Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert’s Neighbors Say Her Husband Drives Drunk And Her Kids Are Out Of Control

Be thankful you aren’t Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) neighbors, because based on just released 911 calls, it sounds like Boebert, her husband, and her children are not the sort of people you want living near you.

The Denver Post obtained recordings of the calls to police and report that Boebert’s neighbors said they feared for their lives at times because the Boebert clan “all have guns.”

The calls also provide additional context into what the neighbors, in Silt, said amounted to excessive speeding, property damage, possible drunken driving and threats made from a man whose family openly and regularly carries their firearms.

“I’m sure he’s loaded to the hilt. Do you know who his wife is? Lauren Boebert. She’s loaded. They all have guns,” one neighbor told a 911 dispatcher. “He just got chest to chest, face to face, looking to fight.”

The confrontation began on August 4, when one of Bobert’s sons was allegedly speeding down the street in a dune buggy, which led to a neighbor flagging the boy down and asking him to go slower:

“He’s going like 50 miles an hour and this is a residential lane, there’s kids,” one neighbor, told 911 dispatchers, according to the audio. “We tried to stop him and he’d just freakin’ cuss at us and just left.”

That’s when Jayson Boebert, the congresswoman’s husband, entered the picture:

By the time the second neighbor called 911, deputies hadn’t yet arrived. During that call, Jayson Boebert reportedly began to run the second neighbor’s mailbox over in a truck.

“There’s about to be some s— going down here,” the second neighbor told dispatchers. “It’s Lauren Boebert’s jackass husband, Jayson Boebert.”

During the call the second neighbor can be heard yelling at Jayson Boebert.

“Stop, you jackass! Get the f— out of here,” he yelled. “Come on, man. What are you doing? What did we do wrong?”

According to neighbors, Jayson Boebert also likes to drink and drive:

“Jayson’s probably drunk. You could probably get him for a DUI, he just drove down here,” he said.

Jayson Boebert already has a criminal record. In 2004, he pleaded guilty to exposing himself to two minors in a bowling alley.

For her part, Lauren Boebert is currently seeking a second term in Congress, but if voters are as fed up as her neighbors, the congresswoman may have trouble getting reeelected.


Crime GOP Sex Scandals

‘Methodical’ Prosecutor Preparing Airtight Case Against Matt Gaetz – Indictments Expected After Midterms

Despite the legal cloud hanging over him, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) won his primary on Tuesday and will be on the ballot in November. He is also expected to win re-election.

But that victory will likely be pyrrhic, as a new report from The Daily Beast reveals the main federal prosecutor working on the sex trafficking case against Gaetz is being incredibly “methodical” and is expected to unseal any indictments against the congressman after the midterm elections.

Lyle Mazin, a criminal defense attorney who represents a witness in the case, told The Daily Beast that the quiet should not be misconstrued as reluctance on the part of Roger Handberg, a federal prosecutor who led the local team conducting the investigation and now leads the Florida Middle District U.S. Attorney’s Office.

“He’s methodical. He doesn’t let anything go,” Mazin said. “If you’re going after a monster, you have to get it right—especially when you have a bunch of Trump supporters who’ll come after you.”

Indictments and plea deals have already been reached with key figures in the sex trafficking probe, and the person who can do the most damage to Gaetz — former Seminole County tax collector Joel Greenberg, who is known as Gaetz’s “wingman” — continues to provide a road map that investigators are following as they get closer to charging the congressman.

Any charges, however, won’t be filed before the election on November 8:

That day, if it comes, is likely still months off. Two attorneys said prosecutors will take extreme steps to avoid the appearance of interfering with the midterms, and expected any announcements involving Gaetz would likely come several weeks after the November election.

The slow nature of the investigation has frustrated some who are cooperating with prosecutors, though they say they remain optimistic the delay will result in making sure Gaetz pays the price for his alleged crimes:

“We know for a fact that there are dozens of other actors who were involved in drug-fueled sex parties with underage girls and other criminal financial schemes. If at the end of the day only two or three people are held to account by the feds, that would be a real miscarriage of justice and transparency,” said David Bear, an Orlando attorney who has advised several people who would consider themselves victims of Greenberg’s abuse of power while in office.


After he was victorious on Tuesday, Gaetz told family and friends he expected to win in November and return to the House where he would be part of a group of “Republicans with a will to fight and a backbone.”

But even if he is re-elected, Gaetz is facing a “fight” that will take a hell of a lot more than backbone and fiery rhetoric to win.


Donald Trump GOP U.S. Senate

Is Donald Trump Blackmailing Lindsey Graham? A Former Republican Operative Weighs In

Back in 2016, when it became clear that Donald Trump might just be the 2016 GOP presidential nominee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) warned that nominating Trump would be catastrophic for Republicans, posting his warning on Twitter.

Trump did indeed win the nomination and then went on to win the 2016 election, defeating Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and Graham suddenly became one of the Donald’s staunchest defenders.

So what happened? Why did Graham do a 180 so quickly? Could it have been blackmail?

That question was poised to former Republican operative Tim Miller by Ron Filpkowski this week when Filipkowski asked what member of the GOP had most disappointed Miller in recent years.

Miller named Graham, noting that the senator had been a “hoot” to have on the 2016 campaign trail. At the time, Graham was supporting Jeb Bush and making appearances on the former Florida governor’s behalf:

“Me and Lindsey got to hang out a lot, like, two months. And his hatred for Trump, Ron, was greater than ours…. he would say stuff to me and every once in a while I’d be like, ‘OK, Lindsey, you’re going a little far. He’s really bad, but he’s not Hitler. He’s too stupid to be Hitler.”

That led Filpkowski to ask Miller if he thought perhaps Graham had become an ardent Trumper because Trump had blackmailed him.

Miller replied:

“No, I don’t. I don’t think Trump is good enough at keeping secrets to have blackmail… Lindsey, I think, is just a really weak person.”

Others, however, disagree, and  Jon Cooper of the Democratic Coalition said in 2019 that a Republican told him Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin did indeed have dirt on Graham and it was sexual in nature:


GOP Ron DeSantis Social Media WTF?!

‘Top Gun’ Ad From Ron DeSantis Goes Viral, But Not In The Way He Intended

It probably sounded like such a good idea when it was pitched: We’ll dress Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis up in fighter pilot gear, put him into a fighter jet, and call it “Top Gov.” Genius! Can’t fail!

Oh, but it has, and the fallout is making DeSantis look even more pathetic than he already was.

HuffPost reports:

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, this is your governor speaking. Today’s training evolution — dogfighting, taking on the corporate media,” DeSantis said while wearing a Tom Cruise-style leather jacket.

He then discusses how people should deal with those dreaded journalists who keep asking questions he doesn’t want to answer.

“The rules of engagement are as follows. No. 1: Don’t fire unless fired upon, but when they fire, you fire back with overwhelming force. … No. 2: Never, ever back down from a fight. … No. 3: Don’t accept their narrative.”

Throughout, the ad features clips of him refusing to answer media questions ― as though this were a positive thing.

The video has gone viral, but probably not in the way that DeSantis intended, because reaction on social media has been overwhelmingly negative, resulting in lots of mockery aimed directly at the Sunshine State governor.

GOP Polls Social Media

Lauren Boebert Has An Online Hissy Fit Over A Poll About College Student’s Political Preferences

Right-wing Republicans (especially those who support disgraced, one-term former president Donald Trump) love to say that Democrats and progressives are too sensitive, so they call them “snowflakes” and dismiss them as being irrelevant.

And yet, a new poll from NBC News and Generation Lab has some of those same Trumpers whining because 62% of college students surveyed said they would not share a dorm room or apartment with someone who voted for Trump.

According to Mediaite:

A whopping 62 percent of college Democrats would not room with a Trump voter — more than double the number of Republicans who would refuse to share living space with a Biden voter.

A new NBC News/Generation Lab poll of the class of 2025 shows Democrats in that group really shun people who voted for former President Donald Trump. Like, a lot, and much more than Republicans avoid supporters of President Joe Biden — to the tune of a 34-point difference. Only 28 percent of Republicans  said they’d “probably” or “definitely” refuse a Biden voter.

Here are some of the quotes from students who participated in the NBC poll:

“I could never live with someone who supported a racist, homophobic, xenophobic and sexist person,” said September Mostransky, 18, of Siena College in Loudonville, New York, referring to former President Donald Trump.

“I could possibly room with somebody who is Republican. But when it comes down to it, Donald Trump is not the average Republican candidate,” Mostransky added.

Ethan Strohmetz, 19, a Republican who attends Catholic University in Washington, D.C., has a different opinion.

“A person’s political views do not affect whether or not I would have a friendship or relationship with them,” he said. “Many of my friends have vastly different political views than I do, but I do not let that affect our friendship.”

Perhaps no one was more upset by the poll than Rep. Lauren Boebert, who took to Twitter (rather than do the job she was elected to do) and posted this:

Here’s something Lauren needs to keep in mind: When it comes to “tolerance” most of us who are Democrats can tolerate just about anything except intolerance, and we won’t agree to be around bigoted assholes who hate people for the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, or their native language.

Sorry, Bobo, but almost no one likes you, and the only person to blame is YOU.