Fox News WTF?!

As Gas Prices Fall, Fox News Is Suddenly Worried It May Harm ‘Mom-And-Pop Gas Stations’

For months now, Fox News has bemoaned the high price of gasoline and the economic impact on Americans, which they maintain is the fault of President Joe Biden, despite the fact that no president has the ability to control the price of fuel or any other commodity.

Gas prices are now falling across the country, and the price per gallon has dropped over the past month from highs of $5+ a gallon to below $4 in some states.

Is Fox celebrating the decrease in gas prices? Of course not! Now they’re whining that the downturn in pump prices could be bad news for “mom-and-pop gas stations.”

Justin Baragona of The Daily Beast notes that “America Reports” co-hosts Sandra Smith and John Roberts were discussing the downturn in gas prices Monday:

Co-anchor John Roberts finally broke the news to Fox News viewers that the price of gas was “creeping back down” near his home. His colleague Sandra Smith, however, suggested that this may not be entirely a good thing.

“It is. It is,” she noted. “And the point was made over the weekend, I believe it was the Wall Street Journal, that gas prices are actually coming back down historically faster with the price of oil than usual.”

Smith continued: “And it just goes to show you what an incredible risk-reward calculation has to happen on the part of those small—independently owned, most of them—mom-and-pop gas stations. It’s a struggle for all of them!”

The Wall Street Journal article Smith referred to was almost as alarmist as the gang at Fox, reporting that gasoline prices quickly falling is “creating new headaches for the mom-and-pop entrepreneurs and other independent operators who run roughly half of U.S. gas stations,” adding that station owners risk “losing money on every new fuel order” they place.

Considering that those same gas stations have been making record profits for close to year now, it’s kind of difficult to feel the least bit sorry for them now that they’re seeing the laws of supply and demand hit them in the pocket the way they have consumers.

How long will it be before Fox is complaining that the sky’s too blue and puppies are way too cute?


Capitol Insurrection Congress January 6 WTF?!

Cassidy Hutchinson Forced To Go Into Hiding After Testifying To January 6 Committee

The New York Times reports that since she testified before the January 6 House Select Committee on on June 28, former Trump administration aide Cassidy Hutchinson has been forced to go into hiding for her own safety.

Now unemployed and sequestered with family and a security detail, Ms. Hutchinson, 26, has developed an unlikely bond with Ms. Cheney, a Wyoming Republican and onetime aide to former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell during the George W. Bush administration — a crisis environment of another era when she learned to work among competing male egos. More recently, as someone ostracized by her party and stripped of her leadership post for her denunciations of Mr. Trump, Ms. Cheney admires the younger woman’s willingness to risk her alliances and professional standing by recounting what she saw in the final days of the Trump White House, friends say.

That revelation is part of a deeper look at Hutchinson’s life, including her fast rise through the ranks of Trump administration where she eventually became one of former White House Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows’ most trusted staffers.

After receiving a subpoena from the Jan. 6 panel, Hutchinson secured the services of attorney Stefan Passantino, a former Trump White House ethics lawyer who was paid by Trump’s Save America PAC.

However, it soon became clear to Hutchinson that Passantino was trying to protect Trump, not her, so she dumped him and found a better counselor:

Jody Hunt, the former head of the Justice Department’s civil division under Jeff Sessions — Mr. Trump’s former attorney general and another pariah in Mr. Trump’s world — offered to represent her pro bono. Mr. Hunt accompanied Ms. Hutchinson to her fourth deposition in late June, when she felt more comfortable talking about Mr. Trump’s actions on Jan. 6. Everyone agreed it was time to speed up her public testimony.

Though it remains unclear if Hutchinson will provide further testimony, what she has told the Jan. 6 committee so far is considered essential to the overall case the panel is building against Trump and others who took part in the Capitol insurrection that left five people dead.

Cassidy Hutchinson is a true American hero. She deserves the praise she has already received for her testimony.


Congress GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Boebert Reported To FBI And Secret Service For Threatening President Biden

Considering that she has repeatedly defended the actions of domestic terrorists who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, it probably shouldn’t surprise anyone that Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is now issuing threats against President Joe Biden.

And this threat could land Boebert in very hot water.

On Sunday, Boebert posted this on Twitter:

The word “terminate” appears to be a reference to remarks Biden made regarding reproductive rights earlier this week when he misspoke and said:

“Ten years old and she was forced to travel out of the state to Indiana to seek to terminate the presidency and maybe save her life.”

Boebert’s tweet led to others on social media reporting her to the FBI and Secret Service for what they perceived to be a direct threat against the president.

It’s the second time this week that Boebert has drawn heavy criticism online for comments she made.

On Friday evening, Boebert said the following during an appearance on Fox News:

“Leftists, who now make up the genocide squad, want abortion anytime, anywhere, including babies who are already born. But that’s not going to happen.”

Time to arrest Bobo and charge her with making terroristic threats.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump’s Statement On The Killing Of Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Is Beyond Strange

When you woke and turned on whatever morning news show you watch, it’s likely that the first thing you saw was a story from Japan, where former prime minister Shinzo Abe was shot and killed by an assassin overnight.

Abe’s assassination doesn’t seem to make any sense, if only because he was no longer in office and doesn’t have the sort of political influence he once did.

Another former world leader, the failed, one-term, twice-impeached ex-president of the United States, Donald Trump, immediately took to his social media platform, Truth Social (a.k.a. Twitter for losers) and issued a bizarre statement that ended in a way suggesting his only motive for issuing it was pure self-promotion:

Really BAD NEWS FOR THE WORLD! Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is dead. He was assassinated. His killer was captured and will hopefully be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Few people know what a great man and leader Shinzo Abe was, but history will teach them and be kind. He was a unifier like no other, but above all, he was a man who loved and cherished his magnificent country, Japan. Shinzo Abe will be greatly missed. There will never be another like him! President Donald J. Trump

President Donald J. Trump? No. His official title is FORMER president Donald J. Trump, and there’s no need for a real man of power and influence to announce who he is. People see a real leader’s name and immediately know who the person is.

Former president Barack Obama, in contrast, said exactly what needed to be said, and didn’t make it all about himself:

“I am shocked and saddened by the assassination of my friend and longtime partner Shinzo Abe in Japan. Former Prime Minister Abe was devoted to both the country he served and the extraordinary alliance between the United States and Japan.

“I will always remember the work we did to strengthen our alliance, the moving experience of traveling to Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor together, and the grace he and his wife Akie Abe showed to me and Michelle. Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the people of Japan who are very much in our thoughts at this painful moment.”

Perfectly stated and beautifully written, whereas Trump’s is self-serving and egotistical, just like the man who wrote it.


Jill Biden Joe Biden Right Wing Morons WTF?!

Hysterical Right-Wingers Say Photos Of The First Couple Prove Jill Biden Is Actually President

In their latest attempt to undermine President Joe Biden, right-wingers are claiming that a series of four photos showing the president and First Lady Jill Biden talking to each other are proof that she’s actually the one running the country.

Yep, you read that correctly: Four photos are all the conservative dunces need for their latest conspiracy theory.

The photos were shared online by Jake Schneider, who just so happens to be a member of what’s known as the GOP Rapid Response team. Translation: The Republican hit squad who take everything out of context and never miss an opportunity to take a cheap shot at anyone they disagree with.

Here’s Schneider’s tweet:

The Bidens have been married for 45 years, and for readers who are or have been married, it’s safe to assume that you never agreed with your spouse 100% of the time and that you had more than your share of spats. If you say you didn’t, then you’re either being dishonest or your marriage was so vapid and loveless that you can’t tell the difference between fictional marital bliss and what a real marriage looks like.

As you’d expect, other right-wing dupes on social media were only too happy to join the debate and suggest that we’re living in sad times based on four photos taken completely out of context.

If only we still had the loving and dedicated Trumps in the White House, huh? Look how much they cared for each other: