Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Former Staffer Says Jared Kushner Is Gay And In An ‘Arranged Marriage’ With Ivanka

The final night of the Republican convention last month was full-scale propaganda night, with the apex of the lying and misinformation being (as you’d expect), Donald Trump’s 70-minute long rant in which he repeatedly patted himself on the back while simultaneously spewing out bullshit about how terrible things would be if he’s not reelected. In other words, only he can fix it, but he’s had four years and hasn’t fixed shit. But give him four more and everything will be unicorns and cotton candy.

Prior to the Donald’s dystopian soliloquy, however, his daughter, Ivanka — who also happens to work in the White House in some capacity no can seem to explain — did her best to paint her father as some sort of normal guy instead of the monster he truly is.

Perhaps the most disgusting thing Ivanka said was this:

“Dad, people attack you for being unconventional. But I love you for being real, and I respect you for being effective.”

Effective at what? Being a total racist asshole so filled with bullshit that everything he does is coated with a dark sheen of fetid feces?

Around the time Ivanka was speaking, Noel Casler, who was a showrunner on “The Apprentice,” fired off a tweet that got a lot of attention on social media:

Wow! Now that’s a headline-grabber!

Most people who read Casler’s tweet said they had no problem believing his accusation, but some also had questions:

Things just keep getting more interesting when it comes to the Trumps. Hopefully very soon they can work out their issues in private or, even better, in prison.

Congress WTF?!

Controversial GOP Congresswoman Allegedly Cheated On Her Husband With Multiple Men

Ever since she burst onto the political scene and managed to win a seat in the House of Representatives, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been known for casting aspersions on others. She has attacked Muslims, claimed the Parkland school shooting was a “false flag,” and suggested that the Sept. 11 attacks didn’t actually take place.

Greene has been such a human hemorrhoid that her colleagues voted to remove her from all congressional committees, an unprecedented move which she later pretended didn’t bother her in the least.

Now, however, with the spotlight on Greene, the Daily Mail is reporting that she has allegedly cheated on her husband with multiple men:

“Controversial conspiracy congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene cheated on her husband with a polyamorous tantric sex guru, has learned.

“Then after ending her affair with him, the mom-of-three moved on to a gym manager behind her husband’s back.

“But despite the tawdry flings, Taylor Greene stuck with her husband Perry as she made her unlikely rise that has turned her into the most talked-about Republican in Washington, D.C.”

Asked about the alleged affairs, the two men who were reportedly Greene’s paramours denied they had been involved with the congresswoman:

“Craig Ivey, the tantric sex practitioner, said: ‘I will not respond to anything about this,’ while the other man, Justin Tway, said: ‘I have no interest in talking about anything to do with that woman. Everything with her comes to no good.’

“But others say the new representative from Georgia’s 14th Congressional District was brazen about her affairs which she carried on a decade ago while working in gyms in Alpharetta, Georgia,”

Those who know Greene say everyone was aware of her extramarital affairs:

“‘It wasn’t a secret. Everyone who moved in her circles knew about both the affairs,’ one man who worked closely with Taylor Greene told

“And her boss, billionaire’s grandson Jim Chambers, added: ‘She socialized a lot with us. I remember one particular pool party where she was lying draped over Craig’s lap drinking a beer.

“‘She was quite open about it,’ he added. ‘We all thought her marriage was falling apart.'”

Asked for a comment on the allegations detailed by the Daily Mail, Greene called it “ridiculous tabloid garbage spread by an avowed Communist,” and “another attempt to smear my name because I’m the biggest threat to the Democrats’ Socialist agenda.”

 As we’ve seen repeatedly when it comes to right-wingers, they’re the biggest hypocrites in the world, eager to throws stones at others even though they reside in their own self-constructed glass houses.

Donald Trump Jr. WTF?!

Donald Trump Jr. Has On-Air Conniption Fit – Claims Democrats ‘Insurrected’ Us First

According to Donald Trump Jr., the insurrection his father incited on January 6 at the Capitol which left five people dead (including a police officer) cannot be blamed on the failed, one-term president because Democrats started the entire thing and are totally to blame.

Appearing on Newsmax, Don Jr. insisted that the attack can’t be “tied back” to his daddy, claiming:

“By that logic, we would take the last ten months and you would take the billion dollars worth of damage in looting, in rioting, in arson, in murder that took place across the country with the [Black Lives Matter] riots and the Antifa riots and you have the words of Kamala Harris, you have the actions of their campaign bailing out criminals. You have the words of Maxine Waters. You know, get up in their face. Nancy Pelosi, everyone.”

Did Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi tell their supporters to storm the Capitol and terrorize people? No. They didn’t. But that didn’t stop Junior from proving his own massive ignorance as he continued his rant:

“We’ve all denounced what happened on Jan. 6. “No one hasn’t. OK? That doesn’t mean that then, by their rules, that they would be absolved of ten months of Jan. 6 that happened across the entire country. Right?”

Actually, Donald Trump has never once denounced what happened. He told the rioters to go home and then said they were “very special” and that he loved them. That’s not a denunciation of a domestic terror attack on the seat of government.

Don Jr. then remarked:

“You had everything else All ‘insurrected’ by the Democrats and by their rhetoric on TV.

“I don’t think that every time that someone says something that we should be able to tie it back to a couple of actions by lunatic players and say we’ve got to blame the person saying it.”

Osama bin Laden said the United States needed to be attacked, and it was on Sept. 11, 2001. Using Junior’s logic, Bin Laden wouldn’t be to blame for the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans on that fateful day. He’d just be uttering some words that were taken the wrong way by the terrorists who committed those horrific acts.

Donald Trump is directly responsible for what transpired on Jan. 6. So is Don Jr., whose speech was also inflammatory and dangerous. Words can lead to actions, and actions have consequences under the law.

Here’s Donald Trump Jr. (aka Traitor Tot) on Newsmax:


Domestic Terrorism Donald Trump Elections Right Wing Morons

Some Right-Wing Extremist Groups Are Now Calling For Trump’s ‘Arrest’ And ‘Execution’

Seven months ago, extremist demonstrators were only too happy to display their undying loyalty to Donald Trump by marching on the U.S. Capitol and storming the building, which led to the deaths of five people, including a police officer.

Now, however, some of those same once-loyal Trump worshipers are calling the president a “coward” and insisting that he either needs to be arrested or executed, according to a report from Jesselyn Cook of HuffPost:

“In online havens for MAGA extremists, including Gab, CloutHub, MeWe, Telegram and far-right message boards such as 8kun, the tone toward Trump is shifting. HuffPost reviewed thousands of messages across these platforms and found that a growing minority of the president’s once-devout backers are now denouncing him and rejecting his recent pleas for peace. Some have called for his arrest or execution, labelling him a ‘traitor’ and a ‘coward.’ Alarmingly, many of those who are irate about Biden’s supposed electoral theft are still plotting to forcibly prevent him from taking office – with or without Trump’s help.”

What led to the shift in opinion among the extremists who have supported Trump since he first labeled Mexican immigrants as “rapists”? Apparently it was the video the president made in which he called for a peaceful transfer of power and an end to the violence that had taken place at the Capitol.

“’So he basically just sold out the patriots who got rounded up for him,’ one person wrote in a 15,000-member pro-Trump Telegram group. ‘Just wow.’

“’We don’t follow you,’ another Telegram user wrote, addressing Trump, after the president put out his video urging calm and order. ‘Be quiet and get out of our way.'”

There have also been messages such as this one:

On other forums, there are calls to “burn down” the Capitol and “pop some libtards”:

“WHATEVER IT TAKES!!” Some posts are more specific:“Civil War is here. Group up locally. Take out the News stations,” one person declared. “LET’S HANG THEM ALL,” another implored. “LET’S FINISH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.”

The Boogaloo Boys, a far-right extremist group that openly advocates for civil war, have also issued a call to arms:

“Theres a war coming, and cowering in your home [while] real patriots march with rifles … will make you a traitor,” commented a member of an encrypted Boogaloo chat.

Other postings are aimed directly at Trump, and suggest that he too may be a part of the problem that the extremists call for neutralizing:

Among the recent messages excoriating Trump in dedicated pro-Trump networks: “tbh I hope they hang Trump at this point”; “He deserves what’s coming to him”; “he is literally done he will die in jail”; “Seriously hoping they’ll lock him up or lynch [him]”; “Guy is the biggest cuck ever at this point” “Can’t wait til the left locks up his bitch ass. Rot in prison.” Several people have proclaimed that at this point, Trump can only redeem himself by declaring martial law to maintain power by force.

Clearly, and that could well wind up being a direct threat to him and anyone associated with his administration. But the only person to blame for what’s become of some of his former acolytes is the man-child Trump sees whenever he looks in the mirror.