Donald Trump Elections GOP Religion

Top Evangelical Leader Trolls ‘Chump’ Trump With ‘Golden Showers’ Taunt

A top evangelical leader in the state of Iowa is firing back at failed one-term, twice-impeached and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump, even going so far as to reference rumors that the ex-president engaged in a deviant sex act with prostitutes.

Evangelical Bob Vander Plaats endorsed Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis last week, which immediately drew Trump’s ire, HuffPost notes.

Trump, the 2024 Republican front-runner, fired off a furious message on his Truth Social platform. He called Family Leader CEO Vander Plaats a “former high school accountant” who was “more known for scamming Candidates than he is for Victory.” Trump also claimed a $95,000 donation to Vander Plaats’ nonprofit from the DeSantis campaign was to buy his endorsement, an allegation that Vander Plaats has denied.

Vander Plaats was only too happy to respond to Trump, and he brought out the nuclear weapon of allegations that have been made against the former president, leveling him on Twitter.

Will evangelicals continue to support Trump as he seeks a second term in the White House? Recent polls show they aren’t as enthusiastic about Donald as they once were, CBS News reported in September.

Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

WATCH: Trump Gets Loudly Booed When He Shows Up At Football Game In South Carolina

Failed one-term, twice-impeached and multiply-indicted ex-president Donald Trump showed up at the annual Palmetto Bowl college football game between Clemson and South Carolina on Saturday, and based on the reception he received, it certainly looks like even the Deep South is ready to see him disappear from the political scene.

Video of Trump’s arrival at the game was posted on Twitter by Fox Carolina Sports Director Beth Hoole, who wrote, “Former President Donald Trump has arrived ahead of kickoff at Williams-Brice Stadium.”

At about the 10 second mark of the video, which has gone viral, you can clearly hear many in the crowd lustily booing the disgraced former president, and that led to plenty of commentary on social media.


Donald Trump Elections

Rachel Maddow Predicts What Trump Will Do Next – And It’s Chilling

Recent remarks from failed former president Donald Trump in which he called those opposed to him “vermin” are part of larger plan by him to destroy the power of words that are being used against him, according to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, and that suggests some very dark days are ahead for this country.

Speaking with fellow MSNBC host Chris Hayes, Maddow explained:

“The use of the word ‘vermin’ and with the way that he’s calling his enemies ‘fascist’ — he’s started calling you and me and anybody who’s not Team Trump a fascist.”

Much the way he did with the term “fake news,” Maddow continued, Trump wants to take all the sting out of being labeled a fascist, making it irrelevant:

“He has to save the world from the fascist. And he’s using this terminology which is overtly and obviously fascist callback language: ‘Enemy of the People’ yeah okay, but calling the internal enemy ‘vermin’ that needs to be exterminated — he knows what he’s doing.”

If you doubt that Trump is indeed trying to inoculate the public from terms such as “vermin” and “fascist,” consider how his campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, reacted when those terms were used by Trump on social media recently.

“Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Chung warned. “And their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

Their entire existence will be crushed. That’s the same sort of language Adolf Hitler used against anyone who dared to oppose him. And it resulted in 11 million people perishing in the Holocaust.

Is that what we want to see happen in this country?

Here’s the video from MSNBC:


Elections GOP

GOP Hoping To Turn Kyle Rittenhouse Into A ‘Political Powerhouse’ For The 2024 Election

Earlier this week, Kyle Rittenhouse began a media blitz to promote his new book, Acquitted, and based on some of the statements he’s making along the way, in addition to how conservatives are once again embracing him, it appears the GOP has big plans for Rittenhouse’s political future.

Democratic strategist Max Burns notes in a piece he wrote for MSNBC that Republicans love the book, but they love the idea of launching Rittenhouse as a rising political star even more.

Rittenhouse’s new memoir isn’t a desperate attempt to remain relevant. It’s more like the opening charge of a well-funded public relations campaign designed to build Rittenhouse’s personal brand into a political powerhouse.

Former GOP congressman Joe Walsh agrees with Burns, remarking that Rittenhouse “has been on a quest to stay as relevant as he can, and there’s no doubt he appeals to a big part of the Republican base.”

“From day one, he’s been totally used by people on the right to raise money and get constituencies fired up. He’s making money putting his face out there for MAGA causes.”

It’s clear that Rittenhouse welcomes such overtures, as he entered the political fray by endorsing several right-wing GOP candidates, all of whom failed to get elected.

He has also been raising money by using his name and acquittal on murder charges to fight a civil lawsuit filed against him by the family of one of the men he gunned down in Kensoha, Wisconsin in 2020.

One of Rittenhouse’s many fundraising appeals garnered more $200,000 from sympathetic backers. In politics, the ability to raise that kind of money doesn’t go unnoticed for long, and Republican strategists were soon urging Rittenhouse to think about his political future.

As for his own political ambitions, the 20-year-old Rittenhouse is too young to run for Congress, but his age wouldn’t keep him from seeking a state office, which some have suggested he should consider, especially in a deeply red state like Texas.

In other words, expect to see Rittenhouse a lot in 2024. He’ll be endorsing candidates, raising money, and trying to vault himself into some position of power from which he can continue to build a future that doesn’t involve him having to do any real work.


Donald Trump Elections

Former Federal Prosecutor: Donald Trump’s Recent Gaffes Prove He’s ‘Deranged’ And Has ‘Gone Nuts’

As 21 U.S. states try to decide if disgraced former president Donald Trump should be allowed on the 2024 ballot due to his actions in attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential race, one former prosecutor says he believes Trump should be disqualified for a more troubling reason: Because he says the ex-president is “deranged” and has “gone nuts.”

Writing in Washington Monthly, attorney James Zirin, a former federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York, says recent speeches by Trump and the way he confuses facts, along with his slurring when he speaks lead him to wonder, “Has Donald Trump gone nuts?”

“This is obviously a difficult question to raise about any person, let alone a candidate, who has demonstrated vicious, paranoid, and violent behavior,” Zirin admits, “Still, all the armchair gerontologists parsing every utterance from President Joe Biden, trying to distinguish his congenital stutter from his natural aging, should look at Trump, whose behavior has gone from bad to weird to bizarre.”

Suggesting that Trump may be suffering from dementia, Zirin notes, “While neither Trump nor Biden projects John F. Kennedy’s vigor, Trump, 77, has been even more bizarre of late — doddering and disoriented in a new way.”

Referencing a particularly strange speech Trump recently gave, Zirin writes:

“Referring to Kim Jong-Un, the hereditary dictator who rules North Korea, Trump said he was in charge of a country of 1.4 billion people, obviously confusing the Hermit Kingdom of 26 million with the Middle Kingdom of 1.4 billion. But it’s not just misidentification. It’s the cadence and slurring of speech, too.

“Trump is having trouble with names. ‘On purpose’ came out as ‘on perfect.’ Adherents of Karl Marx came out as ‘markers,’ not Marxists. He warned that Biden is drifting us into World War II.”

The former prosecutor concludes, “Deranged people, as we all have learned, can be dangerous,” before warning, “Trump’s policy pronouncements have become more incendiary and more insane, if that were possible.”

Donald Trump is indeed dangerous. If you add in possible dementia, he clearly should never be in control of the nation’s nuclear arsenal again. He belongs behind bars or at permanently hospitalized for his own protection.