Congress GOP

WATCH Jake Tapper Swat Down Nikki Haley When She Tries To Blame House GOP Disarray On Biden


2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley tried to blame the chaos taking place inside the House Republican caucus when it comes to electing a new speaker on President Joe Biden and was promptly swatted down by CNN host Jake Tapper Sunday morning.

During the interview with Haley, Tapper correctly noted:

“This is nearly two weeks after Kevin McCarthy was stripped of his leadership. They still can’t even pass a resolution condemning the Hamas attacks. It’s starting to look like there is not one House Republican who can get 217 votes.”

“Republican Congressman Austin Scott said the chaos quote makes us look like a bunch of idiots, unquote. Is he right?”

Haley replied, “Well, I’ll tell you what’s right is under the Biden administration, we’ve seen chaos with inflation.”

Tapper interrupted to interject, “You can’t blame that on Biden. You can’t blame this on Biden. No, you can’t.”


“Well, you have to let me finish. We have seen chaos with inflation. We’ve seen chaos with the lack of transparency and education. We’ve seen chaos on the border. We’ve seen chaos with crime on the streets. And now we’re seeing chaos around the world.”

“What I’m saying is you can’t fix Democrat chaos with Republican chaos. America looks so distracted right now. When America is distracted, the world is less safe. We can’t sit there and act like this is September 10th.”

Republicans are in chaos, cannot elect a speaker, and are on the verge of possibly nominating a man with 91 criminal charges pending against him as their standard bearer in the 2024 presidential election.

But it’s all Biden’s fault.

Nice try, Nikki, but no one is buying your bullshit and you just proved to the world why you will never ever be president either.


Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden Social Media

Trump Posts A ‘Highlight Reel’ Of Himself To Prove He’s Fit And Twitter Can’t Stop Laughing

According to disgraced, failed, one-term former president Donald Trump, he’s the most mentally and physically fit man to ever hold the office of President of the United States. After all, his booking form in Fulton County, Georgia listed his height and weight as 6-foot-3 and 215 pounds, even though that’s 30 pounds lighter than the weight he disclosed after his last official White House physical.

HuffPost reports that what got Donnie so upset and prompted him to post the video — entitled “Trump’s Got The Touch” — is a new poll which shows that 49% of Americans don’t think he’s mentally fit to be president again. Apparently, the disgraced ex-president wants to challenge Biden to some sort of competition.

“I will name the place and the test, and it will be a tough one,” Trump wrote. “Nobody will come even close to me! We can also throw some physical activity into it. I just won the Senior Club Championship at a big golf club, with many very good players. To do so you need strength, accuracy, touch and, above all, mental toughness.”

And then there’s the clip itself, which is described as, Trump “tossing the football as a younger man and recently in Iowa; celebrating a hole-in-one; making a free throw at Madison Square Garden; sinking a long putt; playing catch with Hall of Fame pitcher Mariano Rivera at the White House; and throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at a minor league baseball game.”

Watch “Trump’s Got The Touch” for yourself by clicking here, which will take you to the Truth Social posting/video.

The clip set off spasms of laughter and mockery on Twitter. Take a look:


Donald Trump Elections

Trump’s Mental Fitness Questioned After Disastrous Monday Speech In South Carolina

While he loves to chide President Joe Biden about “mental fitness” and ability to do to the job of leading the most powerful nation on the planet, remarks made by failed former president Donald Trump suggest that he doesn’t even know what month and year he’s currently living in.

Campaigning in South Carolina today, Trump said that he would defeat Biden in the 2024 election, which he suggested is just five months away.

Fact-check: Election Day 2024 is over 13 months from taking place and will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

“We did phenomenally here,” Trump claimed. “We’ve always done well here, and we’re going to do it at a level that nobody has ever seen. So we broke the record twice. We’re going to break it a third time. We’re going to break our own record. So less than five months from now, we’re going to defeat crooked Joe Biden. We’re going to take back our country and we’re going to make America great again.”

Trump also went off on bizarre tangent about Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), according to Mediaite.

“Another man who’s always there, he’s always — I’ll tell you what. When I need help on the left, he’s great. He’s great, and he’s my friend, too. Lindsey Graham, wherever you are. Lindsey?” began Trump to a cacophony of boos at a campaign rally in Summerville, South Carolina.

“Oh no, no!” shouted Trump back at the crowd. “He helps me on the left. We need help sometimes. Republicans shouldn’t need help on the left, but he helps me.”

Trump and Graham both belong in prison, although that would probably be a dream come true for the South Carolina senator.


Donald Trump Elections GOP Social Media Viral Video

Twitter Erupts With Disgust After Video Of Trump Signing A Young Girl’s Chest Goes Viral

Failed, one-term, twice-impeached, and four-time indicted former president Donald Trump is a dirty old man.

Yes, it’s really that simple.

How else can you explain him lusting for his daughter, Ivanka, bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, and cheating on all three of his wives?

And now, even though he’s 77 years old, Donnie couldn’t resist feeling up a young girl during a campaign stop in Iowa, which was caught on video and has gone viral, according to Carla Sinclair of BoingBoing.

Footage shows the thirsty four-times indicted former president tapping a young blonde waitress on the back and fist pumping the air when she turns around. He then proceeds to leave his mark, autographing the top of her tank-covered chest. “Oh my god!” says someone who sounds like Trump, but it’s hard to tell for sure. (See video below, posted by Mike Sington.)

And for good measure, he then pins her arm down to scrawl across her skin to lots of hoots and cheers. Republicans sure know how to pick ’em.

Speaking as a father, if some man did that to my daughter, he’d have a hell of a lot of explaining to do, and I can’t promise I wouldn’t deck him, even if it meant being arrested by the Secret Service for assaulting an ex-president.

The overall consensus on social media was also harsh, with commenters slamming Trump for constantly being on the prowl.


Donald Trump Elections GOP Mike Pence The Trump Adminstration

Jake Tapper Asks Mike Pence: Did You Betray Your Faith By Defending Trump’s ‘Ungodly’ Actions?

CNN host Jake Tapper confronted former vice president Mike Pence on Sunday, asking if he thought he betrayed his faith with his willingness to defend and justify the actions of his ex-boss, Donald Trump.

Quoting comments from Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), who told the Atlantic he didn’t understand how Pence could excuse the things Trump did and said, Tapper asked:

“The profile appeared in the Atlantic where Republican Senator Mitt Romney is quoted saying that when it comes to your actions as Donald Trump’s vice president nobody had been quote ‘More willing to smile when he saw absurdities, more willing to ascribe God’s will to things that were ungodly than Mike Pence,’ unquote.”

“What do you say to that, do you think you used your faith to justify ungodly things as vice president, as Mitt Romney believes?” 

Clearly perturbed by Romney’s remarks, Pence replied:

“Look, Mitt Romney has no idea what I was doing in the administration,” Pence said. “I haven’t talked to Mitt Romney for years.”

“And I think he can go off into retirement,” he continued. “He’s even critical of his old running mate Paul Ryan in the pages of that book. So I know the stands that we took, I know the stands that we maintained and I’ll always believe that we were called to that fight.”

What “fight” were Trump and Pence called to? The one that resulted in appointing Supreme Court justices who have decided American women don’t have a right to make their own reproductive choices?

Or was the fight to cut taxes for the richest Americans, who, according to Pence’s Bible, have an almost impossible path to heaven?

Or could the real fight be Trump and Pence’s sick desire for power at any cost, no matter how many have to suffer?

Mike Pence is a fake Christian who deserves to spend eternity in the hell he’s so afraid of.