Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump Is Moving From Florida To New Jersey – The Reason Is Bad News For All Of Us

Failed, one-term former President Donald Trump is on the move, preparing to head from Florida to New Jersey, and though the reason stated for his relocation is blamed on the hot South Florida weather as summer approaches, it seems Trump has ulterior motives.

Business Insider reports that Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach normally closes after Memorial Day due to the intolerable heat and humidity, so Trump and his so-called “team” of advisers will be relocating to the Garden State:

“They’re moving the whole operation to New Jersey because they’re going to start doing more fundraising.”

The new location for loser Trump will likely be his Bedminster golf resort:

“Now it looks like the new base for Trump loyalists could be temporarily moved 1,200 miles away to his plush, east coast club.

“The club opened in 2004 and is about an hour from Trump Tower in Manhattan, with the most expensive membership reportedly costing $300,000 annually.”

Bedminster was supposed to be the location of next year’s PGA championship, but that golf tournament was canceled shortly after the January 6 Capitol insurrection which many blame Trump for helping to incite with his rhetoric just hours before the rioting began.

Also, if Trump is planning to do more fundraising that suggests that he is still attempting to gain control of the Republican Party so he can leverage that position to seek the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

But while Trump and his advisers may be eager to get him back into the political world, he’s also facing criminal charges and numerous lawsuits, any of which could wind up sending him prison for decades.

Also, it should be noted that the current governor of New Jersey is a Democrat, Phil Murphy, who will not hesitate to sign extradition orders if the former president is indicted in New York, Washington, D.C., or any other U.S. venue.

Trump may be heading north to escape the heat, but he could wind up going from the frying pan right into the fire.


Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Joe Biden Social Media

Don Jr. Humiliates Himself And His Old Man By Comparing The Failed Former POTUS To Joe Biden

Bless his coal-black, shrunken heart, Donald Trump Jr. just cannot avoid owning himself as he engages in being a dutiful son/sycophant for a father who couldn’t possibly care less about him and has long ago made it clear that Ivanka is his favorite child that he wanted to have sex with when she was only 13.

According to Junior, his father is far more accomplished in his four failed years as president than the current head of state, Joe Biden.

Don Jr. made his claim on Instagram, because apparently he doesn’t like Twitter now that the platform banned his father for being a lying, traitorous sack of shit:

How pathetic can one person be? Well there’s Don Jr. pathetic and everyone else is in a distant second place.

That was all it took for social media to light up with derision and mockery of Traitor Tot:

It’s going to be so much fun to watch in the months ahead as members of the Trump family start to turn on each other in exchange for a reduced prison sentence.


Donald Trump Elections Espionage

Quid Pro Quo: Treasury Department Proves Russia Stole The 2016 Election For Trump

The Latin phrase quid pro quo literally means “what for what” or “something for something,” and it defines a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.

Ever since 2016, there have been numerous investigations trying to determine if there was indeed a quid pro quo between Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign and Russia, especially the highest levels of Russian intelligence and the Kremlin.

Proof has now been laid out by the Treasury Department that carefully explains how the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia did indeed work in concert with one another to steal the election for Trump, making him an illegitimate president.

CNN reports that the link between the Trump camp and Russia can be found in the person of a man named Konstantin Kilimnik, who has deep links to the intelligence services of Russia:

“The new revelations about Moscow’s election meddling came as part of the Biden administration’s slate of sanctions against Russian actors on Thursday over Russia’s election interference as well as the SolarWinds hack and Russia’s ongoing occupation of Crimea.

“After then-President Donald Trump repeatedly denied or downplayed Russia’s election interference in 2016, senior Trump administration officials, including Trump himself, refused to acknowledge or elevate Russian operations in 2020 and sought to characterize China as the greater threat.

“The sanctions also included the US government’s acknowledgment for the first time that a Russian-linked intelligence operative named Konstantin Kilimnik provided information on Trump campaign polling strategy and data to the Russian intelligence services in 2016.”

The passing of polling information to Russian intelligence was especially helpful to the Kremlin because it allowed so-called “troll farms” to target specific audiences on social media sites in an attempt to turn voters away from 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and toward Trump. That was a huge advantage for Trump because his campaign’s digital operation relied on misinformation and lies about Clinton to place doubt in the minds of American voters.

The Biden administration’s new sanctions are some of the most extensive and far-reaching ever placed on any foreign government, NBC News noted:

“Under the order, the Treasury Department has blacklisted six Russian technology companies that provide support to the cyber program run by Russia’s intelligence services.

“Treasury also sanctioned 32 entities and individuals for ‘carrying out Russian government-directed attempts to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election, and other acts of disinformation and interference,’ as well as eight individuals and entities associated with Russia’s actions in Crimea.”

For the first time since President Obama left office, the Oval Office is occupied by a man who understands that Russia and Vladimir Putin are a direct and ongoing threat to U.S. national security.

Additionally, Treasury’s report also clears the way for the Department of Justice to file criminal charges against former president Trump and members of his 2016 campaign. Here’s hoping Attorney General Merrick Garland will do exactly that.


Congress Crime

The Arrest Of Matt Gaetz Is ‘Imminent’: Report

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is in very big trouble, and things are about to get even worse for him, according to The Daily Mail, which notes that Gaetz’s arrest is imminent.

Why will we soon be seeing Gaetz in handcuffs and doing the perp walk? Because a friend of his is telling everything he knows about the congressman in order to save his own ass:

“Rep Matt Gaetz is expected to be indicted within the next few weeks as former Florida official and friend Joel Greenberg is believed to have turned on the congressman in the sex trafficking investigation against him, a source close to the probe tells

“Greenberg, who was elected Seminole County Tax Collector in 2016, is currently in jail awaiting trial after being slapped with a string of charges last year including sex trafficking a minor between the age of 14 and 17.”


Gaetz is reportedly under investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for allegedly being involved in a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl whom he took across state lines and allegedly gave money to, which would open Gaetz up to a charge of sexual trafficking.

Greenberg is also under investigation for trafficking the same underage girl and is trying to cut a deal, talking with federal authorities and providing information that could prove critical in the case against Gaetz:

“The congressman impugned and damaged the reputation of someone who had nothing to do with this,’ the source told 

“‘Gaetz is a sleaze-bag who used a professional with a sterling reputation to divert the attention on a sex investigation focused on him.

“‘Rest assured that Greenberg has been singing to the feds about his friend Matt Gaetz. That’s why Matt is so freaked out,’ the source added.”

Ironically, the DOJ’s investigation of Gaetz began during the Trump administration, when Bill Barr was still attorney general. That alone suggests there must be a boatload of evidence against the Florida Republican.

Don’t be surprised if Gaetz is indicted before the end of April. It would be a monumental fall from power for a man who once had the ear of Donald Trump.


Joe Biden The Biden Administration

Biden’s Approval Rating Soars – His Policies Are Wildly Popular With Americans Of Both Parties

At the moment, Joe Biden is one of the most popular presidents in recent memory, and even Republicans are giving him high marks for the job he’s doing battling the coronavirus pandemic and his plan to rebuild American infrastructure.

Morning Consult released a poll this week which shows that the Biden agenda is wildly popular among those surveyed, with 65 percent saying they approve of paying for the president’s infrastructure package by increasing taxes on corporations for the next 15 years. Only 21 percent said they’re opposed to raising taxes on big business.

Even 42 percent of registered Republicans said they support higher taxes on corporations, with 47 percent of GOP voters telling pollsters they were opposed to such a plan.

A closer look inside the Morning Consult numbers also has good news for the administration, with 53 percent of those responding saying they they still support tax hikes and only 27 percent saying they wouldn’t support such a plan.

And then there’s this from the poll, which is almost certain to terrify Congressional Republicans:

“When taxes and other potential funding sources aren’t mentioned, Biden’s infrastructure plan enjoys the support of 60 percent of voters, including 84 percent of Democrats, 51 percent of independents and 35 percent of Republicans.”

Americans realize our infrastructure is falling apart and needs to be rebuilt, whether it be roads and bridges our updating schools across the country.

On Biden’s other signature issue, the COVID relief package and plan for getting the majority of us vaccinated, the numbers are also encouraging, with 70 percent saying they think Biden has done the right thing to slow and eventually eliminate spread of the deadly disease.

While Republicans continue to whine and shoot themselves in the foot, President Biden is being rewarded for his bold and decisive ideas. That alone is all the proof you need that the current president is a unifier, unlike his predecessor.