existence of evil people such as serial killers, genocidal dictators, and cult leaders?

Amazingly, Walker is currently in the lead in a head-to-head matchup with current Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, who just so happens to be an ordained minister and could probably quote the Bible a lot more fluently and accurately than Walker, whose claim to fame is that he used to play professional football and won the Heisman Trophy in 1982.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Trump’s Handpicked Georgia Senate Candidate Accused Of Having A ‘Porn Addiction’

According to failed former President Donald Trump, the perfect person to be the GOP nominee for the Senate in the state of Georgia is former NFL star Herschel Walker, so he has given his full endorsement to the ex-football player, commenting in September:

“Herschel Walker will never let you down. He was a great football player and will be an even better U.S. Senator—if that is even possible. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

Considering Trump’s propensity for being sexually promiscuous, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Walker is being accused of having an addiction to porn, according to one of his Republican primary opponents.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

“A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter. Several others also have accounts on OnlyFans, a social media platform popular with porn stars.”

Asked for comment, Walker’s campaign manager, Scott Paradise, called the accusation “stupid,” and added:

“He follows or is followed by tens of thousands of people.”

That explanation, however, didn’t satisfy Walker’s GOP rival, Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, who wondered if perhaps Walker has an addiction to porn, with a spokesperson for Black’s campaign noting:

“Stalking, and domestic abuse are disqualifying by themselves but a porn addiction would be a significant third strike. That’s just handing the Senate to the Democrats. While personally sad, it’s definitely conduct unbecoming of a candidate for elected office.”

If Walker does win the Republican nomination, he would face incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D).