Congress Social Media WTF?!

Jim Jordan Got Caught In A Massive Lie That Proves Just How Clueless He Is

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has been vehemently opposed to safety precautions and any form of shutdowns, even if doing so would have lives and help control the deadly virus, which has already claimed the lives of over 577,000 Americans.

So it probably shouldn’t come as any surprise that Jordan is harping on making sure schools in the Buckeye State are opened for the academic year, which has already begun in many states.

But four tweets Jordan posted over the past few weeks are downright lies, as his Democratic opponent in the 2022 midterm, Jeff Sites, made sure and pointed out on Monday:

Ohio schools have been open since March, but Jordan is still firing off angry tweets about opening schools? Granted, Jordan isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but a quick Google search would have told him that Ohio students are back in class.

As Sites noted, it certainly seems that Jordan is more interested in getting headlines and airtime on Fox News than actually taking a moment to get to the truth. For Jim Jordan (like so many Republicans), facts are always secondary to propaganda.

Internet karma quickly caught up with Congressman Jordan:

If you’re as sick of Gym Jordan as many of his constituents are, be sure and go to Jeff Sites’ campaign website — — and contribute what you can. The time has come to get rid of liars and frauds like Jordan.

Social Media U.S. Senate

Ted Cruz Picked A Twitter Fight With Trevor Noah – That Was A BIG Mistake

There are few people in this country who are as widely disliked as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who has also been called the most hated man in the U.S. Senate.

Despite this knowledge, Cruz seems determined to pick fights with those who can easily make him look like the moronic troglodyte that he is and reinforce his own pathetic ineptitude when it comes to debating.

For example, Ted ran across a clip of “The Daily Show” and saw host Trevor Noah commenting on some of the results from the 2020 Census. Noah zinged Cruz with this line:

“Aside from New York getting screwed, the big news out of the census is that America’s population grew at the slowest rate since the 1930s. Basically, immigration is down and the birth rate is falling, primarily due to this photo.”

Cue a photo of Ted Cruz.

Clearly, Noah is making a joke. That’s kind of his job. But Cruz got his feelings hurt and tweeted a response that came across as pure asshole:

As you’d expect, Noah was equal to the challenge, and he fired off this retort:

Cruz should have left well enough alone. But he just couldn’t:

That’s when former host Jon Stewart joined the fray:

Noah then finished off the Texas Republican:

Game, set, and match, Trevor Noah, with an assist by Jon Stewart.

At last report, Ted Cruz was seen slithering out of his Senate office and heading to the nearest international airport. He was said to be carrying a box of tissues.


Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Trump Messed Up Some Of His Pardons – And The Recipients Can Still Be Prosecuted

In the final days of his administration, Donald Trump handed out 74 pardons and commuted the sentences of 70 others who had been convicted and sentenced to federal prison.

NBC News notes that many of those who received pardons from Trump were close friends, former associates, or people he believed would somehow endear him to the rich assholes he’s known to hang out with at Mar-a-Lago:

“A list of 143 people included his former chief strategist and longtime ally Steve Bannon as well as his former top fundraiser Elliott Broidy. Then, with less than an hour to go before President-elect Joe Biden was set to be sworn in, Trump granted one last pardon: to Albert J. Pirro, Jr., the ex-husband of Fox News host and longtime ally Jeanine Pirro.”

But some of those pardons were so narrowly constructed and written that they leave the recipients open to prosecution by the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Former Mueller investigation chief prosecutor Andrew Weissmann spelled out the mistakes Trump made in the pardons of two individuals, longtime Trump friend and confidant Roger Stone and Trump’s 2016 campaign manager, Paul Manafort, in an article he wrote for Just Security:

“The pardon for Paul Manafort (on Dec. 23, 2020), is illustrative. By its own terms, the pardon covers only the crimes “for his conviction” on specific charges and not any other crimes (charged or uncharged). Specifically, the pardon is solely for the crimes of conviction — eight in the Eastern District of Virginia and two in the District of Columbia. That leaves numerous crimes as to which Manafort can still be prosecuted, as in Virginia there were 10 hung counts. In Washington, the situation is even more wide open. In that district, Manafort pleaded to a superseding information containing two conspiracy charges, while the entire underlying indictment — containing numerous crimes from money laundering, to witness tampering, to violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act — now remains open to prosecution as there was no conviction for those charges.”

And then we have Roger Stone and a rouges gallery of other criminals:

“Manafort is not the only example of narrow Trump pardons that may be rectified by the incoming Attorney General. The same narrow pardons were provided to Special Counsel Office defendants Roger Stone (Dec. 23, 2020), George Papadopoulos (Dec. 22, 2020), and Alex van den Zwaan (Dec. 22, 2020), as well as the myriad other felons who received pardons or commutations on December 22 and 23, 2020. As noted, these defendants include murderers, corrupt politicians and law enforcement officers, and Philip Esformes, the single largest health care fraudster in history. These windows of opportunity are due in significant part to a practice followed by prosecutors’ offices across the country: permitting defendants to plead to some, but not all, of their crimes. That feature of these cases should now redound to the benefit of the government, as it may now permit the Department to see that justice is done.”

All of these people can be tried and convicted once again, and this time they won’t be getting a presidential pardon, so they’ll have to serve all of their sentences without the promise of a get-out-of-jail free card waiting for them if they agree to not testify against Trump.

As with everything he does, Donald Trump failed. He wanted to provide protection to those who didn’t testify against him, but all he did was make it more likely they’ll wind up in prison for much longer than they anticipated.


GOP U.S. Senate

New Questions Arise About Lindsey Graham After A Trump Ally Says He ‘Knows About’ The Senator

Something very strange is going on in South Carolina, and it could well have profound implications for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R), who just so happens to be the senior senator from the Palmetto State.

Recently in Hampton County, South Carolina, the state’s GOP chairman, Drew McKissick, was accosted by attorney Lin Wood, whose claim to fame is that he filed some of the most bizarre and batshit crazy lawsuits seeking to over the 2020 election and have federal courts declare failed, one-term former President Donald Trump the victor, even though he lost by 7 million popular votes and 74 Electoral College votes to President Joe Biden.

Wood is running to unseat McKissick as head of the South Carolina Republican Party, and during his confrontation with the current chairman, he suddenly dropped the Sen. Graham’s name.

In the clip below, Wood tells McKissick:

“I know about you and Lindsey. You need to get out of the race now. Nothing can stop what’s going to come.”

McKissick responds:

“You are supporting Chinese pornography. So just get your stuff off the internet buddy.”

Wood then repeats his original statement:

“I know about you and Lindsey.”

To that, McKissick tells Wood:

“You don’t know anything.”

Later in the clip, Wood is again trying to suggest that something is about to break that will supposedly be detrimental in one way or another to Graham and McKissick:

“It’s going to come out. You need to accept that.”

But McKissick remains undaunted:

“Hey, bring it on out buddy. Come on. I’m here. I’m right here. Come on. Bring it on. Come on. Come on. Come on.”

Once more, Wood reiterates his nebulous threat:

“I don’t think you want to bring it out but it’s going to come out. You and Lindsey. It’s going to come out Drew. I’m trying to tell you.”

What’s going to come out? That remains unclear; Wood didn’t give any specifics, and he’s known to be fond of conspiracy theories.

But Wood’s ranting has set off speculation once again that there’s something Lindsey Graham is hiding. Some have suggested Russia may have kompromat (compromising material) that proves they have given payoffs to Graham. There has been no evidence of this and it’s little more than speculation.

And there’s also the longtime whispers that the 65-year-old, never married Graham is a closeted gay man who is terrified coming out would be the end of his career in a state as conservative as South Carolina.

Whatever Lin Wood is referring to, this sort of negative publicity isn’t the least bit helpful to Graham or the GOP, and if Wood does indeed have some sort of information that would implicate Graham in something unsavory, it could do serious damage to other Republicans allied with the senator.

It’s going to come out, Lin Wood insists. We’ll just have to wait and see what in the hell he’s talking about.


Ivanka Trump

Cindy McCain Reveals Secrets About Ivanka Trump In Her Startling New Book

Cindy McCain was married to the late Arizona Sen. John McCain for 38 years, and she’s written a memoir that focuses in part on the last few months of her husband’s life entitled Stronger, in which she reveals that in the final days of the senator’s life, only a few “trusted” people were allowed to visit: Joe Biden, Lindsey Graham, and Mitt Romney.

Interestingly, Mrs. McCain notes, her husband’s running mate, Sarah Palin, never reached out when the senator was diagnosed with brain cancer:

“In the fourteen months that John had been sick, she never once spoke to him. He had put her on the political map, and she didn’t even send him a note of good wishes when he was down. That is not someone you invite to a final farewell.

“I was just very disappointed in what Mrs. Palin did, because I just felt that… I had hoped that she had felt my husband was as loved as I did. And I was just very disappointed. I think I was more disappointed than John.”

Another person who wasn’t invited: Then-President Donald Trump. However, his daughter, Ivanka, along with her husband, Jared Kushner, did make an appearance, and McCain took it all in stride, refusing to hold a grudge against Ivanka even though her father had gone out of the way to say horrible things about the late senator:

“John always taught me that it takes more energy to be mad than to simply move on,” she writes in her memoir. “I don’t know exactly why Ivanka and Jared wanted to be there. But I am hoping they came for the reason I would think — that they mourned the loss of my husband.”

There was no reason for Ivanka to attend the McCain funeral, and it’s incredibly generous of Mrs. McCain to suggest that Ivanka was mourning the senator’s death. It’s a lot more likely she did it because she has political ambitions and didn’t want to diss a war hero.

Ivanka Trump may appear to be classier than her lowlife father, but she’s a bottom feeder, too. As for politics, here’s a bold prediction: No Trump will ever hold any office again in this country. They’re political poison and the American people have rejected them.