Donald Trump Ivanka Trump WTF?!

Why Is Donald Trump Suddenly Being Seen With An ‘Aide’ Who Looks Like Melania’s Twin?

Granted, disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump does a lot of things that leave us scratching our heads and wondering what in the hell is going on, but this time he seems to have outdone himself.

According to The Daily Mail, Trump was seen leaving Trump Tower this week with an aide who also held a similar job in the Trump administration.

Donald Trump appeared unbothered walking out of his Manhattan Tower Wednesday afternoon with his mid-twenties communications aide Margo Martin – the same day he raged at a report the FBI seized his medical history in the Mar-a-Lago raid. 

Another aide placed a large stack of loose paperwork into the vehicle that Trump boarded in his motorcade out of New York City, according to images obtained exclusively by

The departure from Trump Tower comes as a report emerged Wednesday that Trump was keeping at his Mar-a-Lago home nuclear secrets for an unnamed foreign nation, which were found in the FBI raid of the former president’s residence last month. 

So far, so good. Until you take a look at the aforementioned Margo Martin:

Does Ms. Martin remind you of anyone? Maybe the Donald’s wife, Melania, when she was younger? You decide. Here’s Melania shortly after the two were married in 2005:

The two could almost be sisters.

So what do we know about Margo Martin? Thanks to, we know the following:

 She is currently the Deputy Director of Communications for his Save America PAC. 

Martin was a familiar face at Trump’s press meets and she is known for cajoling journalists in and out of the Oval Office or other venues. She is currently heading the communication team which has members including Nick Luna, formerly the personal assistant to the then President, and Will Russell, director of the Trump White House advance team. Molly Michael, former Oval Office coordinator, and Cassidy Hutchinson who used to be an aide to former chief of staff Mark Meadows. The team is famous for helping Trump set up his next plan, specifically those of running for office again in 2024. Meanwhile, Trump’s visit has led to heated discussions as it came on the same day as a report emerged that he was keeping nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago for an unnamed foreign nation, which was found in the FBI raid.

Makes you wonder, What does Melania think about all this? She probably doesn’t care. After all, the less time she has to spend with the morbidly obese and deeply disturbed Donald, the better.


Donald Trump Jr. Racism Social Media WTF?!

Twitter Reacts With Revulsion When Don Jr. Posts Meme About White Men Marrying Black Women

It remains a mystery why some white men are so threatened by strong, successful black women, but there are millions of them across this country (and globe) who seem to feel that if things are going well for women of color, it lessens men as human beings.

That, of course, is complete nonsense, and yet it’s still a major tenet of the so-called “MAGA movement” that was spawned by disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump. The ex-president has been a bigoted piece of crap his entire life, and he’s only gotten more racist as he’s grown older.

His son, Donald Trump Jr., however, is young enough to know better, yet he’s only too happy to traffic in racist tropes and suggest that white heterosexual men in the United States are somehow an endangered species.

For example, consider this utterly disgusting meme Junior posted on social media:

What is that about? Obviously, it’s meant to try and flip what has been said about the MAGA faithful (probably because it happens to be true), but it’s actually nothing more than a whiny demand to be recognized and appreciated by Don Jr., who has clearly never felt loved a day in his life, most certainly not by his father, who is a cold fish and malignant narcissist.

Consider for just a moment what has been said about such insecure white men as the former president and his namesake son:

From boasting about the size of his penis on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. His behavior also seems to have struck a chord with some male voters. See, for example, the “Donald Trump: Finally Someone With Balls” T-shirts common at Trump rallies.

But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood. We call this the “fragile masculinity hypothesis.”

Twitter users, however, were not willing to extend such a scientific take on the matter, and they destroyed Don Jr.

GOP Joe Biden Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene In Hot Water For Sharing Fake Video Of Joe Biden As Hitler And Claiming ‘It’s Real’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is in very hot water with Jewish groups for sharing a fake video of President Joe Biden as Adolf Hitler on Twitter and claiming “it’s real.”

Mediate reports on the video:

The video shows an actor resembling the president except with a Hitler-esque patch of facial hair below his nose, standing in front of a photoshopped background from Biden’s speech with swastikas added. The audio seems to be a clip from one of Hitler’s speeches, although that has not been verified.

Greene used the video to criticize Biden for a speech he gave in Philadelphia on Thursday evening in which he criticized failed, one-term former president Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans,” calling them “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Those remarks led Greene to post two tweets:

Greene’s tweets drew the immediate ire of Jewish groups, with Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League remarking:

“That a member of Congress would consider this funny, let alone acceptable, is disgraceful. With one post and a doctored video, [Greene] managed to trivialize Hitler and the Nazis’ sheer evil and belittle the serious threat that extremism poses to this country. Absolutely shameful.”

The American Jewish Committee demanded that House Republican leaders condemn Greene:

“(Greene) continues to trivialize the terror of the Nazis and use Holocaust imagery for political gain. This doctored video is vile, offensive, and completely unbecoming for a member of Congress. House Republican leaders must condemn her conduct.”

So far, however, no one in Republican leadership has stepped forward to criticize Greene or even address the matter of her tweets. It’s safe to say none of them will.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Now Claims The FBI Was Looking For Hillary’s Emails When They Searched Mar-a-Lago

Now that he’s just about exhausted every absurd excuse he can think of for why he had hundreds of classified documents in his office at Mar-a-Lago, disgraced, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump has decided to blame his 2016 Democratic presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Yes, once again he’s trying to blame Hillary.

During a radio interview on Thursday, the one-term ex-president said:

“I think they were looking for Hillary Clinton’s emails. I think they thought, and who knows, boxes and boxes full of stuff. I think they thought…”

The host interjected:

“That you’ve got the goods.”

Trump continued:

“They were afraid that things were in there, part of their scam material because that’s what they are, they’re scammers.”

Yeah, Trump has Hillary’s emails, but he was sitting on them. He wasn’t going to release them, but the FBI came and got them. That’s so logical, huh?

What’s next? Will Donald try to lay the blame on the Great Pumpkin? The Grinch? The Easter Bunny?

Trump is scared. He’s terrified. And now he wants to blame Hillary…AGAIN!

Crime Donald Trump Espionage WTF?!

Trump Attorney Whines: I Can’t Believe DOJ Wants To Charge My Client With ‘Mundane’ Crimes Like Espionage

Alina Habba is an attorney for disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump, and she’s absolutely flabbergasted that the Justice Department might want to charge her client with “mundane” crimes such as violations of the Espionage Act.

Speaking with right-wing activist Charlie Kirk on Real America’s Voice, Habba whined:

“So what they did was to try and criminalize Donald Trump, as they always do. They found these three mundane statutes, espionage and the two others, obstruction.

“And they’re trying to claim that there was some sort of criminal activity. But their papers say it’s under the Presidential Records Act. So your admission is the power that we’ve all been saying he does have. You can take a picture of top secret documents, Charlie, and show the world a label.”

Habba added:

“But if they’re declassified, as he has the right to do that, he has the right to have them.”

Time for a fact check: Habba is trying to cloud the matter by suggesting everything was covered under the Presidential Records Act, and that means Trump should have turned all his records and documents over to the National Archives.

The documents were not declassified because there is no paper trail proving that. Trump cannot just wave his hand over a piece of paper and call it declassified. There’s a process that requires quite a lot of paperwork and numerous steps before something is officially declassified.

Additionally, as Mediaite notes, there are several laws Trump is suspected of having violated, and they’re a hell of a lot more serious than Habba is suggesting:

The warrant allowing the FBI to search Mar-a-Lago cited three potential statute violations by Trump:

18 USC 2071 — Concealment, removal or mutilation
18 USC 793 — Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
18 USC 1519 — Destruction, alteration or falsification of records in Federal investigations

18 USC 793 is the Espionage Act, which Habba referenced.