Discrimination LGBTQ Issues Supreme Court

Pete Buttigieg Burns Down Martha-Ann Alito For Being A Bigot

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg put conservatives on notice today that there’s a world of difference between a flag that celebrates the LGBTQ community and the ones referenced by Martha-Ann Alito, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in support of the January 6 Capitol insurrection.

Speaking with CNN’s John Berman, Buttigieg said, “I’m often reminded that the most important thing in my life, which is my marriage, and my family and the two beautiful children that my husband Chasten and I are raising that that marriage only exists by the grace of the single vote on the United States Supreme Court that expanded our rights and freedoms back in 2015 and made it possible for somebody like me to get married.”

“And, you know,  Supreme Court justices have an unbelievable amount of power and, and by the nature in the structure, the Supreme Court, there’s no supervision over that power,” Buttigieg added. “They are entrusted with it literally for as long as they live. And part of that trust is we expect them to enter into those enormously consequential decisions that shape our everyday lives with a sense of fairness.”

“I also hope that most Americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes you know, love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they’re going to be okay. And insurrectionists symbology, I’ll just leave it at that,” he noted.

In secretly recorded audio, Mrs. Alito groused, “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag, because I have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. And he’s like, ‘Oh, please don’t put up a flag.’ I said, ‘I won’t do it. Because I’m deferring to you but when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m gonna send them a message every day.'”

She also said she wanted to fly several flags that would antagonize the LGBTQ community.

“I’ll be changing the flags. They’ll be all kinds. I made a flag in my head. This is how I satisfy myself. I made a flag. It’s white and has yellow and orange flames around it. And in the middle is the word ‘vergogna.’ ‘Vergogna’ in Italian means shame — vergogna. V-E-R-G-O-G-N-A. Vergogna.”

As if trying to explain her bigotry, Mrs. Alito claimed her German heritage meant she didn’t take any shit from anyone.

“I’m German. I’m from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way — it doesn’t have to be now — but there will be a way they will know. Don’t worry about it. God — you read the Bible. Psalm 27 is my psalm. Mine. Psalm 27, the Lord is my God and my rock. Of whom shall I be afraid? Nobody.”

German, huh? Hmm. Weren’t the Nazis German, too? Does Mrs. Altio sympathize with what they did?

Here’s the video of Buttigieg’s interview with CNN:

Congress Donald Trump Elections GOP

Democrat Swats Down His GOP Colleagues By Turning One Of Their Favorite Insults Back On Them

Democratic Congressman Jim McGovern (MA) is fed up with his GOP House colleagues who defend convicted felon Donald Trump yet happily attack Hunter Biden, who was found guilty Tuesday of three federal gun crimes.

According to Mediaite, McGovern used the verdict against President Joe Biden’s son as the jumping off point for a larger argument.

The Massachusetts lawmaker juxtaposed Republicans’ reaction to Trump’s criminal conviction last month to Democrats’ response to Hunter Biden’s conviction on Tuesday. Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records and the president’s son was found guilty on three gun-related charges. In the former instance, Republicans slammed the verdict and even claimed President Joe Biden was behind the state charges in New York. Meanwhile, regarding his son, the president said he accepts the outcome of his son’s trial.

McGovern began by contrasting Hunter Biden’s actions after he was found guilty with Trump’s constant whining since a jury convicted him last month.

“Did Hunter Biden walk out of the courthouse this morning and slam the judge or the prosecutors? Did he claim some vast conspiracy to weaponize the legal system against him? No, he did not. In a statement on the verdict, President Biden said, ‘I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process.'”

He then added, “Now I ask, after the verdict this morning, how can any Republican in their right mind argue that the Biden administration is weaponizing the DOJ to hurt Republicans and to help Democrats? They just convicted the president’s own son, to say nothing of the fact that the Department of Justice is currently trying a Democratic senator and has indicted a Democratic member of this House. I mean, do Republicans still believe that President Biden is weaponizing the justice system? Because if he is, he’s sure doing a lousy job.”

So who, McGovern wondered, is truly suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome?

“And as usual, the only Trump derangement syndrome going on around here is on the other side of the aisle. I mean, people are saying that Biden orchestrated the conviction of his own son in order to justify the criminal charges against Trump. That is how you think when you are in a cult. So, here’s the bottom line. Republicans just can’t wrap their heads around the idea that their presidential candidate, your presumptive nominee, is a convicted felon. That is not the result of a sham process or some vast conspiracy by the Biden administration. That is a result of the truth. And these attacks on our justice system have to come to a stop.”

Say what you want about Democrats, but at least their candidate for president isn’t a felon who’s facing a prison sentence next month.

And say what you want about Hunter Biden, but at least he’s admitted his mistakes and is working to change his life for the better. That’s something Donald Trump isn’t capable of doing.


Congress Economics GOP WTF?!

Republicans Mocked For Claiming It Takes ‘Your Whole Paycheck’ To Eat At The Cheesecake Factory

Did you know that if you decide to have lunch or dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in New York, your tab will likely use up your entire paycheck?

You didn’t know that? There’s a good reason you didn’t: Because it’s a blatant lie.

And yet, that lie is being peddled by House Republicans on social media, with a posting from the House Judiciary Committee.

So let’s take a few minutes to deconstruct and debunk the numerous lies in that tweet.

Flying to New York affordably is still possible, with a fare from Atlanta to the Big Apple costing less than $150. According to Expedia, you can do so for as little as $111.

As for getting robbed in Times Square, the latest crime figures from New York show that major crimes are down, with nearly 500 fewer major crimes in April of this year when compared to 2023.

Hotels overrun with illegal aliens? Also a lie, with New York City Mayor Eric Adams issuing an eviction order for such residences in January.

That brings us to the cost of eating at the Cheesecake Factory in New York, where a quick look at the menu shows you can have a Bistro Burger for $17.95, which is certainly not the average American’s pay for the month or even for a week.

It didn’t take long for online mockery to reach a fever pitch.

Donald Trump Elections Uncategorized WTF?!

Trump Suffers Numerous ‘Brain Glitches’ During Bizarre And Incoherent Speech In Las Vegas

On Sunday, convicted felon Donald Trump held one of his freeform campaign rallies in Las Vegas, where the temperature spiked to 105 degrees before he even hit the stage to start speaking.

However, when the disgraced former president did start speaking, his comments were peppered with odd and incoherent statements that sounded less like human speech than a decrepit vacuum cleaner that had just inhaled a rabid wolverine.

In what one social media user called a series of “brain glitches,” Trump began sentences that ended with a garbled litany of words no human has ever uttered.

At one point, Trump told the crowd, “I’ll tell you what. Ahwoogooba.”

Does anyone want to venture a guess what he was trying to say? If so, you deserve an award.

But that was just the beginning of the fact-free verbal diarrhea that poured out of the Donald’s mouth, Hugh Jackson of the Nevada Current reports.

Here’s another head-scratcher from Trump: “Virtually 100 percent of the new jobs under Biden have also gone to illegal aliens. Did you know that? A hundred percent.”

Not even remotely true.

“One hundred percent of new jobs created during the Biden administration were not taken by migrants who crossed the U.S. border illegally, for a lot of reasons, not least being that it would be statistically impossible.”

Trump also addressed what he foresees happening if he loses to President Joe Biden in November.

 “You’re headed to World War III. You are closer now to World War III than you’ve ever been, and this is no longer army tanks going back and forth shooting – World War II, World War… There are nuclear weapons the likes of which and the power of which has never, ever been seen before.”

World War III? That seems a lot more likely to happen with a deeply compromised felon in the Oval Office. A felon, who, it should be recalled, thinks Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin can be trusted over U.S. intelligence agencies.

Social media users had some thoughts on Trump’s surreal Nevada comments.

Impeachment Supreme Court

Former Prosecutor Says Samuel Alito May Have Already Committed ‘An Impeachable Offense’


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito may have already opened himself up to the possibility of being impeached and removed from the court if he lied in a letter he sent to members of Congress, according to a former federal prosecutor.

Discussing the matter of Alito flying an American flag upside down at his home, Harry Litman noted that the justice needs to recuse himself from hearing any case which involves indicted former president Donald Trump or January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection.

Asked by a CNN host what can be done about a member of the court who has a conflict of interest yet refuses to step aside on cases in which they have an obvious personal interest, Litman explained, “There are really few.”

Litman added that Alito “has written to the congress, saying nobody could reasonably question my impartiality that the flag was flying.”

“Think about it for a moment. And say you were involved in a gay rights case. You were on the other side and you pass a judge’s house and the gay pride flag is flying. In my mind, you can think reasonably that person won’t be impartial.”

“There is the discrepancy and I really think it is essential to get to the bottom of it,” Litman continued.

That’s when the specter of impeachment came up, with Litman saying, “If it’s the case, I am not saying it’s the case, but if it is that Justice Alito sent a letter to the Congress and didn’t tell the truth in it. That is exceptionally grave. I think that would be an impeachable offense.”

Unfortunately, even if articles of impeachment were filed against Alito, there’s no way Senate Republicans would ever vote to convict him, even if the evidence against him was overwhelming.

So instead of having an independent Supreme Court, we currently have six conservative members who think the law applies to everyone but them, Donald Trump, and any other Republican whose legal filings come before them. That does not bode well for the future of the American republic.