Congress GOP

WATCH: Jamie Raskin Burns Republicans Down With Impassioned Speech About Democracy

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is truly an American treasure and one of the most important Democrats in the country. Why? Because he doesn’t take any bull and isn’t afraid to speak truth to power.

Raskin is especially eloquent when he discusses the perversion of American democracy that the Republican Party in the Age of Trump has engaged in for one purpose: Power.

The Maryland Democrat took to the House floor Wednesday and gave a speech that will go down in history as one of the best ever given by any member of Congress.

The topic of Congressman Raskin’s speech was today’s GOP, whom he excoriated for being anti-democratic, snuggled up with Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin, and enemies of democracy.

“America is a country of individual freedom and the rights of the people to make their own decisions, not having busy body theocrat politicians in state capitols how to make their own decisions about their careers, their lives, their families, and their healthcare, and certainly not allowing Lindsey Graham to tell the women of America what their destiny will be, and they won’t say a word about it.

“They’ll blame Joe Biden for global inflation. They’ll blame Joe Biden for Vladimir Putin’s filthy imperialist invasion of Russia (Ukraine). I hear them denounce Joe Biden.  They won’t denounce Vladimir Putin for one second.”

But it was what Raskin said next that all Americans need to hear before they cast a ballot in the midterm elections:

“We’re on the side of small ‘d’ democrats all over the world against the autocrats like Putin, against the theocrats like the people who would dictate to the women of America their own health decisions. We’re against the tyrants and bullies and the despots. We’re against presidents who get into office and try to dictate the political decision-making of individual members of the workforce and push their ideological program into the government, and we’re for defending whistleblowers. We’re for defending the Census. We’re for defending democratic institutions in America.”

GOP Religion WTF?!

GED Queen Lauren Boebert Proves Her Ignorance Of English While Reading A Bible Verse

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is once again proving that not only is she ignorant when it comes to the English language, she’s also a hypocrite who doesn’t understand the Bible she loves to quote as a defense for her indefensible actions and utterances.

Case in point: Boebert was reading from the Book of Romans, HuffPost reports, when she ran across a word that completely threw her.

Boebert, a conspiracy theorist who has embraced QAnon extremism, was reciting a passage from Romans that ― in “The Message” edition she was reading from ― referred to “wanton killing.” Except Boebert pronounced it more like “wonton,” the delicious dumpling often found in soup at Chinese restaurants.

“I don’t know what a wonton killing is. I’m gonna have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”

Oh, shit! There’s gonna be a wonton killing. Sure hope someone brought the teriyaki or sweet and sour sauce.

Of course, Boebert’s massive ignorance of the language that confounds her shouldn’t surprise anyone. She didn’t even manage to earn her GED high school equivalency until she was elected.

Fact-checking site confirmed that Boebert did indeed wait until after her election to get her GED:

On her educational background, she said she never claimed to have graduated from Rifle High School. “I went to my high school,” she said.

“I was a brand-new mom, and I had to make hard decisions on successfully raising my child, or getting to high school biology class. And I chose to take care of my child,” she said.

Boebert said she received her GED after completing a four-course review.

“I didn’t go through the typical education course,” she said. “I was a great student. I had great grades. I loved being there, but I was starting my family and had different priorities.”

Twitter users were eager to mock Boebert, and they did so with great gusto:

GOP Joe Biden Mike Pence Social Media

Mike Pence Gets Shredded After Attacking Biden’s Speech About MAGA GOP Extremism

Mike Pence joined a debate he should have left alone by criticizing a speech President Joe Biden made recently in which he criticized the extreme views of the MAGA Republicans who continue to remain loyal to Donald Trump and make excuses for his every illegal action.

In case you missed it, here’s what Biden said:

“What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”

Pence, who is clearly trying to mend fences with the far right wing of his party that still worships Trump, took to Twitter and began slamming Biden for daring to speak the truth:

“Did you see that speech last week? President Biden held a partisan campaign rally at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, flanked by uniformed United States Marines, and revealed what’s truly at stake in the next election.”

“Never before in the history of our nation has a President stood before the American people and accused millions of his own countrymen of being a ‘threat to this country.’ To top it off, President Biden had the audacity to claim, ‘I’m asking our nation to come together, to unite.’”

Those are bold (and incredibly stupid) words coming from a man that Trump suggested might should have been hanged on January 6 to placate the rioting thugs who attacked the U.S. Capitol. As House Select Committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney noted at a hearing in June:

“Aware of the rioters chants to ‘hang Mike Pence’, the president responded with this sentiment: ‘Maybe our supporters have the right idea’. Mike Pence ‘deserves it.’”

But now Pence wants to take umbrage with Biden for calling it like he sees it and making it clear to American voters what’s at stake when they go to cast their ballots in November?

The former VP’s postings raised eyebrows and ire on social media.

Crime Donald Trump Espionage GOP

Joe Scarborough Slam Dunks Marco Rubio For His Absurd Defense Of Trump Filching Classified Information

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough lit into Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (FL) Tuesday morning for his latest absurd defense of former president Donald Trump’s stealing of classified documents when he left the White House.

Over the weekend, Rubio pooh-poohed the notion that Trump had somehow broken the law by having hundreds of top secret documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, remarking:

“This is, really, at its core, a storage argument that they’re making.

I don’t think a fight over the storage of documents is worthy of what they’ve done, which is a full-scale raid and then these constant leaks.”

Rubio knows better, Scarborough insisted, pointing out that he’s the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee:

“I mean, there is no line. Marco Rubio was running the Senate Intel Committee, so you have Marco Rubio saying, top secret documents are only at risk if they’re mishandled by Democrats. Top secret documents mishandled and actually taken, removed from a government office, removed from the White House and illegally, improperly hidden at Mar-a-Lago, even after the FBI negotiates and tries to get them all back, it just doesn’t matter. So, again, is there any line? No, there’s no line.”

The MSNBC host added:

“Now it’s a storage issue? No, it’s not a storage issue. Nobody ever believed it was a storage issue. Marco Rubio never believed it was a storage issue. If you take top secret documents out of a government building, Marco Rubio would be the first person to say, like me in the past, you go to jail. You go to jail.

“The hell with institutions, according to people like Marco Rubio. The hell with top secret documents, the hell with the FBI, the hell with the CIA the hell with the Justice Department, the hell with the rule of law.”

Rubio is a hack who sold out years ago. Here’s hoping Val Demings cleans his clock in November.

Donald Trump GOP U.S. Senate

Lindsey Graham Tries To Explain His ‘Riots In The Streets’ Comment And Makes Matters Worse

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has faced withering criticism since he made a comment last Sunday that if former president Donald Trump was indicted for mishandling classified documents, there would be “riots in the streets,” telling Fox News:

“I’ll say this, if there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle … there will be riots in the street.”

Today, Graham — who is on vacation in Italy — spoke with Steve Sedgwick of CNBC and attempted to explain his controversial remarks less than a week ago:

“What I tried to do was state the obvious.

“Here’s what I said, The raid on [former] President Trump’s home, the likely nominee for 2024, better bear some fruit here. If it’s just about mishandling classified information, we’ve had a standard set when it came to Hillary Clinton.”

The South Carolina Republican added:

“Our country, the people on our side, believe that when it comes to the justice system, there are no rules regarding Trump, [it’s a case of] ‘get him, it doesn’t matter how you get him,’ so I said that if it’s similar to what happened to Clinton and he gets prosecuted, it’ll be one of the most disruptive events in America.”

In other words, Graham is now offering a rationale for the threats he made. And he’s also providing cover for any nutjob who might think the judicial system is somehow tilted against Republicans, especially the failed ex-president, who has been under one form of investigation after another his entire life because he engages in questionable (and potentially illegal) behavior such as refusing to rent apartments to black people, stealing from a charity bearing his name, and allegedly cheating on his company’s taxes.

Here’s what Graham should have been asked: Do you ever get tired of having your nose buried in Trump’s fat posterior?