Congress Crime GOP Sex Scandals

Noted Florida Republican Eviscerates ‘Shameful’ Matt Gaetz For Using Supporter’s Money To Exploit Underage Girls

A noted Florida Republican politician used an op-ed to destroy Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for allegedly engaging the “shameful” crime of sexually trafficking underage girls.

Writing in The Pensacola News Journal, Mark Lombardo notes that his father gave money to Gaetz, only to see it used for defense attorneys the congressman had to hire in order to try and fend off allegations that he slept with underage girls and then paid them:

“Like all of Matt Gaetz’s donors, my dad trusted him to use that money to further conservative ideals. Had my father known that Gaetz would use his money to pay pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s attorney, he would have never given him a penny.”

Yes, Gaetz did indeed hire an attorney who once worked for Epstein, as The Washington Post reported in June of last year:

Rep. Matt Gaetz’s campaign paid $25,000 in June to a Manhattan criminal defense attorney who lists Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender who killed himself in prison, as a notable client, according to a filing Thursday with the Federal Election Commission.

The June payment, for legal consulting, went to the law office of Marc Fernich, whose website says he specializes in “subtle, novel and creative arguments that other attorneys may miss.”

Lombardo goes on to explain that many voters feel betrayed by Gaetz:

“Gaetz broke my dad’s, and thousands of other donors’ trust when he used their money to pay the attorney most known for defending the world’s worst child-sex trafficker. To think that money my dad earned as a decorated combat veteran on the field of battle went to Gaetz’s sex-trafficking defense infuriates me and my family.

“In addition, knowing Gaetz raises money from elderly and working-class people under the deception of making America great and then uses that money for defending himself against charges that have nothing to do with his work in Congress or campaign, is shameful. It’s a total betrayal of trust.”

Perhaps most troubling of all, Lombardo says, is that Gaetz serves on the House Armed Services Committee, and his alleged illegal sexual predilections made him susceptible to blackmail by a hostile foreign government:

“An even bigger betrayal is that Gaetz put himself into a position that he needed a sex-trafficking defense attorney while serving on the Congressional Armed Services Committee.

“As a member of the Committee, Gaetz has access to Top Secret, classified information. Anyone who has worked in national security or for the military knows that engaging in prostitution, orgies, sex trafficking, and illegal drug use while holding a security clearance leaves them vulnerable to blackmail by foreign intelligence agents. This is especially true for senior government officials who partake in illicit activities on foreign soil – like Gaetz is reported to have done.”

Even though Gaetz is likely headed for re-election in November, his days in Congress are probably limited, as the Justice Department is expected to file charges against the congressman that, if he’s found guilty, could send him to prison for the rest of his life.

Elections GOP Polls U.S. Senate

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson In Big Trouble As New Poll Shows Him Losing Badly In November

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is fading quickly down the stretch as the 2022 midterm election enters the last leg, with a new poll showing him significantly behind in his race to remain in the U.S. Senate.

Johnson, who has been an ardent acolyte and apologist for disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now down by 7 points to Democratic nominee Mandela Barnes, who would become the youngest member of the Senate at 35 if he defeats the incumbent. He would also be the first black senator to ever represent Wisconsin.

The poll, from Marquette Law School, shows Barnes with a commanding 51-44% lead over Johnson, and the fact that Barnes is above 50% this late in the race is bad news for Johnson, who has a high unfavorable rating among those polled.


Johnson recently shot himself in the foot with remarks he made suggesting that Social Security and Medicare should be discretionary spending, meaning that Congress could refuse to fund the programs anytime they choose to. A discretionary item in the federal budget is also subject to review annually, which would jeopardize the long-term stability of both programs that benefit senior citizens.

Additionally, Johnson promised voters he wouldn’t serve more than two terms in the Senate, but is now seeking a third term, which has reportedly rankled many in the Badger State.

A win for Mandela Barnes would be a huge gain for Democrats and another step toward getting a filibuster-proof majority that would allow the Senate to get more done, including passing voting rights and abortion rights legislation which is being held hostage by Republicans.

Democrats are also doing well in other states that currently have GOP senators, including Ohio and Pennsylvania, where Trump-endorsed candidates J.D. Vance and Mehmet Oz are struggling to gain traction with voters.

Congress Crime Donald Trump GOP Social Media

Twitter Smacks Down Jim Jordan After He Says Donald Trump Is The Victim For Hoarding Secret Documents

There are few Republicans who are more disgustingly sycophantic toward failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump than Rep. Jim Jordan.

So it should come as no surprise that ever since the FBI served a search warrant at the disgraced ex-president’s Mar-a-Lago golf resort on Aug. 8, Jordan has been saying and tweeting out all sorts of specious allegations, suggesting that the Justice Department is out to get Trump, the FBI is targeting the Donald, and somehow all of this is an extension of the Russia investigation which was looked at by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

But a tweet Jordan sent out today is getting him pelted with enormous social media blowback, mainly because he’s asserting that Donald Trump is the victim despite the fact that he’s the one who was hoarding top secret documents in violation of federal law.

Here’s the tweet:

Read that again and see if you can follow Jordan’s twisted logic. If there was someone at Mar-a-Lago who told the FBI Trump had thousands of classified documents, then “they” spied on Donald before he was president, while he was president, and after he left office. Does that make sense to anyone other than a mindless MAGA minion who thinks Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus?

Also, why is it a bad thing that someone decided to inform the feds about the fact that Trump had secretive papers he should have turned over before he left the White House? Isn’t that actually a very good thing because those files are now under wraps instead of floating around for a hostile foreign power to get ahold of and use against the United States?

Not to Jim Jordan. To him, it confirms his paranoid theory that “they” are out to get Trump. That, of course, completely overlooks the fact that if Trump hasn’t done anything wrong, he has nothing to worry about.

Let’s see what Twitter has to say about the matter.

Jim Jordan never runs out of ways to plant his foot right in his mouth, does he?

Congress Donald Trump Elections GOP

Liz Cheney Uses Her Concession Speech To Destroy Trump’s Claim The FBI Planted Evidence

As expected, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) was defeated by challenger Harriet Hageman in the GOP primary on Tuesday, but in her concession speech, Cheney made it clear that she plans to do everything in her power to make sure that failed former president Donald Trump is eventually brought low.

Speaking to supporters in Jackson, Wyoming, Cheney noted:

“Our nation is young in the history of mankind, and yet we’re the oldest democracy in the world. Our survival is not guaranteed. History has shown us over and over again how poisonous lies destroyed three nations. Over the last several months, in the January 6 hearings, the American people have watched dozens of Republicans, including the most senior officials working for President Trump in the White House, the Justice Department, and on his campaign—people who served President Trump loyally—testify that they all told him the election was not stolen or rigged and there was no massive fraud. That’s why President Trump and others invent excuses, pretexts for people not to watch the hearings at all. But no citizen of this republic is a bystander. All of us have an obligation to understand what actually happened. We cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation.”

Cheney then branded Trump as a liar and pointed to his attacks on the FBI agents who were doing their jobs when they served a search warrant on his Mar-a-Lago resort last week:

“To believe Donald Trump’s election lies, you must believe that dozens of federal and state courts who ruled against him, including many judges he appointed, were all corrupted and biased, that all manner of crazy conspiracy theories stole our election from us and that Donald Trump actually remains president today. As of last week, you must also believe that 30 career FBI agents, who have spent their lives working to serve our country, abandoned their honor and their oath and went to Mar-a-Lago, not to perform a lawful search or address a national security threat, but instead with a secret plan to plant fake incriminating documents in the boxes they seized. This is yet another insidious lie.

“Donald Trump knows that voicing these conspiracies will provoke violence and threats of violence. This happened on January 6, and it’s now happening again.”

For the time being, Trump has bested Cheney. But she’s far from finished with him and still has over four months to make his life hell as she continues to serve on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection.

Elections GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Urges Her Supporters To Commit Voter Fraud: ‘Vote One, Two, Three Times, Whatever’

Ever since Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to President Joe Biden, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been one of the most vocal disseminators of the “Big Lie” that the disgraced ex-president actually won but was cheated out of second term as a result of massive voter fraud.

Yet Greene is now encouraging her supporters to commit voter fraud on her behalf in the upcoming midterm election, according to The Independent:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene encouraged supporters to get out to the polls during the November midterms and went one step further during a video address to advocate that they exercise their right to vote “one, two, three times.”

In the video clip, shared online by the left-wing Twitter account PatriotTakes, an account with more than 450,000 followers, the Georgia Republican is seen standing alongside Mallory Staples, who ran to represent Georgia’s 6th Congressional District in the spring but lost in the Republican primary to Rich McCormick.

The video begins with Greene and Staples encouraging voters to be sure and vote in November. Staples remarks:

“Get out and vote with you and your 20 closest friends and neighbors in November.”

Greene then interjects:

“Vote one, two, three times, whatever.”

As if that’s not bad enough, the two continue to urge voter fraud:

A nervous Ms. Staples then giggles at Ms. Greene’s suggestion to get out “three times” and proffers up the suggestion that voters should get out and do “whatever the law will allow you to do.”

“Which in Georgia is almost anything,” quips Ms. Staples, before the two politicians erupt into more nervous laughter.

Apparently, voter fraud is just fine when done on behalf of Republicans, including those who squawk the loudest about how elections were “stolen” from them.

Much like the her political idol, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a disgusting hypocrite, liar, and thug. Her constituents need to kick her to the curb in November and replace her with someone who will actually represent them.