Corruption Donald Trump WTF?!

Hilarious Details Of What Got Guiliani’s Law License Pulled Are Starting To Leak Out

Earlier today, former New York City mayor and personal attorney to failed, one-term ex-president Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, had his law license indefinitely suspended by the Attorney Grievance Committee for New York State Supreme Court’s First Judicial Department.


According to CNN:

“In a ruling released following disciplinary proceedings, the court concluded that ‘there is uncontroverted evidence’ that Giuliani, the former Manhattan US attorney, “communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020.”

A closer look at the ruling from the grievance committee gives details that are both hilarious and head-shaking in the full depth of their absurdity. Consider:

Rudy claims there’s been voter fraud; later says he isn’t claiming voter fraud:

Judge: “So the amended complaint — does the amended complaint plead fraud with particularity?”

Guiliani: “No, Your Honor, and it doesn’t plead fraud. It pleads the — it pleads the plan or scheme that we lay out… without characterizing it.”

Rudy says the late boxer, Joe Frazier, voted in Philadelphia:

“The public records submitted on this motion unequivocally show that respondent’s statement is false, Public records show that 15 Pennsylvania formally cancelled Mr. Frazier’s eligibility to vote on February 8, 2012, three months after he died.”

Rudy tells the court 60,000 underage voters cast ballots in Georgia, resulting in Joe Biden winning the Peach State:

“At various times, respondent claimed that 65,000 or 66,000 or 165,00 underage voters illegally voted in the Georgia 2020 election. The Georgia Office of the Secretary of State undertook an investigation of this claim. It compared the list of all of the people who voted in Georgia to their full birthdays. The audit revealed that there were zero (0) underage voters in the 2020 election.”

It’s a wonder Rudy even managed to pass the bar exam in the first place! Are we sure he didn’t have someone take the damn thing for him?


History Media in America Racism WTF?!

Newsmax Guest: Teaching Kids About Slavery Will Lead To ‘Death Camps’ For White People

Over the years, there’s been some absolutely moronic, absurd, and misleading shit said on right-wing media, most notably Fox News, which is infamous for trafficking in lies and conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact or grounding in reality.

But in today’s wide-open media bouillabaisse of anything goes inanity — fueled in part by the explosion of social media platforms and ubiquity of the internet everywhere you go — we have even more extreme mutant strains of nutbaggery such as Newsmax, where today’s batshit, head-shaking headline originated with a discussion of “critical race theory” which led to a guest warning that teaching about slavery and how whites have treated blacks in the United States over the centuries will result in “death camps” for white people.

Those words came from right-wing radio host Michael Savage, who told Newsmax hosts Steve Cortes and Jenn Pellegrino that there’s already violence against whites all over the country:

“And now they’re beating up white children in schoolrooms. And I’m not going to mince words. You can cut me off if you have to. I know you probably agree with me. I can’t take this anymore. And there’s only one solution to it—sue the goddamn schools if they do it to your child for child abuse, and you will win.”

Yeah, kids didn’t start beating each other up until racism became a topic of discussion, right, Michael? As for suing for child abuse, can we also sue parents who voted for Trump and believe his bullshit? Seems only fair, don’t you agree?

Rather than provide proof of his specious assertions, Savage went full douche and brought up Nazi Germany and the Holocaust:

“The same kind of thing started in Germany. The Jews were no good. The Jews did this. The Jews did that. The next thing you know they were being excluded from swimming pools. They didn’t put them in concentration camps overnight.

“I studied this intimately. I am Jewish. I know how this starts. Attacks on white people is exactly what was done to the Jews in Germany in the 1930s. Don’t fall for this garbage. This is the road to the death camps. Stand up to these bastards and sue them!”

Jewish Americans were once excluded from public swimming pools, clubs, and schools in this country, too. Did it lead to concentration camps? No. It led to reforms, change, and a growth in American consciousness that allowed this country to evolve and realize the ignorance of such discrimination.

We have to understand where we’ve been as a nation in order to make sure we don’t repeat the past endlessly and lose our souls. Learning from history — even the dark and controversial parts — is how we prevent repeating it.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump’s So-Called ‘Father’s Day Message’ Is Almost As Disgusting As Him

In an apparent attempt to troll everyone who has ever wronged him (and it’s not even Festivus!), failed, one-term former President Donald Trump decided he’d try and get revenge for being summarily rejected by the majority of American voters by venting his spleen on Father’s Day, which he should be spending with his family, most of whom probably despise him.

Since he no longer has a Facebook or Twitter account, Trump is now relegated to issuing wannabe press releases to the media in a desperate attempt to pretend he’s still in charge of something.

Here’s the Father’s Day 2021 message from Donnie:

How ironic that the only man in U.S history to ever be impeached twice and who lost overwhelmingly a few months ago is calling others “losers.” That’s textbook psychological projection.

And when you compare the message from President Joe Biden to Trump’s venomous post, it becomes clear why Biden beat the shit out of his predecessor in the White House:

That’s why Biden won: Decency and honor. Two things Donald Trump has never and will never possess.


Donald Trump WTF?!

‘Video Statement’ From Trump Is The Strangest Yet: He Can’t Even Open His Eyes!

If you haven’t seen failed, one-term former President Donald Trump lately, then you may not be aware of just how badly he’s deteriorated — mentally and physically — since he left office five months ago.

Take, for example, the speech he gave to the North Carolina GOP, where he slurred words, looked exhausted, and even appeared to be wearing his pants backwards:

And now we have one of Trump’s “video statements” which was released recently. As you can tell in the video, Trump is going on endlessly about contractors, though most of what he says is just babbling.

But what’s even stranger than the words is the fact that Trump cannot seem to open his eyes. It’s as if he’s reading a script that’s printed on the underside of his eyelids. Check this out:

WTF is going on with that?!

Fortunately we didn’t have to wait long before the internet provided all sorts of theories and commentary on Donnie:

Donnie’s family needs to look for an assisted living facility for the crazy ex-POTUS. ASAP.

Congress Social Media WTF?!

Brainless Lauren Boebert Gets Relentlessly Mocked For Saying China Looks Like ‘1930s Germany’

For some reason known only to her, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) seems to have a pathological need to repeatedly humiliate herself by posting incredibly vapid and moronic crap on social media where the entire world can see her stupidity and laugh.


Such is the case with a bizarre tweet Boebert sent out Saturday afternoon shortly after President Joe Biden spoke at the end of the G7 summit in Great Britain. Biden has repeatedly said he will be taking a harder line with China, which prompted this head-scratching take from the Colorado congresswoman:

China looks like Germany in the 1930s? What in the actual hell does that even mean?!

The mockery began and went on for hours. Take a look:

Here’s a free tip for Lauren Boebert: Delete your Twitter account, resign from Congress, and go live in a cave.