Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Dermatologist Says There Are 4 Likely Reasons Trump Has Red Marks On His Hand

When he left Trump Tower to attend the second E. Jean Carroll defamation trial on Wednesday, photographers noticed that disgraced one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump had strange red marks on the bottom of his right hand.

Speculation began on social media about what exactly might have caused the red markings, with some suggesting it was herpes or tertiary syphilis.

Business Insider decided to ask a medical expert, Dr. Joshua Zeichner, an associate professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, who said the red blotches are likely a rash and he laid out four reasons Trump might have such a rash.

“Rashes on the hands can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from infections to inflammatory conditions to external exposures,” Zeichner said.

Reason 1: Trump’s hands are too dry. Given that Trump is a well-known germophobe, he may be washing his hands too much. Cold weather can make the problem worse.

Reason 2: Trump has blisters from playing golf. According to Dr. Zeichner, “friction from activities like golf, weightlifting, or baseball” can cause blisters or rashes. The failed ex-president is known to be fond of golfing.

Reason 3: Juice exposure. Lime juice is known to cause burns. “Even lime juice exposure in the presence of sunlight can cause a chemical burn to the skin,” Zeichner explained.

Reason 4: Unknown causes. The doctor noted that hand rashes can be cause by just about anything, including bug bites. But unless Trump himself reveals how he got the marks, we’ll never know for sure.


GOP Social Media

‘Spineless’ Ted Cruz Gets Destroyed On Social Media For His Latest Self-Inflicted Humiliation

Even though only one state (Iowa) has cast ballots in the 2024 Republican presidential caucuses and primaries, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is demanding that failed former president Donald Trump be declared the party’s nominee.

Cruz made that announcement Tuesday, along with a full-throated endorsement of Trump during an interview with Fox host Sean Hannity.

You may recall that it wasn’t very long ago that Cruz had a very different view of Trump, whom he accused of being a “sniveling coward,” a “pathological liar” and someone who has “an issue with women,” as CNN noted in a segment that aired Tuesday.

Cruz’s latest fawning subservience to the Donald drew withering mockery on social media.

Crime Donald Trump Elections

Rachel Maddow Has A Brutal Fact-Check For The Trump Faithful – And It’s Perfect

Even though he coasted to an easy 30-point win in the Iowa caucus on Monday evening, things are not all rainbows and unicorns for failed one-term, twice-impeached ex-president Donald Trump.

As MSNBC host Rachel Maddow noted while the results trickled in from the Hawkeye State, Donald is facing some major obstacles to winning a second term in office, and most of those can be found on the legal front.

Referencing a poll from Iowa that shows 63% of Republicans think Trump is fit to serve as president even if he’s convicted of a felony, Maddow explained that means there are still more than a third of GOP voters who believe Trump shouldn’t be returned to the White House if he’s convicted.

Maddow added:

“They’re going to nominate him nationwide?” Maddow asked incredulously. “When even a third of Iowa caucusgoers say, ‘No, he can’t be president if he’s convicted’?”

“I’m sorry. But he’s gonna be convicted.”

Legal analyst Ari Melber was quick to interject that while there’s “overwhelming evidence” in the four criminal cases Trump is facing, one can’t “say what’s going to happen” in those.

Maddow: “I can. He’s gonna be convicted.”

That prompted a torrent of comments on social media.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

WATCH: New Video Of Trump In Iowa Has Some Saying He Looks Like A ‘Homeless Man’

Failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump was forced to cancel three of his four planned in-person gatherings in Iowa on Saturday due to blizzard conditions in the Hawkeye State.

However, when the disgraced ex-president finally showed up for the one commit-to caucus rally, he looked like he’d be left out in the snow for a week or two.

For a man who prides himself on his appearance, Donald appeared haggard and tired, as if he’d just gotten over a bout of the flu that turned into double pneumonia.

Yikes! Did he die and someone forgot to bury him? Even Keith Richards would take a look at that video and wonder if Donnie had just been resurrected from the dead. Zombie Trump! Run for your lives!!

As you’d expect, Trump’s disheveled appearance drew more than a few remarks on social media.


Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Trump’s Attacks On Biden’s Age Are Backfiring Badly On Him With Voters: Report

Failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump loves to mock and ridicule President Joe Biden for being too old to lead the United States.

But new polling shows those attacks on the 81-year-old incumbent are backfiring badly on Trump and could wind up costing him millions of votes.

That poll, from Quinnipiac University, reveals that Biden leads 60 percent to 39 percent among voters over 65, and that, according to an MSNBC panel, could prove decisive when the votes are counted later this year.

“Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough noted, “I want us to talk about this part of it, because everybody is focusing on the younger voters who right now are not moving towards him as much as they thought. They’re going to come home. they just will. You look at this number though: voters 65 and older, Joe Biden, 60 percent, Donald Trump — Sam, nobody expected this, but we have seen this. Older voters have been moving toward Joe Biden steadily for quite some time, and of course, as we know, older voters? They vote.”

 Contributor Sam Stein concurred.

“Yeah, I was picking up on this a couple of years ago. The New York Times did a story about who was actually concerned about Trump’s legal troubles and if they thought they were serious, and we saw an age breakdown; 65 and older, way more concerned about it than the younger generations that kind of piqued my interest.”

“Maybe they lived through Watergate and they understand the severity of it,” Stein added. “You’ve seen it in poll after poll after poll, where more conservatives, traditional Republicans are backing Joe Biden. There’s a number of theories around it. Maybe the age attacks on Biden are actually offending this cohort.”

“It’s that chaos factor that Nikki Haley is starting to play out in New Hampshire,” MSNBC regular Katty Kay remarked. “We keep hearing people talk about, you don’t want the chaos of Donald Trump. If you are getting older — chaos is scary for everybody — but I think it’s particularly for older people when you’re feeling more frail and fragile about the world anyway.”