Donald Trump Elections Social Media WTF?!

Trump Posts Bizarre AI Picture Of Himself With Six Fingers And People Can’t Stop Laughing

Just call him Six Finger Donnie.

That’s one of many names people are attaching to an AI generated photo of disgraced former president Donald Trump that he shared on his financially failing Truth Social site.

Just hours before the New Hampshire primary, the failed ex-head of state began ranting in all-caps.


He followed with a posting that was partially in capital letters.


There was also the call for Granite State Republicans to vote.

“TOMORROW is the day that each and every one of you here in New Hampshire is going to cast the most important vote of your entire life. When you step into that voting booth, you are going to send a signal straight to Crooked Joe Biden, his handpicked thugs, his Radical Left Lunatics, and the entire sick political establishment in our nation’s capital.

“With your vote, you are going to put Crooked Joe and his protectors on notice that WE ARE COMING this November!”

But it was the photo of Trump praying while sporting six fingers that drew the most commentary on Twitter/X.

Donald Trump Elections Social Media WTF?!

Trump Compares Himself To Pedophile Priests And Social Media Can’t Stop Nodding In Agreement

In yet another desperate attempt to suggest that he has total immunity from any and all criminal acts he may have committed while serving as president, Donald Trump compared himself to rogue cops and pedophile priests during a Sunday speech to supporters in New Hampshire, Mediaite reports.

“Many presidents leave and there are things you can go after,” Trump began. “And frankly, to be honest, that’s one of the reasons the Supreme Court is looking now at immunity. You have to have guaranteed immunity for a president. Otherwise the president’s not going to be able to function. They’re not going to move.”

“But, you know, you have to allow a president to do his job,” he continued. “They’ll make decisions. And, you know, it’s like the police. I say we have to give the police back their power. We’re not going to have any crime, but we protect. What we do. I mean, to me, it’s the best analogy. And the our, our Democrat run cities are dens of horrible crime right now…”

“But but it’s a little bit like the police. So you have a rogue cop. You know what a rogue cop is? Very seldom. But you have s-bad people. You have people no matter where, no matter what.”

Then came the comparison to priests.

“In the church, you have some people that aren’t so good, right?”

“No, we’re going to have to do this, immunity for the president. If you have a president that doesn’t have immunity, he’s never going to be free to do anything because the opposing party will always indict him as soon as he leaves the White House.”

Interesting comparison, isn’t it? Especially in light of the fact that there have been accusations that Trump is fond of underage girls and was once good friends with the late pedophile/sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Social media had plenty of thoughts on Donnie’s remarks.


Donald Trump Elections Trump Supporters WTF?!

Female Trump Supporter Says ‘Perfect’ Trump ‘Gets Better Looking’ All The Time

A woman who attended a watch party held this week in Iowa by former president Donald Trump wants us all to know that the failed ex-president is “perfect” and getting better looking each and every day.

Mediaite reports that the woman, Sharon Anderson, is part of what’s known as the “Front Row Joes” who show up and support Trump wherever he goes.

Anderson was speaking with Vanessa Broussard of Right Side Broadcasting Network, who began the interview by explaining, “A group that comes to every Trump campaign event are the Front Row Joes. They were nicknamed the Front Row Joes by President Trump because they’re always first in line and they’re always front row. I have Mike and Sharon with me today. The party’s getting started. How excited are you?”

Anderson: “I can’t describe it! There’s no words! This is just the start of the best that’s yet to come.”

A few minutes later, Anderson remarked, “He’s never wrong about anything!”

Oh, and she also claimed that Trump keeps all of his promises.

“Every promise, every promise! And he. You see it every day. You don’t. You don’t wonder what he’s doing. You know, he’s putting America first.”

But the conversation soon took a bizarre turn when Anderson began expressing her bizarre attraction to the Donald.

“And you know, as a female, of course I’m older than you a good bit. I’m 67, but I still notice looks of guys. Donald Trump’s always been good looking. I think this campaign business makes him better looking. He just gets better looking at every rally!”

That led the interviewer to join in lusting after the obese former head of state with a rat’s nest on top of his head.

“Donald Trump is getting more attractive by the day! He’s got brains and he’s got the looks right. So he’s the perfect man.”

If Donald Trump is the perfect man, then the United States is truly doomed.


WATCH Elise Stefanik Get Fact-Checked To Her Face When She Pooh-Poohs Trump’s Sexual Abuse Verdict

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) got a massive dose of factual information put in her face by a reporter Friday when she tried to suggest failed former president Donald Trump didn’t rape E. Jean Carroll and the media was to blame for the incident.

MSNBC’s Vaughn Hillyard approached Stefanik in New Hampshire, where she was campaigning for the disgraced ex-president and asked, “How do you grapple with standing by his side while a jury is debating how much to award E. Jean Carroll for being sexually abused by Donald Trump?”

“These are witchhunts against President Trump!” Stefanik exclaimed. “The media is so biased. This is just another example of the media being —

Hillyard reminded Stefanik of the facts of the case.

“Why not believe E. Jean Carroll? It’s not me! It’s not the media! It’s a jury that found that he sexually abused — ”

As an aide declared, “Next question, next question,” Stefanik added, “Again, again. The media is so out of touch with the American people. Like in 2016, you are going to see the American people speak out loudly and clearly with their vote.”

Stefanik’s remarks got her roasted on Twitter/X.

Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump Elections GOP January 6 WTF?!

‘Deeply Confused’ Trump Accuses Nikki Haley Of Being To Blame For Jan. 6

Speaking in Concord, New Hampshire on Friday, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump confused former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley with Speaker Emeritus Nancy Pelosi, stated that Haley had been offered thousands of troops on January 6, 2021, and was to blame for the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Trump suggested that Haley was unable to draw more than “nine people” to her rallies in the Granite State. But it was what he said next that has led to suggestions the ex-president is suffering from dementia.

“By the way, they never report the crowd on Jan. 6. You know Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley. You know they – do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it.”

“Because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security — we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guards, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people.”

Trump has said on several occasions that he offered thousands of troops to protect the Capitol on Jan. 6, but has never proven he actually did.

The Associated Press notes that Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Pelosi, remarked last year that the former House speaker “was no more in charge of Capitol security than Mitch McConnell was.”

“This is a clear attempt to whitewash what happened on January 6th and divert blame.”

Twitter/X users suggested that Trump cannot “identify a fucking whale” and speculated about what is causing the ex-president’s rapid mental deterioration.