Elections Social Media

Washed-Up Actor Kevin Sorbo Is Angry That 63% Of Gen Z Voters Voted For ‘Socialism’ In The Midterms

You probably remember Kevin Sorbo from the “Hercules” television series, which ended in 2000, leaving the actor struggling to find work because he’s not very good at his craft.

Sorbo is also an extreme right-wing activist who often posts controversial crap on social media that gets him heavily mocked by others and results in him being laughed at instead of being taken seriously, which he desperately longs to be.

And now Sorbo is weighing in on the results of the 2022 midterm elections, which were a disaster for Republicans.

According to the actor, the reason the GOP lost so badly is because young voters from Generation Z (18-29 years old) voted for “socialism.”

“According to exit polls, 63% of voters ages 18 to 29 voted for the left in the 2022 midterm elections. That means a majority of Gen Z support destructive left-wing policies, such as socialism, open borders, student loan forgiveness, higher taxes, and late-term abortion. Clueless”

So because Sorbo disagrees with the voting preference of younger voters, that makes them “clueless”? The same could easily be said for any woman who casts a ballot for a Republican candidate who is eager to make laws about having the government regulate women’s bodies and reproductive choices.

Other Twitter users also slammed Sorbo for his comments.

Elections GOP WTF?!

Ditzy Herschel Walker Declares: America Is ‘The Greatest Country In The United States’

Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker is trying to drum up support as he heads into a December 6 runoff election with incumbent Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock (D).

Why is there a runoff? The Associated Press explains:

A third candidate, Libertarian Chase Oliver, took 2.1% in the initial round of balloting Nov. 8. That was enough to keep both Warnock and Walker, the former University of Georgia football standout, from taking more than half the vote, which is required to avoid a runoff.

Less than 1 percentage point separated Warnock and Walker, with Warnock slightly ahead. They will be the only candidates up for consideration Dec. 6.

As he’s done repeatedly since he announced his candidacy, Walker is making a complete fool of himself with remarks he made to a group of supporters, asking them, “Do you know we’re the greatest country in the United States…?”

Yes, we most certainly are the greatest country in the United States because we ARE the United States! Damn! Thanks for that information, Captain Obvious.

If you’ve followed Walker’s campaign at all, then you’ll know this is about the 10 millionth stupid thing he’s said since he announced his candidacy with the enthusiastic support of disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump. Here’s a few other examples:

  •  “They continue to try to fool you like they’re helping you out, but they’re not. They’re not helping you out, because a lot of the money is going to trees. You know that, don’t you? It’s going into trees. We’ve got enough trees. Don’t we have enough trees around here?”
  • In a July 9 appearance, he spoke about climate change, suggesting that Georgia’s “good air decides to float over” to China, replacing China’s “bad air,” which goes back to Georgia, where “we got to clean that back up.”
  • At a town hall and lunch for women on August 19 in Wrightsville, he said that inflation affects women more than men because “they gotta buy groceries.” 

Twitter lit up with mockery for Walker’s latest gaffe.

Congress Elections

Revised Projections From Steve Kornacki Show Democrats Could Retain Control Of The House

An already bad midterm election for Republicans could be on the verge of turning disastrous, according to MSNBC elections expert Steve Kornacki, who reported Saturday that some surprises in key House races could result in Democrats retaining control of the House of Representatives.

Mediaite reports that Kornacki revealed his new projections with host Ali Velshi as new updates were being released out of Maricopa County in Arizona.

“The decision desk has just revised its estimate for where the House will land, and look at this,” he said as the graphics updated. “218 seats needed for a majority in the House, and we are now estimating that Republicans will finish with 219.”

Velshi whistled at the shift in numbers as Kornacki continued.

“And I would stress the margin for error here is plus or minus four seats,” said Kornacki. “So the Republican range could still extend into the low 220s, but it could also fall under 218. Meaning that Democrats still very much have a possibility of retaining control of the House.”

“So the House very much in play according to our model.”

21 House districts remain uncalled, and Democrats only need 15 to keep control. Republicans need victory in 7 districts to take over leadership of the House.

Buckle up. The 2022 election isn’t over with just yet.


Donald Trump Elections U.S. Senate

Trump Claims Arizona ‘Stole The Electron’ After Senate Race Is Called For Democrat

The Senate race between incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly and his Republican challenger, Blake Masters, was called Friday evening, with Kelly being declared the winner after 83% of the ballots had been counted.

NBC News reported:

Kelly’s projected victory on Friday comes three days after polls closed, and as Arizona officials continued counting ballots that were mailed or dropped off, particularly in the vote-rich Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. It gives Democrats 49 Senate seats, one short of securing a majority, with Nevada still counting votes and Georgia’s contest headed to a Dec. 6 runoff.

Masters, it should be noted, was enthusiastically endorsed by failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump.

As you’d expect, Trump was apoplectic after it became clear that Masters had failed to win. He took to his failing Truth Social social media site and demanded a new election be held.

“They stole the Electron from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!”

Stole the electron? What in the hell?

There were also these posts from the disgraced ex-president:

But it was the “electron” typo that drew the most attention and ridicule.


Congress Elections Fox News GOP

Fox Commentator Calls Midterm Results A ‘Searing Indictment’ Of The GOP

The predicted 2022 midterm election “red wave” we’ve been hearing about ever since President Joe Biden took the oath of office in January of 2021 fizzled out in humiliating fashion on Tuesday, with the Republicans still uncertain of whether or not they’ll control the House, and, even if they do, with a margin of just a few seats.

The Senate also appears headed for a 50-50 split or slim majority for Democrats once the race in Georgia between incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) and his GOP challenger, Herschel Walker, is decided in a runoff on December 6.

Just how bad was the midterm for Republicans? So much that Fox News political commentator Marc Thiessen is declaring it “an absolute disaster” and an indictment of the GOP, their message, and their candidates.

Thiessen sounded a warning for Republicans, noting:

“We have the worst inflation in four decades, the worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in U.S. history. We have Joe Biden, who is the least popular president since Harry Truman — since presidential polling happened — and there wasn’t a red wave. That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that and looked at the Republican alternative and said ‘no thanks.'”

Despite some conservatives attempting to put a happy face on the election results, Thiessen made it clear 2022 will go down in history as a debacle for the Republican Party.

 “The Republican Party needs to do a really deep introspection, look in the mirror right now, because this is an absolute disaster for the Republican Party, and we need to turn back. We need to look at who won today: Ron DeSantis, (Mike) DeWine. These governors. (Brian) Kemp, Abbott. Look at these governors. This is the path to the future. And electing these radical candidates who ran far behind them has put the Republican Party in a terrible position. And voters have indicted the Republican Party.”

Thiessen’s call for DeSantis, DeWine, Kemp, and Abbott to be the “path to the future” is also problematic for the GOP because all of them are far right extremists who want to jail women that have an abortion. If Republicans nominate any of them in 2024, they’re likely to lose again. That’s good news for the country but a political obituary for the GOP.

Here’s the video: