Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

Trump Shows Up Looking Like ‘Emperor Palpatine’ At Saudi-Backed Golf Tournament And People Have Questions

If you’re keeping track at home, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump isn’t at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida today. Instead, he showed up for the LIV Golf pro-am at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

The Washington Post filed this report from Bedminster:

Trump teed off to a clattering of cameras to start the tournament’s pro-am competition, but the course was otherwise mostly silent as he moved down the first fairway, with Thursday’s event closed to the public.

Trump, an avid golfer whose loose adherence to the game’s rule book has been scrutinized, rarely plays in public. His midmorning round came days after news reports that the Justice Department is questioning Trump’s associates about his actions surrounding the Jan. 6 insurrection

Asked by a reporter on the first tee box if he intended to announce his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, he said, “You’re gonna be so happy … we’ll let you know pretty soon.”

The LIV tournament, you may know, is very controversial because it’s bankrolled by Saudi Arabia:

This week marks the third event of the controversial LIV Golf series, and its second in the United States. With its Saudi benefactors bankrolling the enterprise and poaching golfers from the PGA and European tours with lucrative contracts and signing bonuses, the new tour has faced heavy criticism. This week, with three days of golf taking place on a Trump-owned course less than 50 miles from Manhattan, promises a new level of scrutiny.

Already, family members of 9/11 victims have called on Trump to cancel the event and had two news conferences planned for this week in Bedminster in an effort to shine a light on Saudi involvement in the attacks — which involved 15 Saudi nationals — and make sure golfers are aware of what they’ve signed up for.

But it was a photo of Trump at the golf tournament that set off a great deal of social media chatter. Here’s the image shared by The Daily Mail:

Holy shit! Is that Trump or a mangled shoe? Granted, he’s buck ugly, but he looks worse than ever. Maybe it’s the heat, but then again, maybe he forgot to wear his makeup. That, or it all melted off in the sun, which is one of the problems with trying to desperately to hide your real age and physical condition, which was shit to begin with.

It didn’t take long for Twitter to weigh in, and some of the comments were both spot-on and hilarious.

This guy is planning to run for president again in 2024. At the rate he’s going, he’ll turn into a zombie long before then.

Capitol Insurrection January 6 Racism WTF?!

Mom Of Jan. 6 Rioter Ashli Babbitt Says A ‘Black Woman’ Would Have Been Treated Better Than Her Daughter

The mother of the late Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt is suggesting that if her daughter had been black, she might still be alive.

Speaking with former New York City mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani on his podcast, Micki Withoeft remarked:

“Nancy Pelosi sitting up there in her castle mad that the minions dared show up that day — well, you know there are a million strong people there to address their government and they made an attempt to kill the First Amendment. But the First Amendment isn’t dead. It’s wounded but it’s not dead. And people are startin’ to realize things that happened that day.”

The First Amendment, however, doesn’t give anyone the right to attack the seat of government and call for the vice president to be hanged.

And while Withoeft also claimed that her daughter did nothing wrong on January 6, the facts suggest otherwise, the Los Angeles Times notes:

In the seven months since she was killed, Babbitt has become a martyr to the far right. In the twisted revisionist narrative being pushed by former President Trump and his supporters, she was a peaceful demonstrator — an “innocent, wonderful, incredible woman” — who was unjustifiably murdered by the police even though she posed no danger.

But that’s not what the video shows. Her death was a tragedy, to be sure — but it was hardly an unjustified murder.

Here’s how Babbitt managed to get herself killed:

Members of Congress can be seen on the other side of the door. Also on the other side of the door is a police lieutenant holding a gun, pointing it at the mob, an unmistakable warning to stay back.

But Babbit decides instead — although it’s a little hard to see on the video — to climb through the shattered glass window into the Speaker’s Lobby, past the police barricade, toward the pointed gun. If she is allowed through, it seems inevitable that the mob will follow.

As she climbs through, a single shot is fired and she drops to the floor.

If Ashli Babbitt didn’t want to get shot, she shouldn’t have rioted and gone against the orders of the cop who told her to stop. She’s the one who caused her death.

Here’s the podcast:

Congress GOP Whining WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Now Claiming She’s The Victim Of A ‘Hate Crime’

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of the most bigoted, disgusting, and hateful people in the entire Congress, and yet she’s now asking us to feel sorry for her because someone keeps meddling with an anti-LGBTQ sign she has posted outside her House office.

And now Greene is claiming to be the victim of a hate crime, according to a report from LGBTQ Nation:

Greene is angry about the vandalism of posters she hangs on the wall outside her office. One of the posters – her infamous “There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE. ‘Trust The Science!’” poster that she put up last year to cancel out a nearby transgender pride flag – keeps getting vandalized, so she put up another poster accusing Rep. Jake Auchincloss’s (D-MA) chief of staff Tim Hysom of being the vandal.

Now that poster has been vandalized, enraging Greene further.

In a video she posted on Twitter, Greene ranted and raved, sounding at times like someone in need of an extended stay at a mental health facility:

“You wanna know what happened? Another sign got taken off the wall.”

According to Greene, the second sign she posted was of an arrest warrant Capitol police had issued against Hysom for vandalizing her sign:

“They can’t take the fact that there’s only two genders, male and female. They’ve been attacking this sign. Tim Hysom, chief of staff for Jake Auchincloss.”

But Greene was only getting warmed up, and she continued with her unhinged rant:

“I’m sure Jake doesn’t get awards like this for actually having a great voting record,” she said, showing off an award she happened to be carrying. It’s not clear what organization gave her the award for voting in line with their ideology.

They attack this because they hate my faith, they hate my religion, and they hate the fact that I’m a woman! The Department of Justice is not going to prosecute them.”

A short while later, Greene posted yet another video, claiming she had found the sign that she accused Hysom of stealing from her:

“Lawlessness in Congress, everyone. Department of Justice is completely terrible, they don’t prosecute crime.”

Keep in mind that while she’s busy accusing others of crimes, Greene tried to get a last-minute pardon from failed, one-term former president Donald Trump for her role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and may still be charged for her part in that attempted coup.

Karma is starting to catch up with Marjorie Taylor Greene, and she doesn’t like it one little bit.

Capitol Insurrection GOP January 6 Social Media WTF?!

House GOP Tweets And Then Deletes Attack On Jan. 6 Witness Sarah Matthews After Recalling They Recently Hired Her

As former Trump administration staffer Sarah Matthews was still testifying before the House January 6 committee on Thursday evening, the official House Republican Twitter account fired off a nasty attack against her, even though she works for them.

According to HuffPost:

“Just another liar and pawn in Pelosi’s witch-hunt,” the House Republican account tweeted, referring to Sarah Matthews, an aide who was working in the White House during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot.

She is currently the Republican communications director for the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

Oops! Nothing quite like slamming one of your own.

It should be noted that during her testimony Thursday, Matthews corroborated what former top aide Cassidy Hutchinson had told the Jan. 6 committee when she appeared last month.

A spokesperson for the House GOP told Politico that the tweet was deleted because, “The tweet was sent out at the staff level and was not authorized or the position of the conference and therefore was deleted.”

The real reason, however, was probably the chiding the GOP received online, including this one from another former member of the Trump administration:

Memo to House GOP: You need to delete your Twitter account and quit lying about how none of you are watching the hearings.

GOP Whining Joe Biden WTF?!

Social Media Erupts In Anger When Elise Stefanik Says The ‘Entire Biden Family Is Profiting Off His Presidency’

According to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the American people should be outraged that the family of President Joe Biden is “profiting off his presidency.”

Stefanik made her fact-free and incredibly hypocritical remarks during an appearance on Mark Levin’s Fox News show.

According to the New York Republican, if the GOP takes control of the House after the midterm elections, she will launch an investigation:

“Into what I call the Biden crime family. You have the entire Joe Biden family profiting personally off of Joe Biden’s position when he was a sitting vice president. That is unacceptable in America and imagine if the Republicans ever did that. Democrats would be investigating every aspect of that, and yet in this case they look the other way on all of these shameless, shameful, illegal controversies from Hunter Biden.”

Yes, just imagine if a Republican did the same thing. Wait a damn minute! That’s exactly what disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump and his family did! Was Stefanik living in a cave at that time, or did she recently suffer a massive head injury that damaged her long and short-term memory?

Hunter Biden is not and never has been a member of the Biden administration. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, were senior advisers with offices in the West Wing of the White House.

Oh, and there’s also the matter of the Trump Organization owning a hotel in Washington, D.C. that lobbyists and agents from foreign governments frequented. Not a peep from Stefanik or any other Republican on that matter.

It didn’t take long before Twitter exploded with anger and disbelief directed right at Elise Stefanik.