Donald Trump GOP U.S. Senate

Steve Bannon Calls Lindsey Graham A ‘MAGA Traitor’ As The GOP Begins To Implode

Former Trump administration adviser Steve Bannon is furious with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and is accusing him of being a traitor to the MAGA movement and failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

On his “War Room” podcast Wednesday, Bannon referenced remarks made by President Joe Biden that there were five Republican senators who support him but fear saying so because they believe they would face primary challenges from pro-Trump candidates:

“The five traitors — and this is the scumbags and slimeballs you have here in the nation’s capital — he got five Republican senators have told him they agree with what he’s doing. They agree with what he’s doing and they would vote and support him, but they’re afraid of, wait for it, the War Room Posse.”

Bannon then urged the five senators to identify themselves, taking direct aim at Graham:

“Have enough guts to step up and tell us, Lindsey Graham, who you are. We need you guys to step up to the plate, Lindsey Graham!”

Wow! Sounds like the GOP is starting to implode. And with Trump facing the very real possibility of being indicted in New York, Georgia, and by the Justice Department for his role in the January 6 Capitol insurrection, we could see the Republican Party in a full-scale civil war long before the 2022 midterm elections.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Trump’s Handpicked Georgia Senate Candidate Accused Of Having A ‘Porn Addiction’

According to failed former President Donald Trump, the perfect person to be the GOP nominee for the Senate in the state of Georgia is former NFL star Herschel Walker, so he has given his full endorsement to the ex-football player, commenting in September:

“Herschel Walker will never let you down. He was a great football player and will be an even better U.S. Senator—if that is even possible. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!”

Considering Trump’s propensity for being sexually promiscuous, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Walker is being accused of having an addiction to porn, according to one of his Republican primary opponents.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

“A review of Senate candidate Herschel Walker’s Instagram account shows he follows several accounts with links to racy material. One of the accounts has a name not suitable for a family newsletter. Several others also have accounts on OnlyFans, a social media platform popular with porn stars.”

Asked for comment, Walker’s campaign manager, Scott Paradise, called the accusation “stupid,” and added:

“He follows or is followed by tens of thousands of people.”

That explanation, however, didn’t satisfy Walker’s GOP rival, Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, who wondered if perhaps Walker has an addiction to porn, with a spokesperson for Black’s campaign noting:

“Stalking, and domestic abuse are disqualifying by themselves but a porn addiction would be a significant third strike. That’s just handing the Senate to the Democrats. While personally sad, it’s definitely conduct unbecoming of a candidate for elected office.”

If Walker does win the Republican nomination, he would face incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D).


GOP Social Media U.S. Senate

Ron Johnson’s Twitter Poll About Ending The Filibuster Backfires On Him In Spectacular Fashion

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) thought he had a surefire way to prove that the majority of Americans don’t support reforming the Senate filibuster so that voting rights legislation can be voted on, so he decided he’s post a poll on Twitter.

But it didn’t take long before Johnson found out his poll only succeeded in making him look like a complete fool.

This could be a crucial week in the fight to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has made it clear he intends to call a vote and make very member of the upper chamber cast a vote for or against expanding the right to vote, according to The Hill:

Schumer, from the Senate floor, moved to formally end debate on voting legislation that combines the Freedom to Vote Act, which overhauls federal elections and campaign finance laws, and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which strengthens the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

That is expected to set up a vote on Wednesday, though it could be delayed until Thursday, where the legislation will need 60 votes to advance in the Senate. Republicans are expected to block the bill, and once that happens Schumer is vowing to bring up a vote on changing the Senate’s rules.

That led to Johnson’s Twitter poll.

But the senator didn’t get the response he was expecting, as over 95% of those who responded said they want to see the filibuster booted and voting rights legislation passed:

Oops! How embarrassing for Sen. Johnson, who recently announced he’d be seeking a third term in office in the 2022 midterm elections. Many of his fellow Republicans are said to be apoplectic and “having a heart attack” about his reelection campaign, which insiders believe is doomed to fail.

Quite clearly, Ron Johnson is out of touch with voters. Here’s hoping they take that out on him in spectacular fashion come November.

Congress GOP Viral Video WTF?!

Viral Video Shows Paul Gosar Behaving Erratically And Unable To Speak At Trump Rally

Something is terribly wrong with Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar, and it goes way beyond his extremist right-wing political views and fondness for batshit crazy conspiracy theories.

Gosar was one of the speakers at failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump’s rally in Florence, Arizona, on Saturday evening, but when the congressman began speaking, his head swayed back and forth and he was unable to complete some of his sentences. Take a look:

That’s not just sad, it’s pathetic.

Granted, it’d be tempting to say that karma is catching up with Gosar, but many who saw the video couldn’t help but express concern for him, which is something he’s never done for anyone else. After all, this is the same Paul Gosar who posted an anime video of him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and President Joe Biden back in November.

Here’s some of the reaction to Gosar’s bizarre behavior:

Crime GOP Sex Scandals

Immunity Deal For Key Female Witness Means Matt Gaetz’s Goose Is Cooked: Report

The single most important witness in the case against Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has reached an immunity deal with federal prosecutors and agreed to testify against him, according to a report from NBC News, and that’s the surest sign yet the Florida congressman is indeed going to be indicted on charges of sexually trafficking underage girls, a crime which could potentially send Gaetz to prison for the rest of his life.

Recently, Gaetz’s former girlfriend testified before a federal grand jury, a move that one former prosecutor called “diabolical but brilliant.”

NBC senior national reporter Marc Caputo says that the latest testimony and plea deal suggests that the chances of Gaetz being indicted are significantly greater than they were a week ago:

“When this broke, the ex-girlfriend was talking to another woman who was talking to prosecutors that felt the woman may have recorded the call and may have patched in Matt Gaetz at the time and prosecutors suspect he tried to elicit or entice or suborn obstruction of justice and his ex-girlfriend may have participated in that. That was the basis of her getting an immunity deal; ‘don’t charge me for this and I’ll tell you the things you want to know.'”

Caputo then added:

“Exactly what she told them is key but what’s important to note here is that she’s an important bridge that unlocks the case or unstalls it. It was stuck in neutral. Now the case is clearly going forward. I can’t promise he’s going to be indicted but the chances are higher.”

The fact that the woman is Gaetz’s former paramour and not his wife is also significant, according to MSNBC legal analyst Danny Cevallos:

There are exactly zero “girlfriend” testimonial privileges. It doesn’t matter if the girlfriend has lived with the boyfriend for years. It doesn’t matter if they have kids together. A girlfriend is not a wife — but she is a potential gold mine for prosecutors. They have a witness who often knows the target as well as a spouse would, but who can be questioned, cajoled and subpoenaed without worrying about any of those pesky privilege barriers.

Gaetz was already in BIG trouble, but now he’s officially toast.