Donald Trump Foreign Policy The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Delusional Trump Gets Slammed For Saying NATO Wouldn’t Exist If It Wasn’t For Him

Even though failed, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump is known for being a habitual liar and malignant narcissist, something he claimed today has set off a wave of angry responses.

In a statement he had his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, post on Twitter (since the one-term ex-president remains banned from the platform), Trump boldly claimed that were it not for him, the NATO alliance wouldn’t exist:

“I hope everyone is able to remember that it was me, as President of the United States, that got delinquent NATO members to start paying their dues, which amounted to hundreds of billions of dollars. There would be no NATO if I didn’t act strongly and swiftly. Also, it was me that got Ukraine the very effective anti-tank busters (Javelins) when the previous Administration was sending blankets. Let History so note!”

Talk about revisionist history. The Donald is now claiming that NATO would have crumbled if he hadn’t been president, despite the fact that he signaled on several occasions it might be time to disband the alliance, which was formed in 1949.

In 2019, NBC News reported:

The Russian Orthodox church celebrated Christmas on Jan. 7, but President Vladimir Putin received his present from America a few days late. The destruction or weakening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been the goal of Soviet and Russian leaders since the organization’s creation following World War II. New reports that President Donald Trump repeatedly discussed with advisors his conviction that the United States should leave NATO represent nothing short of a triumph for Russian national security policy — even if nothing definitive has happened (yet).

Who would have benefitted from the U.S. leaving NATO? Putin and Russia. And had Trump done so, the Russian army would likely have already gobbled up every member of the alliance within a 1,000-mile radius of Moscow.

It didn’t take long before pushback to Trump’s bullshit began to appear on social media:

When July 4 rolls around, will Trump claim the Declaration of Independence was his idea, too?

Donald Trump Jr. WTF?!

Don Jr. Kicks Off His CPAC Speech With A Soliloquy About Drugs: ‘Crack Is Not Really My Thing’

The 2022 Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), a three-day orgy of lies, conspiracy theories, and fanatical worship of authoritarian assholes (Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin) has come to an end, but the finale of the event provided what may well go down in history as one of the most bizarre and surreal speeches ever given.

Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, took the stage and immediately began talking about drugs, which is more than a tad bit ironic considering the rumors that have surrounded Don Jr. for years regarding his own alleged substance abuse, most notably cocaine.

Consider two examples that some say show Junior under the influence of coke or some other stimulant:

So it came as more than a bit of a surprise when Don Jr. opened his CPAC speech by making odd allegations about Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. But in the process, Junior also seemed to suggest that he might have some skeletons in his own substance abuse closet:

“There are consequences to being on our side, right? If there weren’t, I’d become an artist and sell my crap for half a million dollars. If there weren’t, I would take a billion dollars from China knowing that that’s just fine.

“I’d have a laptop with all of our enemies and it won’t matter. Crack’s not really my thing but if it was, it would be fine if I was on that side.”

Why in the hell is he SCREAMING?! He’s wearing a freaking lapel microphone that magnifies his words, so why is he yelling like a man in need of a Thorazine injection?

From there, Don Jr. raged from one topic to another, desperately trying to connect his disjointed ranting in some coherent conspiracy theory involving the media, Joe Biden, Democrats, and (of course) Hillary Clinton.

Reaction from those who viewed the video of Junior’s speech was interesting, to say the least.

We totally get it, Junior: You don’t have to smoke your cocaine. You always use a crisp Ben Franklin for the lines you hoover up. How refined you are!

Foreign Policy GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert: Ukraine Needs To Be ‘Liberated’ From Oppression, But So Does Canada

For some time now, it’s been painfully obvious that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) isn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, and that her main “talent” as it were is saying stupid shit that leaves people shaking their heads in disbelief.

As you’d expect, the Colorado Republican spoke at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) convention in Orlando, Florida this weekend, but it was something she said after she’d finished her speech that set off a firestorm of mockery on Twitter.

Speaking with Fox Nation hosts Pete Hegseth and Kayleigh McEnany, Boebert was asked about the situation in Ukraine, where Russian troops have invaded and are now advancing on the capital city of Kyiv. She remarked:

“I pray for Ukraine and I wish them the best. They have a great president right now, who really said clearly, live free or die. He said, ‘I don’t need a ride, give me ammunition. The fight is right here.'”

Hey, that’s actually a great statement. Bobert deserves credit for that. We all wish the people of Ukraine the very best as they endure an attack from the Russian military.

But it was what Boebert said next that completely ruined her previous good work:

“But we also have neighbors to the north who need freedom and who need to be liberated and we need that right here at home.”

Apparently, Boebert thinks Canada needs “freedom” because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dared to clear a convoy of trucks that had been parked on a bridge leading to the United States. The reason for the so-called “Freedom Convoy” was supposedly because a tiny percentage of Canadian truck drivers (less than 10%) don’t want to get vaccinated for COVID, so they decided to punish the rest of the country to satisfy their own selfishness.

Let the mockery begin:

Capitol Insurrection GOP Right Wing Morons WTF?!

CPAC Speaker Says Biden Is ‘Terrorizing’ Jan. 6 Rioters By Letting The DOJ Prosecute Them

This is the weekend for the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) to meet, and they’re doing in so in Florida to keep failed, one-term former President Donald Trump from having to travel too far since he’s become a doddering old man who requires frequent diaper changes during the day.

One of the speakers was a woman named Julie Kelly, who is listed as a Senior Writer for something called “American Greatness,” Media Matters reports:

Kelly began her remarks by rattling off a list of things that had been done by an unnamed person:

“He’s using this law enforcement agency, armed agents, military-style vehicles to conduct pre-dawn raids at the homes of political dissidents. Terrorizing these dissidents in front of their children, and, in some cases, their elderly spouses. Hauling them off, concocting charges against them, fabricating evidence, and in almost 100 cases, hauling them off to prison where they have been denied bail.”

Dissidents? That has echoes of the old Soviet Union, where people were hauled away by the KGB and put in gulags for all sorts of nonsensical charges.

Kelly then continued:

“And dozens of them, actually, shipped off to a special political prison in the nation’s capital, where these detainees are then kept away from their family, their defense attorneys, they can’t see the evidence against them – all the rights that those citizens have from their country’s charter are completely gone. No due process. No presumption of innocence. Trials are delays. Evidence is covered up. Their lives are destroyed. Their families are destroyed. Their businesses are destroyed.”

All of that led Kelly to this conclusion, which was eagerly lapped up by the audience:

“The media, of course, helps out the regime in smearing these people and ruining their lives. Now, who am I talking about? Not Vladimir Putin, of course. Joe Biden.”

Apparently, if you storm the Capitol, terrorize members of Congress, and defecate in the halls of the seat of the U.S. government, you’re not a domestic terrorist. To the right-wing Trumpers, such behavior qualifies you as a “dissident.”

While we’ve known for some time now that conservatives are obsessed with Putin, to hear a member of their ranks compare President Biden to a mass murderer like the Russian tyrant is a new level of disgusting.


Donald Trump Elections Fox News Russia WTF?!

Trump Tells Laura Ingraham That Putin Invaded Ukraine ‘Because Of A Rigged Election’

Shortly after Russian forces began a military attack on Ukraine Wednesday evening, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump called into Fox News for the sole purpose of airing his bogus claims that the 2020 election had been stolen from him.

Trump began by slamming the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, telling Ingraham:

“He doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. It’s a disgrace. It’s an absolute disgrace. We have get back into the real world now. We had energy at a level that nobody’s ever seen.”

The ex-president also suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin moved on Ukraine because of the “weakness and incompetence and stupidity” of the Biden administration:

“As an American I’m angry about it, and I’m saddened by it, and it all happened because of a rigged election.”

“This would have never happened, and that includes inflation, and that includes millions of people pouring in on a monthly basis, far more than three million people, and they’re coming from 129 different countries, we have no idea what’s happening, and they’re destroying our country.”

Later in the discussion, Ingraham noted:

“We’re just learning that U.S. officials are looking at a potential amphibious landing now in Odessa, Ukraine. A month ago or three weeks ago, all the so-called experts were saying that Putin was probably gonna just be content with staying in those separatists regions. But I think given what’s unfolded – sadly with a lot of weakness in the United States – they just decided to go for it.”

That’s when Trump proved he can’t even get the most basic facts of a conversation correct, telling the Fox host:

“But you know what’s also very dangerous is you told me about the amphibious attack by Americans. You shouldn’t be saying that because you and everybody else shouldn’t know about it. They should do that secretly, not be doing that through the great Laura Ingraham. They should be doing that secretly. Nobody should know that, Laura, and you know–”

Ingraham immediately corrected the doddering former president:

“No, those are the Russian amphibious landings.”

The “rigged” election was in 2016, when Putin helped Trump get elected. Donald knows that, and it’s why he’s constantly trying to divert attention away from the crimes he committed to get elected.