Economics GOP The Biden Administration

Lauren Boebert Tried To Zing Joe Biden On Inflation – It Did Not Go Well For Her

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has been a member of the House of Representatives for almost a year now, and yet she hasn’t accomplished a damn thing other than a few snarky tweets, a lot of posturing, and the occasional attempt at pretending she should be taken seriously.

Such is the case with a tweet Boebert (a.k.a. Bobo) sent out on the topic of inflation, which is indeed on the rise, due in large part to the pent up demand of consumers who stayed home for over a year during the worst of the COVID pandemic and are now on a spending spree. Increased demand leads to a rise in prices. It’s the basics of economics: Supply and demand.

But rather than provide any solutions, Boebert fired off this brainless post:

So Bobo is worried about the troops? Then why doesn’t she propose legislation that would raise their salaries? Because that would require her to do some work, and all she really wants to do is whine and try to score political points.

Boebert also neglected to mention that the Biden administration has done something to help every American family with children in the form of the expanded child tax credit, which is providing $250 to $300 per child for working parents across the country. Would Boebert be in favor of extending that tax break? Hardly! Her party has been the one fighting to do away with the child tax credit since it went into place.

The congresswoman was quickly swatted down on social media:


Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump GOP

Michael Cohen Trolls Jim Jordan As January 6 Committee Focuses On Congressman’s Text Messages

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is under increased pressure and scrutiny as it becomes clear that he was one of the government officials who communicated with then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on the day of the Capitol insurrection back in January.

According to NBC News, Jordan has admitted that he did indeed send at least one text message to Meadows on January 6:

Rep. Jim Jordan’s office confirmed Wednesday that the Ohio Republican was one of the lawmakers whose text messages to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows were released this week by the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The acknowledgement comes two days after the Jan. 6 committee made public numerous documents, including text messages, provided to the panel by Meadows. The House committee revealed several text messages sent to Meadows by GOP lawmakers but did not name any of them.

Jordan’s office said Wednesday that the message cited by the panel on Monday was a forwarded text, and that it was truncated by the committee.

“Mr. Jordan forwarded the text to Mr. Meadows and Mr. Meadows certainly knew it was a forward,” Jordan’s spokesman told NBC News on Wednesday.

That report led Michael Cohen, who served for several years as a personal attorney to former President Donald Trump, to troll Jordan on Twitter:

During that hearing in February of 2019, Cohen did indeed warn Jordan that Trump was a “racist,” “a cheat,” and a “con man.”

Jordan is facing a very uncertain bid for reelection next year which is being made even more risky by redistricting in his home state of Ohio.


GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

RNC Chair Tries To Blame Burning Of Fox News Christmas Tree On (Wait For It…) Joe Biden

Early Wednesday, the Fox News Christmas tree was set ablaze, the Washington Post reports:

The towering Christmas tree outside the Fox News headquarters in New York was set on fire early Wednesday, causing first responders to race to extinguish a blaze that engulfed the 50-foot tree in Midtown Manhattan.

Video posted to social media shows flames and smoke coming off the decorated tree shortly after midnight just outside the News Corp. building. The network cut in for a live broadcast of the blaze at Fox News Square, just days after the tree, covered in thousands of lights and ornaments, was ceremoniously lit to ring in the holidays.

A man was later arrested for the act:

Craig Tamanaha, 49, was arrested early Wednesday and charged with setting the fire, a New York Police Department spokesperson told The Washington Post. Tamanaha faces charges including criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and arson. The man “was observed by Fox News Channel security climbing the Christmas tree decorated outside their office building near the corner of West 48 Street and Sixth Avenue” about 12:15 a.m., police said.

End of story, right? Not according to Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna McDaniel, who went on Fox and tried to blame the whole thing on President Joe Biden.

McDaniel was asked to predict how she thought the GOP would do in the 2022 midterms. She remarked:

“What this poll is telling us is we’re going to take back the House and the Senate and the American people want a change. Biden is underwater. Harris’s approval is under 30% and Republicans are more trusted on three key issues: the economy, inflation and crime.

“And these are issues we’re seeing every day on our streets, around our homes, in our communities, on the news. Look at your Christmas tree that was just burned down. This is a huge problem for Democrats.”

Wait! What was that? A random act of arson is a problem for Democrats? Sounds like a bit of a stretch, and it also suggests Republicans are in big trouble, despite their bragging about how they intend to win in 2022.

Foreign Policy GOP Russia

Tom Cotton Gets His A*s Handed To Him When He Accuses Democrats Of Being Soft On Putin

During a debate in the Senate on the lifting of sanctions on a pipeline, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) accused Democrats of “appeasing” Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Newsweek reports:

Cotton took broad aim at how the Democrats had handled Moscow in criticism, referring in particular to the Biden administration’s suspension of sanctions on entities involved with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Critics, including both Republicans and Democrats, say that the pipeline, which will take gas between Russia and Germany, gives Putin a geopolitical advantage. The pipeline was stalled by German lawmakers this week.

That led Cotton to remark:

“The simplest way to deter invasion of Ukraine, the simplest way to deter Russian aggression, is to draw clear red lines of enforcement, something that Joe Biden will not do, something that apparently the Democratic senators will not force him to do.”

In response, New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen immediately fired back at Cotton, reminding him that he’d been allowed to visit Russia while the Russian government refused to grant her entry:

“I just have to take real umbrage at your suggestion, Sen. Cotton. I’m the one who Vladimir Putin refused a visa to get into Russia, because of my opposition to Russia, and to what Putin was doing.”

She then added:

“He didn’t deny you a visa to get into the country. So don’t talk to me about how I’ve not been tough enough on Russia, because that dog won’t hunt!”

Keep in mind this is the same Tom Cotton who refused to impeach failed, one-term former President Donald Trump for extorting our Ukrainian allies unless they agree to help him trash President Joe Biden. He delayed military aid to them at a time when Ukraine was being harassed and threatened with attack by Putin’s military.

Do us all a favor, Sen. Cotton: Sit down and shut the hell up.

GOP The Biden Administration U.S. Senate WTF?!

GOP Senator Makes A Fool Of Himself When He Tries To Smear Biden Nominee

During a confirmation hearing in the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) proved that though he may not be as well known as his equally obnoxious GOP colleagues, Sens. Ted Cruz (TX) and Josh Hawley (MO), he’s just as narrow-minded and bigoted as his two colleagues.

The Banking Committee was considering the nomination of Saule Omarova to be comptroller of currency, and Kennedy used his allotted time to suggest that since Dr. Omarova was born in Kazakhstan when it was still part of the Soviet Union. As a child in that Soviet satellite, Omarova was forced to join the Young Communists because if she hadn’t she would have been persecuted by Soviet authorities and perhaps even sent to a gulag where she would more than likely have died.

Specifically, according to CNBC, Kennedy went out of his way to suggest that Omarova might still be a communist:

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., asked Omarova about her membership in a youth communist group during her childhood in Kazakhstan.

Omarova replied that membership in the Communist Party was required under the totalitarian government and noted that members of her family were murdered by the Communist Party led by Joseph Stalin.

That’s the very same Joseph Stalin who killed an estimated 6 million people he considered to be “disloyal” to him. The Omarova family could either claim to be communists or they could have been wiped off the face of the planet.

And yet, Kennedy felt it necessary to then add:

“I’m struggling with what to call her. I don’t know whether to call her ‘Professor’ or ‘Comrade.’”

Fortunately, Democrats on the committee called out Kennedy for his comments, with Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown of Ohio noting that his colleague was asking “irrelevant” questions. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts called Kennedy’s remarks “vicious.”

The real reason Kennedy and other Republicans are opposed to Dr. Omarova is because she’s promised to keep a close eye on the reckless fiscal policies of big banks, telling NY Magazine in a recent interview:

“They [the banks] know that I won’t let them do whatever they want. I’m not the one to easily go along with whatever big banks would tell me is ‘good for them, therefore good for the country.’ I want to make sure that what is good for them is also good for the country. I’m also very reasonable, and I will have an open door, and I will work with any bank that wants to do good for the country. Any bank that wants to channel credit into the real communities, real economy, I’ll be their best friend. If wealthy banks genuinely commit to doing good for the United States, then they have nothing to be afraid of from me. Nothing.”

That’s not what big banks like Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo want to hear, so their paid puppets in the Senate GOP are attacking Dr. Omarova as some sort of a danger to capitalism, which is total bullshit.

Banks need to be regulated. If you doubt that, remember how the foolish policies of banks nearly crashed the U.S. economy back in 2007 and led to what became known as the Great Recession.

Sen. Kennedy and his ilk are nothing but bigoted assholes who would gladly crash the American economy again if it would benefit their corporate sugar daddies.