Donald Trump GOP History The Trump Adminstration

New Survey Ranks Donald Trump As The Worst President In History

While many of us have long believed that Donald Trump will go down in history as the worst president the United States has ever elected, a just released survey from the Presidential Greatness Project suggests that the 45th president is indeed the bottom of the barrel when it comes to American leaders.

Newsweek reports the purpose of the survey was to “create a ranking of presidential greatness that covered all presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden.”

Respondents were asked to rate each U.S. president on a scale of zero to 100 for their “overall greatness,” with zero being failure, 50 being average and 100 being great. The ratings were averaged for each president and then ranked from highest average to lowest.

Lincoln placed first with a 95.03 average, followed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in at No. 2 with 90.83, George Washington at No. 3 with 90.32, Teddy Roosevelt at No. 4 with 78.58 and Thomas Jefferson at No. 5 with 77.53, the survey results show.

The latest results come from 54 responses from scholars “whose work engages presidential politics” and who are members of the American Political Science Association. The survey was conducted online in November and December of 2023.

Just how badly did Trump do when compared to other U.S. heads of state? So much so that he rated lower than James Buchanan, who consistently ranks near the bottom of similar polls.

Trump received the lowest rating with a 10.92 average, behind James Buchanan at No. 44 with 16.71, Andrew Johnson at No. 43 with 21.56, Franklin Pierce at No. 42 with 24.6, William Henry Harrison at No. 41 with 26.01 and Warren Harding at No. 40 with 27.76, according to the Presidential Greatness Project.

President Joe Biden was ranked in the top third of the list, placing at No.14 with a rating of 62.7.

The new survey also ranks Trump as the “most polarizing” president in the 247 year history of the United States.

In 2019, as he was about to be impeached, Trump proudly declared himself to be the “greatest of all presidents.”

 “‘Not only have the Democrats not advanced key pieces of legislation that would help the economy, but the polls, especially in early states, are showing that voters are tuning out.’ @PeteHegseth They don’t want our greatest of all presidents impeached!”

Greatest of all presidents? Not even close.

Crime Donald Trump

E. Jean Carroll Just Told Trump He Has ‘One Week To Pay’ Her – Or Else

On Friday morning, writer E. Jean Carroll reminded failed one-term former president Donald Trump that he now has exactly one week to fork over the $83.3 million he owes her as part of a defamation lawsuit she won against him.

Taking to Twitter/X, Carroll wrote, “Trump has one week to pay.”

According to Forbes, Trump’s attorneys are arguing that since he will be appealing the defamation damages, he shouldn’t have to pay the full security bond necessary before his appeal is granted.

The ex-president has asked the court to pause the judgment against him while he files post-trial motions in the case, or else allow Trump to post a “substantially reduced bond”—and while the court quickly rejected his request to immediately pause the judgment while it considers the motion, it still has to issue a lasting ruling.

Attorneys for Carroll noted in a court filing Thursday that the disgraced ex-president is asking the court to “simply trust that he’s very rich” and doesn’t need to post a bond guaranteeing he’ll pay the money, while they have “very serious concerns about Trump’s cash position” and the “feasibility” of him paying what he owes.

In addition to what he owes Carroll, Trump is also on the hook for $454 million in bank and tax fraud penalties assessed by a court as part of a civil case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James. That massive fine is accruing hundreds of thousands of dollars in late fees and penalties as the former president attempts to find the cash needed to cover the court’s ruling.

If Trump doesn’t have the cash needed to pay both Carroll and the state of New York, he will likely be forced to start selling properties such as Trump Tower in order to raise money. Those sales eventually could lead to the financial collapse of the Trump Organization.

Congress GOP Impeachment Joe Biden

Hunter Biden Has A Devastating Comeback When Matt Gaetz Asks Him About His Drug Use

Hunter Biden’s closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday led to sparks between Biden and committee member Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) when the Florida congressman asked about drug usage by the president’s son, according to a transcript of the hearing.

Gaetz began by asking Biden, “Were you on drugs when you were on the Burisma board?”

Biden responded, “Mr. Gaetz, look me in the eye. You really think that’s appropriate to ask me?”

Gaetz, “Absolutely.”

“Of all the people sitting around this table,” Biden said, “do you think that’s appropriate to ask me?”

Biden’s comment was a reference to an ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation of Gaetz for alleged drug use and sex with underage girls who were reportedly transported across state lines.

“I will answer it this way,” Biden told Gaetz. “I have been absolutely transparent about my drug use. Was I an addict? Yes, I was an addict. What does that have to do with whether or not you’re going to go forward with an impeachment of my father other than to simply try to embarrass me?”

It remains to be seen if the House Ethics Committee will release the results of its investigation of Gaetz before the November election. The report could result in the congressman being booted from Congress.

A federal criminal investigation of Gaetz for sex trafficking ended in 2023 when the Justice Department declined to charge him with any crimes related to his actions, NBC News reported at the time.

Prosecutors had spent months investigating Gaetz’s personal conduct and, specifically, allegations that he was part of a scheme that led to the sex trafficking of a 17-year-old girl. At the core of their investigation was testimony from a former Gaetz associate, Joel Greenberg, who worked as a Florida tax collector.

Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

This Is Who The MAGA Faithful Consider The ‘Heir’ To Trump

When he finally passes from the political scene and is no longer a viable candidate, someone will have to try and take over the so-called MAGA movement disgraced former Donald Trump has built with conspiracy theories, lies, and outright hatred.

But who could possibly replace the twice-impeached ex-president? Would it be his son, Donald Trump Jr.? Or could Ivanka Trump become leader of MAGA world.

Based on a report from Politico, it seems the most likely new MAGA king is none other than controversial Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

According to reporter Sam Stein, Gaetz is seen as many pro-Trumpers as “not so much as a surrogate for the campaign but as an heir to the Trump movement.”

He has begun, to a degree, to physically resemble a Trump, with slicked back hair in the style of Trump’s actual sons. But most people who have flocked to his events say it is his political approach that reminds them of the former president. It’s precisely because he gets heckled that they love him.

“It’s a little bit of crazy but the right kind of crazy,” said Bill Mitchell, 54, of Troy, New Hampshire. “He does what he said he was going to do. And Trump did what he said he was going to do.”

“I love him,” said Peter Salvitti, of Sonopeake, New Hampshire. “He’s got chutzpah!”

Interestingly, just like Trump, Gaetz is also a morally bankrupt grifter who is suspected of having had sex with underage girls whom he allegedly paid off to remain silent. Those allegations spawned a derogatory nickname that has stuck to the Florida Republican: Venmo Matt.

He’s a chaos agent, whose political convictions revolve around, largely, the promotion of Matt Gaetz. His role in ousting Speaker Kevin McCarthy — a feat treated by Trump fans as akin to Roger Bannister breaking the four-minute mile — weakened the party and left them in a state of disorder from which they have not recovered. His alleged ethical transgressions aren’t signs that he has the right enemies; if true, they’re illustrations of serious moral lapses. They’d be more than fine if he just went away.

For his part, Gaetz seems unfazed by the barbs that are thrown his way, as if refuses to accept ownership for his moral failings, much like his political idol, Donald Trump.

Hours after being confronted by a heckler in Manchester, Gaetz found himself once more targeted in Keene. This time, a man wearing a MAGA hat and a backpack approached him for a photo before declaring that he had brought with him a “bag of underage girls.” He then pulled out a blow-up doll from his bag.

As the heckler was escorted out, blow-up doll in hand, Gaetz kept taking pictures as if nothing had ever happened.

Many in the MAGA movement aren’t the least bit taken aback by the whispers about Gaetz’s perversions, with Bill Mitchell of Troy, New Hampshire, remarking, “It’s a little bit of crazy but the right kind of crazy. He does what he said he was going to do. And Trump did what he said he was going to do.”

Morality is irrelevant to the MAGA masses. All they care about is anger and retribution. In many ways, they’re the American version of the political movement begun by an obscure former convict loser in 1930s Germany.

Congress GOP Social Media

Matt Gaetz’s Victory Lap Over Mitch McConnell’s Decision To Step Down Bites Him On The A**

Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) online reaction to a decision from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to step down as GOP Senate leader in November boomeranged badly on him, resulting in complete humiliation for the controversial Floridian.

Gaetz expressed his glee on Twitter/X, posting, “We’ve now 86’d: McCarthy McDaniel McConnell Better days are ahead for the Republican Party.”

It didn’t take long before others reminded Gaetz that failed former president Donald Trump had once supported McCarthy, McDaniel, and McConnell. They also pointed out that the GOP has been on a major losing streak since it chose to fully embrace Trump despite his legal woes and attempts to overturn the 2020 election.