Congress GOP Religion WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Says Her Personality Is Similar To Jesus Christ’s

What comes to mind when you hear the name of Lauren Boebert, the Republican congresswoman from the state of Colorado? Bigoted? Narrow-minded? Angry? Obtuse? Probably those and many others, none of them positive.

But according to Bobert herself, the first thing that should pop into your head is an image of Jesus.

Yes, she actually said that.

Speaking with Mike Huckabee on Newsmax, Boebert began by explaining why she ran for Congress in the first place:

“I believe as a Christian, that frustration we feel on the inside of us sometimes is really just God’s motivation to send us to where we need to be part of the solution.”

That led Huckabee to note that Boebert isn’t “afraid to speak openly about your faith and how it defines you.” He then added:

“You’re not timid and you’re not afraid to let people know that you are a Christian believer and that that’s what gives you your core values. Do you find that people sometimes are wanting you to say just tone it down a little bit, Congresswoman? Just tone it down. Do you hear that?”

The congresswoman responded:

“You know, I think people would love if I would tone it down. But, you know, we had our Lord Jesus certainly didn’t tone it down for anyone. We had the Apostles who carried this message of the Gospel and even the leaders in their days, they said, you know, it’s fine, you can pray but just don’t do it in the name of Jesus.”

Not content with having compared herself to Jesus, Boebert continued:

“And now here we are in another cycle of cancel culture but this is nothing new. Cancel culture has been around since the beginning of time. Cain canceled Abel. We had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that were thrown into the fiery furnace. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted to cancel them but there stood another in the midst of them and He was the son of God.

“And then they tried to cancel Jesus but you can’t cancel God!”

Holy shit! Is this woman serious?! If so, it’s quite clear she hasn’t actually read the New Testament or she would have immediately noted that Jesus preached one thing above all others. It’s known as the Golden Rule:

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 7:12)

Do unto others as you would have done unto you. That’s the most fundamental teaching of Jesus and is supposed to be a major tenet for all Christians.

And yet, Boebert constantly attacks others, belittles those she disagrees with, and makes herself the center of attention. None of those are what Jesus urged his followers to do.

Lauren Bobert is a hypocrite. And here’s what Jesus said about hypocrites:

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” (Matthew 23:27-28)

Sounds just like a certain member of Congress from Colorado, doesn’t it?

Congress GOP LGBT Issues WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Unhinged Meltdown After Her Hateful Anti-Trans Sign Is Vandalized

Shortly after she took office in early 2021, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted a disgusting sign outside her congressional office, which just so happened to be across the hall from another member of Congress who has a transgender child.

As CNN reported at the time:

Illinois Rep. Marie Newman, whose daughter is transgender, posted a video on Twitter of her hanging the pink and blue transgender pride flag outside her office Wednesday afternoon, captioning that Greene tried to block the act “because she believes prohibiting discrimination against trans Americans is ‘disgusting, immoral, and evil,'” adding, “thought we’d put up our Transgender flag so she can look at it every time she opens her door” with winking and transgender flag emojis.

That evening, Greene retweeted Newman’s post and added a video of her hanging a sign that reads “There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE …Trust The Science!”

Now, however, someone has decided to leave a message on Greene’s sign –“Free Palestine”– and it put her into an unhinged tizzy, taking to Telegram (because she’s been banned from Twitter) and posting a video that is just this side of deranged in which she angrily declares:

“I want you to know about the criminals who actually work in these office buildings, because I’ve been having to deal with them now for months and months.

“This sign is such a trigger factor for Democrats and apparently people who actually work in my office building — that they started vandalizing this sign, and then they stole the sign, so I’ve gone through six signs since early last year.”

But it’s what Greene says next in the video that’s so damn laughable:

“This is criminal activity. It’s vandalism, destruction of property, so when the person gets caught they’re going to be held accountable. But here’s the scary thing — they work in our building!”

Criminal activity? Is it as bad as what was done on January 6, which Greene has repeatedly tried to downplay? She even has the nerve to whine that the domestic terrorists who defaced the Capitol and killed a police officer on that horrific day are being mistreated while they’re incarcerated and awaiting trial. Which makes you wonder if Greene would be this enraged if someone had written “Free the J6 prisoners” on her beloved sign.

Near the end of her video, Greene tries to get sympathy by asserting that her life is in danger:

“Because if someone is this crazy, so crazy and deranged over a sign that says there are only two genders, male and female, and they keep attacking it … then obviously they may try to attack me personally.”

In one final hissy fit flourish, Greene talks about how much she hates being in Congress, which makes you wonder why she doesn’t just resign and not run for reelection in the midterms:

“Anyways, I just wanted to give y’all a little heads up on what actually happens in Washington — and it’s loserville, loserville in Washington. Absolute most pathetic place I’ve ever been in my life. Completely disgusts me. It’s totally dysfunctional. The Democrats are destroying our county, and then there’s idiots that have to run around and vandalize signs because they’re so triggered by the fact that there are only two genders.”

Poor Marjorie! She’s used to being a bully, but when someone pushes back or writes a message on her hallowed sign, she pitches a fit like a spoiled toddler.

Here’s the video:


Congress GOP

Adam Kinzinger Destroys ‘Con Artist’ Josh Hawley – ‘One Of The Worst Human Beings’

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) — who will go down in history as one of the few Republicans in the Age of Trump who possessed both a brain and a spine — has had more than enough of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), and he’s making it clear that he intends to keep calling Hawley out for his boneheaded actions and utterances.

Mediaite reports that Kinzinger was appalled by a report that Hawley wants the Biden administration to drop its support for Ukraine to join NATO, which just so happens to be the very same position that has been expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin:

Axios, which broke the news, noted that “Hawley is staking out a position increasingly supported by the Republican base but historically at odds with the mainstream GOP consensus still backed by his Senate colleagues.”

That led Kinzinger to post this on Twitter:

“I hate to be so personal, but Hawley is one of the worst human beings, and a self egrandizing [sic] con artist.

“When Trump goes down I certainly hope this evil will be layed [sic] in the open for all to see, and be ashamed of.”

So what exactly is Hawley’s position on Ukraine and the fact that Russia is massing troops on its border? Typical GOP double-talk, with Axios noting:

“Hawley said he supports sending assistance that Ukraine needs to defend itself, but contends that the U.S. interest “is not so strong” to warrant going to war with Russia.”

Do you suppose Hawley would feel differently if Ukraine had oil or his lord and master Donald Trump suddenly said the U.S. should support the Ukrainians and be willing to go to war with Putin? Considering how fervently Hawley worships both the Donald and Putin, he’d probably be torn and have to bow to the wishes of his orange savior. Then again, Putin probably pays a lot better than the notoriously chintzy Trump.

Capitol Insurrection GOP Uncategorized

Liz Cheney Claps Back After Gingrich Threatens Jan. 6 Committee Members With ‘Risk Of Jail’

Appearing on the Fox News program “Sunday Morning Futures” former GOP Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich suggested that members of the January 6 House Select Committee could face the “risk of jail” if Republicans retake control of the House of Representatives in the midterm elections.

Gingrich told host Maria Bartiromo:

“You have — both with Attorney General [Merrick] Garland and with this select committee on January 6, people who have run amok. What they need to understand is on January 4 next year, you’re going to have a Republican majority in the House and a Republican majority in the Senate. And all these people who have been so tough, and so mean, and so nasty are going to be delivered subpoenas for every document, every conversation, every tweet, every e-mail.”

The serial adulterer from Georgia then added:

“I think when you have a Republican Congress, this is all going to come crashing down. And the wolves are going to find out that they’re now sheep and they’re the ones who are in fact, I think, face a real risk of jail for the kinds of laws they’re breaking.”

The laws they’re breaking? What about the crimes of insurrection and interfering with Congress that were committed by failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his toadies in Congress? They’re still facing serious federal criminal charges that could send them to prison for decades.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), one of only two Republicans who have agreed to serve on the Jan. 6 panel, clapped back at Gingrich’s blatant threats, tweeting out this response:

She was soon joined by her fellow Republican on the committee, Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois:

No one is afraid of you or your GOP goons, Newt. And keep in mind you haven’t won the House or Senate yet. As the committee continues to uncover new evidence and crimes, don’t be surprised if voters reject you and your fellow insurrectionists.

Elections GOP Racism U.S. Senate WTF?!

Unearthed Video Shows McConnell Bragging: ‘My Party Does Really Good With White People And I’m Proud Of That’

Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) got caught in a controversy of his own making while discussing the issue of voting rights, telling reporters:

“The concern is misplaced because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans.”

As the AP reported, that set off a wave of criticism for obvious reasons:

The comment implied that Black voters are somehow not American and underscored the concerns of voting rights advocates that Republicans in state legislatures across the country are explicitly seeking to disenfranchise Black voters. The timing was also notable, coming the same day that McConnell engineered a filibuster to block voting legislation that Democrats and civil rights leaders say is vital to protecting democracy.

Mitch tried to walk back his remarks as the full fury of the online shitstorm hit him:

McConnell addressed the controversy at a news conference in Kentucky, calling the criticism an “outrageous mischaracterization of my record as a result of leaving one word out inadvertently the other day, which I just now have supplied to you, is deeply offensive.”

Now, however, Patriot Takes has unearthed a video of McConnell circa 2015 in which he proudly brags that Republicans do well with white voters:

“My party does really good with white people and I’m proud of that.”

During the same 2015 Aspen Institute forum where McConnell expressed pride in being popular with white Americans, he mused on why blacks don’t want to join the GOP, according to Mediaite:

He accused Black voters of being “locked down against Republicans,” and the only hope he expressed for making inroads was the existence of some Black Republicans.

But perhaps most strange was McConnell’s assertion that “it certainly hasn’t been helped by having the first African-American president be a Democrat. I mean, that didn’t do us much good on that front” — as if Barack Obama just fell to Earth and into the Oval Office in a stroke of misfortune for the GOP.

Republicans love to say they’re not bigoted, racist, or opposed to civil rights for minorities in the United States. But that’s just another lie they tell along with all the others.