Donald Trump Jr. Social Media

Ana Navarro Verbally Eviscerates Donald Trump Jr. For Calling Her Fat

On Friday, shortly after a COVID scare on the set of the ABC program “The View,” Donald Trump Jr. thought he’d prove what an asshole he is by calling co-host Ana Navarro obese, firing off this tweet:

In response, Navarro posted this message for Junior:

But Ms. Navarro was far from finished with Don Jr., verbally destroying him on the Monday’s show as she looked into the camera and remarked:

“First of all, I mean I know that when you are a dimwit with no skill or talent or significant accomplishments, living off your father’s fame, and name, and fortune, you’ve gotta draw attention to yourself,” the co-host lambasted Don Jr.

“But baby, if you wanna have a conversation about COVID and obesity, you could have had it last October when your elderly, obese father had it, OK? So it is a legitimate conversation to have and, fortunately for you, you have somebody in your family that you can call and discuss it with…because imagine having a father whose butt is the size of a studio apartment in New Jersey.

“And you’ve got the gall to pick on me?”

Navarro even posted video of her remarks to Twitter so everyone could enjoy them:

Hey, Junior: Next time you decide to try and trash someone, go take a look in the mirror first and realize that you’re one of the biggest pieces of crap on the planet.

Donald Trump Jr. Elections Social Media Voting Rights

Don Jr. Gets Slapped Silly For Making A Tasteless Joke About Black Women Not Being Able To Vote

On Thursday, there were protests in defense of voting rights on Capitol Hill, one of which was led by Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH), Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus. Beatty and other black women were arrested for their protests, which they knew they likely would be. But they had brought attention to the need for voting rights legislation and made their point.

Afterwards, posted a strong, defiant message on Twitter to let the world know she and her fellow protesters won’t be silenced and won’t stop protesting until Congress passes comprehensive legislation to address the wave of voting restrictions being passed by GOP-controlled states across the country:

Beatty also shared photos of her and her fellow protesters before they were arrested:

For some reason known only to him, Donald Trump Jr. decided he’d comment on Congresswoman Beatty’s tweets, but he did it in a way that’s typical for him: Like a moronic asshole:

Yes, black women can indeed vote. But it seems Republicans consider them to be a threat to their electoral future, so they want to make it as difficult as possible for people of color to vote. Make no mistake: Voting restrictions are about suppressing the voices of black and brown Americans. They’re a modern-day form of Jim Crow.

Rep. Beatty, however, got the last word on the matter:

Others also joined the parade, verbally slapping Junior down:

Donald Trump Jr. WTF?!

Don Jr. Releases Batsh*t Crazy Video That Has People Urging His Family To Stage An Intervention

In the surest sign yet that something MONUMENTAL is about to break regarding the legal case against the Trump Organization, a video Donald Trump Jr. posted on Monday is drawing calls for him to be placed in rehab immediately.

In the video, Junior goes on an extended rant about Russian hackers, President Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden. In other words, it’s a replaying of the greatest hits from the Trump family: They project their own crimes and insecurities onto everyone else, which is so transparently confessional that it should be allowed into evidence.

Oh, there’s also the fact that Don Jr. sounds buzzed on something. He slurs his words at times, which suggests alcohol, but his glazed eyes and manic energy point to Bolivian marching powder.

See for yourself:

Even people who despise the Trump spawn and what they stand for began suggesting that Junior’s family stage an intervention, which of course they won’t do:

When the indictments are handed down, someone had better lock Junior in a room and make him detox cold turkey. Yes, for his health, but also because he deserves it.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Joe Biden Social Media

Don Jr. Humiliates Himself And His Old Man By Comparing The Failed Former POTUS To Joe Biden

Bless his coal-black, shrunken heart, Donald Trump Jr. just cannot avoid owning himself as he engages in being a dutiful son/sycophant for a father who couldn’t possibly care less about him and has long ago made it clear that Ivanka is his favorite child that he wanted to have sex with when she was only 13.

According to Junior, his father is far more accomplished in his four failed years as president than the current head of state, Joe Biden.

Don Jr. made his claim on Instagram, because apparently he doesn’t like Twitter now that the platform banned his father for being a lying, traitorous sack of shit:

How pathetic can one person be? Well there’s Don Jr. pathetic and everyone else is in a distant second place.

That was all it took for social media to light up with derision and mockery of Traitor Tot:

It’s going to be so much fun to watch in the months ahead as members of the Trump family start to turn on each other in exchange for a reduced prison sentence.