GOP Joe Biden Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene In Hot Water For Sharing Fake Video Of Joe Biden As Hitler And Claiming ‘It’s Real’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is in very hot water with Jewish groups for sharing a fake video of President Joe Biden as Adolf Hitler on Twitter and claiming “it’s real.”

Mediate reports on the video:

The video shows an actor resembling the president except with a Hitler-esque patch of facial hair below his nose, standing in front of a photoshopped background from Biden’s speech with swastikas added. The audio seems to be a clip from one of Hitler’s speeches, although that has not been verified.

Greene used the video to criticize Biden for a speech he gave in Philadelphia on Thursday evening in which he criticized failed, one-term former president Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans,” calling them “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Those remarks led Greene to post two tweets:

Greene’s tweets drew the immediate ire of Jewish groups, with Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League remarking:

“That a member of Congress would consider this funny, let alone acceptable, is disgraceful. With one post and a doctored video, [Greene] managed to trivialize Hitler and the Nazis’ sheer evil and belittle the serious threat that extremism poses to this country. Absolutely shameful.”

The American Jewish Committee demanded that House Republican leaders condemn Greene:

“(Greene) continues to trivialize the terror of the Nazis and use Holocaust imagery for political gain. This doctored video is vile, offensive, and completely unbecoming for a member of Congress. House Republican leaders must condemn her conduct.”

So far, however, no one in Republican leadership has stepped forward to criticize Greene or even address the matter of her tweets. It’s safe to say none of them will.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP January 6

Newt Gingrich Is Now A Target Of The January 6 House Select Committee

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich received a letter he probably wishes he never would have today, because he now knows that he’s a target of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

CNN reports:

The committee wants to learn more about communications Gingrich had with senior advisers in former President Donald Trump’s White House about television advertisements that relied on false claims about the election.

In the letter, committee chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) writes:

“The Committee has obtained information indicating that you have knowledge about former President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, and we write to seek your voluntary cooperation. Some of the information that we have obtained includes email messages that you exchanged with senior advisors to President Trump and others, including Jared Kushner and Jason Miller, in which you provided detailed input into television advertisements and relied upon false claims about fraud in the 2020 election.

“These advertising efforts were not designed to encourage voting for a particular candidate. Instead, these efforts attempted to cast doubt on the outcome of the election after voting had already taken place.”

The letter even contains a direct quote from an email Gingrich sent to Kushner, who was a senior adviser in the Trump administration:

“The goal is to arouse the country’s anger through new verifiable information the American people have never seen before[.] . . . If we inform the American people in a way they find convincing and it arouses their anger[,] they will then bring pressure on legislators and governors.”

Gingrich was also involved in the “false electors” scheme, which is referenced by Thompson in the letter:

“The Committee is also interested in other communications you may have had with the White House, President Trump, the Trump legal team or any other persons involved in the events of January 6th. We ask that you preserve all records of such communications.”


Crime Donald Trump Espionage GOP Justice Department WTF?!

Lindsey Graham Ominously Predicts: If Trump Is Prosecuted, ‘There’ll Be Riots In The Streets’

It now appears that disgraced ex-president Donald Trump is in the deepest legal jeopardy of his life, ironically because of something he did that he tried to accuse Hillary Clinton of: Mishandling classified information.

Clinton, it should be noted, was not president, and she didn’t have access to the highest level of top-secret data that Trump had as president. Also, Clinton didn’t leave such information laying around in cardboard boxes at a resort where almost anyone could have had access to the documents.

And yet, despite those very different facts, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is warning that if Trump is indicted and prosecuted, there’s going to be rioting in the streets.

Sounds like a threat, doesn’t it?

Appearing on Fox News, Graham said:

“I’ll say this: If there’s a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle … there’ll be riots in the streets.”

Graham got some well-deserved pushback on social media for his remarks:

GOP Joe Biden Social Media

Ted Cruz Walks Right Into A Spectacular Self-Own When He Complains Joe Biden Doesn’t ‘Respect’ MAGA Republicans

Even though he never gives respect to anyone other than people who don’t deserve it (i.e. Donald Trump), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is angry with President Joe Biden for saying in a stump speech this week that he doesn’t “respect these MAGA Republicans.”

Why would anyone respect the members of a death cult? Are we supposed to respect Jim Jones and David Koresh? If so, count me out.

The MAGA Republicans are also cultish and devoted to the Donald and whatever he does or says. They would follow him off a cliff like lemmings if he told them to. So why do they deserve even a shred of respect?

That statement from the president led Cruz to respond.

Really, Ted? You’re going to take that attitude considering how you repeatedly disrespected Barack Obama and every other member of the Democratic congressional delegation?

Keep in mind just a few of the more disgusting things Cruz has said over the course of his political career:

  • Senator Ted Cruz, the conservative Texas Republican considering a run for the presidency, lashed out at President Barack Obama during a visit to New Hampshire on Sunday, saying his administration had repeatedly trampled on the Constitution.
  • According to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is essentially financing terrorism. And he’s not backing down after the president called his comments “outrageous.”
  • In the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said President Obama is not interested in protecting the United States.

But now Cruz wants respect? Instead, he got hit with a Twitter two-by-four.

Congress GOP Sex Scandals

Comedian Nikki Glaser Burns Matt Gaetz Down With Hilarious NSFW Monologue

Comedian Nikki Glaser was guest host on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Thursday evening, and as part of her monologue she gave her take on prominent American political figures in both parties.

HuffPost reports that Glaser began with failed, one-term former president Donald Trump:

“What can you say about Donald Trump that he hasn’t already heard at this point? Oh, I know! ‘Yes I’d love to have sex with you.'”

Vice President Kamala Harris was next:

“I know we’re having fun right now, but on a serious note I do want to say Kamala Harris is still missing. If you have any information on her whereabouts please contact her parents. They miss her. We don’t, but they do.”

The most biting lines were saved for Republicans in Congress, including Sens. Lindsey Graham (SC) and Ted Cruz (TX), along with Reps. Matt Gaetz (FL) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA).

Gaetz got the most brutal (and accurate) roasting, with Glaser noting:

“Look at him: What a ladies’ man, right? No, I’m sorry, I mean, what a child’s man … You’d think he’d have better hair for someone so good at grooming.”