Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Whines That Removing Her From The Midterm Ballot Will ‘Destroy Democracy’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is angry that she may be kept off the midterm ballot for being an insurrectionist, so she’s blaming everyone but herself and whining that if she isn’t allowed to run, it will “destroy democracy.”

Speaking with right-wing host Jeremy Herrell of Real America’s Voice, Greene remarked:

“I need people’s support. They’re coming after me. They just filed a lawsuit against me last week to try to actually remove my name off the ballot! You talk about destroying democracy, these Democrats, they are seriously trying to destroy democracy by filing a lawsuit to remove my name off the ballot and taking away my district’s ability to vote for me again.”

What Greene neglected to mention is that a clause in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution allows for anyone who has engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the United States to be excluded from running for office.

Greene then added:

“That is destroying democracy! And that is the most evil thing these people could do. They’re so arrogant. They want to take away my district’s right to vote for me. That’s how much they hate the people of my district and look down on them because they’ve tried to shame me in the media and make me into someone I’m not.”

The congresswoman also proved that she’s all about the grift, begging for donations to her campaign “because I’m going to have to pay attorneys to fight for this.”

Boo freaking hoo! Margie should have thought of all that before she urged on the rioters and defended them in the months after the attack on the Capitol. To hear her tell it, no one did anything wrong and the Justice Department is persecuting the rioters simply because they’re Trump supporters.

Much like the failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Marjorie Greene is so full of shit that her eyes must be brown.


Donald Trump Joe Biden Russia Vladimir Putin WTF?!

Trump Calls On Vladimir  Putin To ‘Release’ Any Dirt He Might Have On Biden

On July 27, 2016, Donald Trump held a press conference in Florida and urged Russia to commit a criminal act against this Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

As a result of that and other issues connected to Russia and Ukraine, Trump was impeached.

And yet the failed, one-term former president is once again urging Russia to release any dirt they might have on the current President of the United States, Joe Biden.

Mediaite reports that Trump made his remarks in an interview with John Solomon:

In an interview with Just the News founder John Solomon published on Tuesday, Trump reiterated his unproven claim that Yelena Baturina, a Russian oligarch and the wife of former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, gave $3.5 million to a business that Hunter Biden, a son of Joe Biden, helped found.

“She gave him $3.5 million so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it. I think we should know that answer.

“How is it that the mayor of Moscow, his wife gave the Biden family three and a half million dollars? I think Putin now would be willing to probably give that answer. I’m sure he knows.”

The twice-impeached loser also claimed that he had strengthened the NATO alliance:

“I’m the best thing that ever happened to NATO, because I made them pay. So NATO has plenty of money now.”

At least Trump is consistent when it comes to some matters. He’s always been a traitor and he still is.

Ivanka Trump WTF?!

Ivanka Comes Out Of Hiding To Let Everyone Know She Donated Food To Ukraine

It’s been several months since Ivanka Trump made any public appearances, and that alone is unusual for her because she, much like her father, revels in attention from the media.

But Vanky is back, and she’s singing her own praises about a donation of 1 million meals she supposedly helped arrange for the nation of Ukraine, according to the Mercury News:

On Friday, Ivanka Trump returned to social media after a two-month absence to thank everyone who was involved the 1 million meal-delivery effort. She also told Fox News: “The Ukrainian people have shown inspiring courage and resilience during the invasion of their country by Russia. With this food, I hope to provide a small source of comfort and nourishment for Ukrainians who are suffering so greatly.”

What Ivanka neglected to mention is that her father may be partially responsible for what’s currently happening in Ukraine. After all, he deliberately delayed military aid to the country in an effort to get dirt on his 2020 Democratic opponent, Joe Biden.

Trump also repeatedly caved into demands and requests from Russian mass murderer Vladimir Putin, even refusing to chastise Putin for interfering in the 2016 presidential election.

Twitter had some choice words for Ivanka.

GOP Social Media Supreme Court WTF?!

Boebert Gets Shredded On Twitter For Her Disgusting Conspiracy Theory About Ketanji Brown Jackson

If it wasn’t enough that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson had to face criticism from Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week about the sentences she imposed on those convicted of possessing child pornography, now a woman whose husband allegedly flashed his penis at an underage girl is trying to suggest that Judge Jackson is part of a larger conspiracy inside the Democratic party.

On Friday, police in Maine arrested former independent gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler on child porn charges:

 Prominent Maine political figure Eliot Cutler was arrested Friday on child pornography charges. 

Cutler is facing four counts of possession of unlawful sexually explicit materials Class C, which means subjects are younger than 12-years-old, Matthew J. Foster, district attorney for Hancock and Washington counties, told NEWS CENTER Maine.

Even though Judge Jackson has absolutely no connection to Cutler, that didn’t stop Boebert from tweeting out this disgusting tidbit:

“A well known Democrat megadonor in Maine was arrested on… …You guessed it! Child pornography charges! The reason KJB was picked becomes more and more obvious as the days go on.”

As Jamelle Bouie noted in the New York Times, such specious allegations by Republicans are no accident:

 “The belief that Democrats are pedophiles — and that at its top levels the Democratic Party is an elaborate pedophilia ring — looms large in the QAnon conspiracy theory, which is something like orthodoxy for a substantial portion of the Republican base. In a poll taken just before the 2020 election, half of Donald Trump supporters agreed that ‘top Democrats are involved in elite child sex-trafficking rings.’ And in a poll taken last year by the Public Religion Research Institute, 15 percent of Americans say that ‘the levers of power are controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles.'”

Twitter wasted no time calling out Boebert for her bullshit and blatant hypocrisy:

Elections Joe Biden Viral Video WTF?!

WATCH The AG Of Alabama Make A Fool Of Himself When Asked If Biden Was ‘Duly Elected’

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall appeared at the request of Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify at the confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on Thursday, and he quickly made a complete fool of himself when asked a simple question by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI).

The question Whitehouse asked was:

“Is Joseph R. Biden of Delaware the duly elected and lawfully serving president of the United States of America?”

Questions don’t get much easier than that. The only question that would have been equally as much of a slam dunk for Marshall to answer might be “Does two plus two equal four?”

And yet, Marshall couldn’t answer the query from Whitehouse, remarking:

“He is the president of this country.”

The senator asked again:

“Is he the duly elected and lawfully serving president of the United States?”

At that point, Whitehouse paused for a second and asked Marshall if he was deliberately omitting “duly elected and lawfully serving” from his response.


“I’m answering the question. He is the president of the United States.”

Once more, Whitehouse ran the question by Marshall:

“You have no view as to whether he was duly elected or is lawfully serving?”

The AG replied:

 “I’m telling you he’s the president.”

Cleary disgusted, Whitehouse said:

“No further questions.”

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that Marshall is up for reelection in November and is clearly trying to curry favor with Republican voters who still support failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen from him. It wasn’t, but the GOP has to pretend it was so Trump doesn’t say mean things about them.

If you want to see the perfect example of a gutless eunuch, just watch the performance AG Marshall gave today.