Domestic Terrorism Donald Trump Fox News

Tucker Carlson Says It’s ‘Appalling’ Trump Hasn’t Sent Money To Any Of The Jan. 6 Rioters

Proving yet again that he’s one of the most willfully ignorant people on the planet, Fox News host Tucker Carlson says he’s upset that failed, one-term former President Donald Trump hasn’t sent a dime of money to any of the Jan. 6 rioters.

According to Mediaite, Carlson had this to say during an interview he was conducting:

Carlson, while interviewing right-wing commentator Julie Kelly, said he finds it “appalling” that Trump had yet to donate any money to his supporters who were arrested on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol.

Since leaving office, Trump has continued to raise large sums of money from supporters with claims to fight election fraud and help elect Republicans. As of July, the last federal reporting date, Trump’s three major fundraising operations declared more than $100 million in cash on hand.

Specifically, Carlson said he found it “appalling” that Trump hadn’t shared any of that $100 million with the insurrectionists:

“People are going to be offended that I ask this, but I can’t control myself. What about the president on whose behalf they were gathered that day? Has anybody sent them money? The people around him, Brad Parscale, all these people are getting rich, right? Complaining that the last election was rigged, which it clearly was, obviously. And they’re making all this money and all these people are sending all this money down to Florida. But is any of that money going to defend these people who went to this rally on behalf of that candidate?”

Kelly, who has been fond of sharing election conspiracy theories, agreed with Carlson, remarking:

“Not that I know of. And I will say no. No. And it’s a question that I have been asking myself and I a lot of them have been asking too. A lot of them were there to support Trump. They were there to protest the election being taken from him unlawfully. But aside, really, from a few comments about political prisoners — he has said a few things about Ashli Babbitt — to my knowledge… no, there has not been any financial aide coming from anyone of a prominent position to help these people.”

That led Carlson to go all-in on his condemnation of the notoriously greedy Trump:

“I just find that appalling. I really do. I really find that appalling.”

Do you, Tucker? Then why don’t you give Dotard Donnie a phone call and tell him the exact same thing you just said? He’d probably take your call, and what would it hurt?

You’d think Carlson would know that Trump isn’t exactly known for being generous with his money. He’s planning to use that $100 million to try and run for another term in 2024 or to help pay some of his loans, many of which are coming due in the near future.

What’s really “appalling” is that it took this long for Tucker Carlson to temporarily pull his head out of his ass, look around, and acknowledge that Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.

Congress Fox News Fox News Lies GOP Social Media

Marjorie Taylor Greene Called Rep. Liz Cheney A ‘Karen’ – That Was A Big Mistake

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) walked into a hornet’s nest of her own creation Thursday after she tried to mock Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) for criticizing Fox News host Tucker Carlson and a special he’s done for the network which claims the Jan.6 attack at the U.S. Capitol was a “false flag,” planned and carried out by the federal government.

In response to Carlson’s recklessness, Cheney sent out this tweet:

Greene couldn’t resist taking a cheap shot at Cheney for daring to criticize Carlson:

As HuffPost notes, if anyone is deserving of the “Karen” moniker, it’s Greene:

Greene (who late night comedian Trevor Noah once dubbed “Osama Bin Karen”) has likened House mask mandates to the Holocaust, said she doesn’t believe in evolution, has pushed a conspiracy theory about Jewish space lasers starting wildfires in California and liked social media posts calling for the execution of prominent Democrats, which caused her to be stripped of her House committee assignments.

Others then joined the online debate, excoriating Greene and reminding her what a joke she is.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene: The Declaration Of Independence Justifies The Capitol Insurrection

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is proving her complete ignorance of American history yet again by claiming that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was completely justified because the Declaration of Independence mentions the right to “overthrow tyrants.

Appearing on the “War Room” podcast hosted by former Trump administration official Steve Bannon, Greene proudly let the world know that her brain is perpetually stuck in idle, remarking:

“If you think about what our Declaration of Independence says, it says to overthrow tyrants. There is a clear difference between Jan. 6 and the Marxist, Communist revolution, the Antifa, BLM, Democrat ground troops waged on the American people in 2020.”

Democrat ground troops? A Communist revolution? When and where did that happen? Apparently, Greene thinks that legal protests over police brutality are the first stage of revolution, and yet if she had any understanding of the document she references, she’d know the right to protest was one the reasons the Founding Fathers chose to break from Great Britain and form their own country without having to pledge obedience to a king.

Greene also told Bannon that what she called the “lies of Blue Anon” and “Democrat media” could “cause someone like me to be killed, or someone like you, Steve, to be killed.”

“They’re the real problem in this country.”

Actually, Marj, lies and bullshit conspiracy theories are the biggest problem in the country. They’re weapons of disinformation that infect the brains of the gullible and lead directly to the sort of violence we saw on Jan. 6.

Greene sounds more rattled and desperate than usual, and that may have a lot to do with a report from Rolling Stone citing two organizers of the Capitol riots who said they had dozens of meetings with members of Congress (including Greene) in the weeks before the Jan. 6 attack.

Bannon is also suspected of having played a major role in the violence at the Capitol and had been indicted by the Justice Department for contempt of Congress after he ignored a subpoena for information and testimony from the the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6.


Capitol Insurrection Domestic Terrorism Donald Trump

Capitol Rioter Trashes The Donald: ‘Trump Is Not A Leader…He Needs To Go Away!’

Many of the people who showed up in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021 and stormed the Capitol have said they did so because they believed they’d been instructed to do so by failed, one-term, twice-impeached President Donald Trump.

As ABC News reported back in February, the lure for some of the rioters was a bizarre, imagined attachment to Trump:

An ABC News investigation into the nearly 200 accused rioters facing federal charges for their alleged involvement at the Capitol — based on court filings, military records, interviews, and available news reports– found that at least fifteen individuals who stormed the building have since said that they acted based on Trump’s encouragement, including some of those accused of the most violent and serious crimes.

Thomas Sibick also thought he was doing what Trump wanted when he marched on the Capitol and attacked law enforcement officers, but now says he can see he was wrong and the ex-president is a cancer on the country.

In a letter he sent to U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, Sibick writes:

“[The attack was] a disgrace to our nation that left a scar Trump is ultimately responsible for. [Trump] is not a leader and should be ostracized from any political future, what he honestly needs to do is go away! I disagree with what occurred that fateful day, especially the trauma suffered by Officer Michael Fanone, it is without question unconscionable.”

Sibick was released by Judge Jackson until his trial, but under very strict conditions, Ryan Reilly of HuffPost reports:

Overall, Sibick is facing 10 felony counts: Obstruction of an official proceeding, and aiding and abetting; civil disorder; assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers; robbery; entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; impeding ingress and egress in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; impeding passage through the Capitol grounds or buildings; and act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.

Those are all serious charges and could wind up sending Sibick to prison for years. But at least he appears to have finally seen the light and can admit that the man he and may others once considered a political savior is instead a malignancy who can never be allowed back in power.

Donald Trump does indeed need to “go away.” To prison. And for a very long time.

Congress Crime Donald Trump

House January 6 Committee Believes There’s Video Evidence Proving Trump’s Guilt

The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol has reason to believe there’s video evidence which would prove that former President Donald Trump didn’t want his supporters to vacate the premises and instead expected them to remain until he had been declared the winner of the 2020 election.

The committee has requested from the National Archives all of the video recordings Trump made as the rioting grew more intense, because in some of them Trump didn’t tell the rioters to disperse, but only expressed his love and support for them.

Based on reporting in a new book from ABC News White House correspondent Jon Karl, we know that several versions of Trump’s video message were recorded.

In the book, Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show, Karl writes, according to ABC News:

The former president liked what he saw, boasted about the size of the crowd and argued with aides who wanted him to tell his supporters to stop rioting, according to Karl’s sources.

Two hours after the riot started, Trump finally acquiesced to recording a video statement. In the message posted to Twitter, he asked his supporters to go home but also praised them. “We love you. You are special,” Trump said in the video.

An aide present for the recording said, “Trump had to tape the message several times before they thought he got it right.”

In earlier versions he neglected to tell his supporters to leave the Capitol, according to Karl.

And that, Ryan Goodman of Just Security notes, is why the Select Committee wants to see every version of the video Trump recorded:

That would indeed be evidence of Trump’s guilt. It would prove his intent and that he didn’t want the violence to stop until he got what he wanted; until he could remain as head of state.

Trump filed suit to block the committee from getting any videos. Why would he want to keep that information hidden if he didn’t do anything wrong, as he repeatedly suggests? Because he knows it will prove his culpability and likely send him to prison for decades.