GOP Religion WTF?!

GED Queen Lauren Boebert Proves Her Ignorance Of English While Reading A Bible Verse

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is once again proving that not only is she ignorant when it comes to the English language, she’s also a hypocrite who doesn’t understand the Bible she loves to quote as a defense for her indefensible actions and utterances.

Case in point: Boebert was reading from the Book of Romans, HuffPost reports, when she ran across a word that completely threw her.

Boebert, a conspiracy theorist who has embraced QAnon extremism, was reciting a passage from Romans that ― in “The Message” edition she was reading from ― referred to “wanton killing.” Except Boebert pronounced it more like “wonton,” the delicious dumpling often found in soup at Chinese restaurants.

“I don’t know what a wonton killing is. I’m gonna have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”

Oh, shit! There’s gonna be a wonton killing. Sure hope someone brought the teriyaki or sweet and sour sauce.

Of course, Boebert’s massive ignorance of the language that confounds her shouldn’t surprise anyone. She didn’t even manage to earn her GED high school equivalency until she was elected.

Fact-checking site confirmed that Boebert did indeed wait until after her election to get her GED:

On her educational background, she said she never claimed to have graduated from Rifle High School. “I went to my high school,” she said.

“I was a brand-new mom, and I had to make hard decisions on successfully raising my child, or getting to high school biology class. And I chose to take care of my child,” she said.

Boebert said she received her GED after completing a four-course review.

“I didn’t go through the typical education course,” she said. “I was a great student. I had great grades. I loved being there, but I was starting my family and had different priorities.”

Twitter users were eager to mock Boebert, and they did so with great gusto:

GOP Religion

Christian Minister Slams ‘Unholy Force’ Marjorie Taylor Greene For Her ‘Bastardization’ Of Religion

As she continues to try and cloak her calls for “nationalism” in terms of Christianity, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is drawing disgust and disdain from actual Christians, who say her actions don’t match her rhetoric.

Over the weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Greene defended her call for “Christian nationalism,” in the United States, remarking:

“But when I said that I’m a Christian nationalist, I have nothing to be ashamed of, because that’s what most Americans are.

“We’re proud of our faith and we love our country. And that will make America great again. When we lean into biblical principles, you know, is there anything wrong with loving God and loving others? No.

“So, I don’t back down from those comments, but I denounce the lying media for what they’ve said.”

But as Episcopal Rev. Nathan Empsall notes in a column he wrote for The Daily Beast, people like Congresswoman Greene are “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

It’s not the first time she has embraced the label. And it’s a dangerous turn of events that requires active, loud opposition from all of us, especially from American Christians, for whom Greene and her allies claim to speak. As a pastor, if there’s one thing I understand, it’s that Christian nationalism is unchristian and unpatriotic. Academic researchers define the authoritarian ideology as a political worldview—not a religion—that unconstitutionally and unbiblically merges Christian and American identities, declaring that democracy does not matter because America is a ‘Christian nation’ where only conservative Christians count as true Americans.

Empsall illustrates his case with this explanation of “Christian nationalists” and what they long to see happen in the U.S.:

“The clear goal of Christian nationalism is to seize power only for its mostly white evangelical and conservative Catholic followers, no matter who else gets hurt or how many elections have to be overturned. This is the unholy force that incited the failed coup of Jan. 6, 2021, brought us the recent spate of theocratic Supreme Court opinions, and has inspired multiple wave upon wave of dangerous misinformation about elections, climate change, and COVID-19—all in direct contrast to Jesus’ teachings of love, truth, and the common good.”

Just consider the lie that Greene preaches when she speaks in such terms, Empsall notes:

Greene would have you believe that all of her critics “hate America [and] hate God,” but this ignores the fact that most Christians are appalled at the way she hijacks the Gospel to justify attending white nationalist rallies and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. They don’t speak for American Christians. And it’s up to us to finally deflate their claims of a monopoly and thus their hold on power, reclaim our religion and its prophetic voice for the Gospel’s true values of love, dignity, equality, and social justice.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene and others like her are a cancer on this country. They need to be marginalized, and, in the case of Greene, who appears to have played a role in Jan. 6, they need to be charged, prosecuted, and sent to prison as the traitorous fake Christians they truly are.

GOP Religion

Marjorie Greene Has A Meltdown After Rachel Maddow Exposes The Racist Roots Of ‘Christian Nationalism’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) absolutely loves saying wild, outrageous, racist, and disgusting things, but she gets livid when anyone dares to point out the wrongness of the things she’s said.

For example, Greene has recently proclaimed that she is a proud “Christian nationalist,” remarking:

“Republicans really need to recognize the people they represent, ok? Their voters, not the lobbyists donors, not the corporate PACs, not those people. That’s not who the Republican Party should represent. We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and, I say it proudly: We should be Christian nationalists.”

That led MSNBC host Rachel Maddow to examine the history of the Christian nationalist movement in the United States, and what she discovered is absolutely terrifying, Mediaite reports:

On Monday night, Maddow dove into the history of the term “Christian nationalist,” bringing the term back to Gerald L.K. Smith, the controversial founder of the Christian Nationalist Crusade. Maddow played audio of Greene’s call for her party to be “Christian nationalists,” and then aired various audio of Smith taking issue with Jewish organizations, mixing races, and more.

Again, this is history. It is documented fact. And yet Greene had a hissy fit/meltdown on Twitter Tuesday, suggesting that Maddow was part of the “Godless lying left” who wants to portray her as a “Nazi.”

Since she’s from the South, I’ll share a Southern expression that Marjorie Insurrectionist Greene will be familiar with: A hit dog always hollers.

Foreign Policy Religion Social Media WTF?!

Franklin Graham Gets Shredded Online After Urging Christians To ‘Pray For President Putin’

Even though Russian President/mass murderer Vladimir Putin is on the verge of attacking Ukraine and potentially killing thousands of innocent people, so-called “Christian” Franklin Graham wants other “Christians” to pray for the Russian despot.

Graham announced his call for prayers for Putin on Twitter:

“Pray for President Putin today. This may sound like a strange request, but we need to pray that God would work in his heart so that war could be avoided at all cost. May God give wisdom to the leaders involved in these talks & negotiations, as well as those advising them.”

Be sure and notice how Graham conveniently neglected to suggest that we pray for our president, Joe Biden. As Americans, shouldn’t that be our first priority if we’re going to pray for anyone?

How about the people of Ukraine? Don’t they deserve and need our prayers now more than ever? After all, they’re facing the prospect of over 150,00 heavily armed Russian troops marching into their country.

Of course, no one should be surprised by Graham’s devotion to Putin. He’s visited Russia and had a private meeting with him:

Franklin Graham pursued his connections to Russia in person in November 2015, when he flew to Russia for a speaking tour of several churches. There he met with with dignitaries including Kirill. He also echoed Hilarion’s distaste for sanctions during an interview with Russian television, saying, “I’ve never been a supporter of sanctions.”

Before he left Moscow, Graham had an unexpected 45-minute meeting with Putin, during which Putin reportedly agreed to assist with the proposed summit on persecuted Christians in Moscow, the event that Torshin later offered as an opportunity for Trump to meet Putin.

So who exactly does Franklin Graham owe his deepest loyalties to? Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the Almighty Dollar? Because he certainly isn’t acting in a very Christlike manner.

Lots of Twitter users were deeply offended by Graham’s call to pray for a man who has his political enemies shot, poisoned with polonium, or confined to a gulag.

Congress GOP Religion WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Says Her Personality Is Similar To Jesus Christ’s

What comes to mind when you hear the name of Lauren Boebert, the Republican congresswoman from the state of Colorado? Bigoted? Narrow-minded? Angry? Obtuse? Probably those and many others, none of them positive.

But according to Bobert herself, the first thing that should pop into your head is an image of Jesus.

Yes, she actually said that.

Speaking with Mike Huckabee on Newsmax, Boebert began by explaining why she ran for Congress in the first place:

“I believe as a Christian, that frustration we feel on the inside of us sometimes is really just God’s motivation to send us to where we need to be part of the solution.”

That led Huckabee to note that Boebert isn’t “afraid to speak openly about your faith and how it defines you.” He then added:

“You’re not timid and you’re not afraid to let people know that you are a Christian believer and that that’s what gives you your core values. Do you find that people sometimes are wanting you to say just tone it down a little bit, Congresswoman? Just tone it down. Do you hear that?”

The congresswoman responded:

“You know, I think people would love if I would tone it down. But, you know, we had our Lord Jesus certainly didn’t tone it down for anyone. We had the Apostles who carried this message of the Gospel and even the leaders in their days, they said, you know, it’s fine, you can pray but just don’t do it in the name of Jesus.”

Not content with having compared herself to Jesus, Boebert continued:

“And now here we are in another cycle of cancel culture but this is nothing new. Cancel culture has been around since the beginning of time. Cain canceled Abel. We had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that were thrown into the fiery furnace. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted to cancel them but there stood another in the midst of them and He was the son of God.

“And then they tried to cancel Jesus but you can’t cancel God!”

Holy shit! Is this woman serious?! If so, it’s quite clear she hasn’t actually read the New Testament or she would have immediately noted that Jesus preached one thing above all others. It’s known as the Golden Rule:

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 7:12)

Do unto others as you would have done unto you. That’s the most fundamental teaching of Jesus and is supposed to be a major tenet for all Christians.

And yet, Boebert constantly attacks others, belittles those she disagrees with, and makes herself the center of attention. None of those are what Jesus urged his followers to do.

Lauren Bobert is a hypocrite. And here’s what Jesus said about hypocrites:

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” (Matthew 23:27-28)

Sounds just like a certain member of Congress from Colorado, doesn’t it?