Congress Elections GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Boyfriend Blows A Fuse When Voters Literally Give Her The Finger 

Not long after her husband filed for divorce in July of last year, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began showing up in public with a man by the name of Brian Glenn, who works as Director Of Programming at Right Side Broadcasting Network.

It soon became clear that Greene and Glenn were indeed a couple, especially when they began posting photos of themselves together (and engaged in public displays of affection) on social media.

Ain’t they cute? It’s enough to make you vomit up the contents of your stomach and swear off the internet for a month.

And now Glenn is back in the headlines for whining about voters in Iowa flipping off his sweetheart at the Iowa State Fair, according to The Independent.

Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s boyfriend Brian Glenn shared an image on his Instagram story of them posing with kids in MAGA hats, only to notice afterwards that people in the background appeared to be photobombing them.

Ms Greene and Mr Glenn, the director of programming at the Right Side Broadcasting Network, attended the Iowa State Fair last weekend following a visit by former President Donald Trump.

“These kids screamed ‘we love MAGA, Trump 2024’ […] They were so happy!” Mr Glenn wrote in a caption of the photo.

However, if you look carefully in the upper left quadrant of the photo, it appears a woman is indeed flipping off the congresswoman and her beau, which triggered him BIG TIME, leading him to call the people “classless trash.”

This isn’t the first time Greene has been photobombed. She also got hit with a dose of disgust while campaigning in Georgia.

In June, Ms Greene shared a video on social media which seemed to include a constituent giving her the finger.

The Republican representative shared footage of her entering a stage in her district in northwest Georgia to a standing ovation, but one person appears to hold up their middle finger instead.

Sitting at the back and declining to stand and applaud, the constituent can be seen at the beginning of the video, which was posted on 1 June, as the rest cheer Ms Greene.

Interesting how the right-wing MAGA zealots can dish out the bile and vitriol, but they sure as hell can’t take it, can they?


Congress Elections GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene Floats Her Plans For The Future: ‘Is It Possible I’ll Be VP?’

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says that her political future may include being named as a running mate for Donald Trump or seeking a seat in the U.S. Senate.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Greene was furious with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) for declaring that the 2020 election had been fairly decided and Trump had lost both the Peach State and the presidency.

“His message should have been against this, not arguing with President Trump about the election and making it about his own ego and pride over Georgia’s election,” Greene remarked. “That’s a bad statement, and I was very upset over it.”

When the topic turned to her plans for the future, Greene had this to say:

“I haven’t made up my mind whether I will do that or not. I have a lot of things to think about. Am I going to be a part of President Trump’s Cabinet if he wins? Is it possible that I’ll be VP?”

How’s that for a terrifying future scenario? Just imagine for a second the thought of Marjorie Taylor Greene being a heartbeat away from having control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

If you need a reason to vote like your life depends on it in 2024, look no further than the specter of Marjorie Taylor Greene in higher political office.


Donald Trump Elections

Braggart Former Guy Humiliated After His ‘Record Crowd’ Iowa State Fair Attendance Numbers Are Released

Failed, disgraced, twice-impeached and thrice-indicted former president Donald Trump made an appearance at the annual Iowa State Fair on Saturday, along with just about every other Republican seeking the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

As he’s fond of doing, Trump tried to make the fair (which is virtually a rite of passage in the Hawkeye State) all about himself even though he was little more than a guest who just so happened to have Secret Service agents all over him like a proverbial fly on shit, which is certainly a fitting analogy when you consider the person they were guarding.

One of the first things Donnie did when he arrived was brag that it was the largest crowd ever for a state fair in Iowa.

“We have a record that was set. The largest crowd they’ve ever had. This is a record crowd, they’ve never had anything close.
“This is the biggest crowd they’ve ever had. I’m honored by it .. and they say there’s one reason for it.”

Translation: Here I am at the fair. The people are all here to see me. This is all about me. Look at me! Love me!! Worship me! Make me your pagan tangerine god!

But as with nearly everything Trump says, the biggest crowd line is a lie.

Total attendance for Saturday, according to the Des Moines Register, was 118,286. In 2022, the Iowa State Fair drew 5,000 more people than it did with Trump in attendance this year.

Also, the all-time record for attendance at the fair was set in 1991, when 127,277 showed up on a Saturday, which is third of the fair.

Biggest crowd they’ve ever had? Nope. More hot air from the master of bullshit and fabrication, Donald Trump.


Donald Trump Elections

Fly Lands On Trump’s Face During An Interview And The Sh*t Jokes Write Themselves

During failed former president Donald Trump’s interview with Newsmax host Eric Bolling, a couple of interesting things happened.

First of all, at the end of the segment, the right-wing network had to run a disclaimer to counter all the lies the ex-president had just spouted about the 2020 election, according to Newsweek:

After the interview ended, Bolling rushed through what appeared to be a short legal disclaimer that sharply contradicted Trump’s election claims.

post featuring a video clip of the moment was shared a short time later by the account @AccountableGOP on X, formerly Twitter, and had over 280,000 views at the time of publication.

“Alright folks, now just a note: Newsmax has accepted the election results as legal and final,” Bolling says in the clip, just after his interview with Trump.

And then there was the fly that stole the interview.

What fly? The one that lands on Trump’s face and was noticed by Keith Olbermann, who posted this:

Yep. There is indeed a fly landing on Donnie. And the insect must have been so disgusted by the smell that he immediately flew away, unlike the one that lingered in then-vice president Mike Pence’s hair during a 2020 debate with Kamala Harris.

The latest fly drew quite a few comments, with many noting that flies are indeed attracted to shit.


Congress Donald Trump GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

GOP Congressman Accidentally Admits His Biden Probe Is About Helping Trump’s 2024 Campaign 

There was a moment of accidental honesty on “Fox & Friends First” this morning, and it came from a member of Congress who has been saying for months that his probe of the Biden family is merely about finding out the facts.

House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R-KY) was a guest on Fox, and he was introduced by host Ashley Strohmier with this:

“We have talked to you about this on the show, about how the media can just not ignore this any longer. In an op-ed in The Washington Post, it says, ‘Millions Flowed to Biden Family Members. Don’t Pretend It Doesn’t Matter.’ So do you think that because of your investigation, that is what’s moved this needle with the media?”

And that’s when Comer said the quiet part out loud, accidentally admitting that his investigation is all about politics.

“Absolutely. There’s no question,” Comer replied. “You look at the polling, and right now Donald Trump is 7 points ahead of Joe Biden and trending upward, Joe Biden’s trending downward. And I believe that the media is looking around, scratching their head, and they’re realizing that the American people are keeping up with our investigation.”

Sounds a lot like comments made by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) during a 2015 appearance on Fox when he admitted that the House Benghazi committee was created for the purpose of hurting Hillary Clinton politically.

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee ― what are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping, why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened.”

Oh, and one other thing about Comer’s remarks.

He claimed that Trump is up over Biden in recent polls. That was one poll, an ABC News/Washington Post survey, and is considered to be an outlier. Other polls show Biden leading Trump in a head-to-head matchup.

Comer has also said that he has numerous witnesses and informants with information about the Biden family. However, he now claims his key witness has mysteriously been “lost.”