Donald Trump Elections

Braggart Former Guy Humiliated After His ‘Record Crowd’ Iowa State Fair Attendance Numbers Are Released

Failed, disgraced, twice-impeached and thrice-indicted former president Donald Trump made an appearance at the annual Iowa State Fair on Saturday, along with just about every other Republican seeking the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

As he’s fond of doing, Trump tried to make the fair (which is virtually a rite of passage in the Hawkeye State) all about himself even though he was little more than a guest who just so happened to have Secret Service agents all over him like a proverbial fly on shit, which is certainly a fitting analogy when you consider the person they were guarding.

One of the first things Donnie did when he arrived was brag that it was the largest crowd ever for a state fair in Iowa.

“We have a record that was set. The largest crowd they’ve ever had. This is a record crowd, they’ve never had anything close.
“This is the biggest crowd they’ve ever had. I’m honored by it .. and they say there’s one reason for it.”

Translation: Here I am at the fair. The people are all here to see me. This is all about me. Look at me! Love me!! Worship me! Make me your pagan tangerine god!

But as with nearly everything Trump says, the biggest crowd line is a lie.

Total attendance for Saturday, according to the Des Moines Register, was 118,286. In 2022, the Iowa State Fair drew 5,000 more people than it did with Trump in attendance this year.

Also, the all-time record for attendance at the fair was set in 1991, when 127,277 showed up on a Saturday, which is third of the fair.

Biggest crowd they’ve ever had? Nope. More hot air from the master of bullshit and fabrication, Donald Trump.


By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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