Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

‘New And Improved’ Trump Shredded For Mocking The Mother Of A Dying Child

During a campaign rally at his Doral golf resort on Tuesday, convicted felon and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump reached a new low, according to a report from Shawn McCreesh of the New York Times.

Though everything was going his way, he struck familiarly paranoid notes, telling his listeners (who included several of his grandchildren) about a “sinister plot to defraud the American public” that was being woven by a shadowy establishment that hated them.

And, while calling for the death penalty for drug dealers, he did a histrionically singsong impression of a mother watching her “child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, ‘What can I do, what can I do? Help me, God, what can I do?’”

That callous and heartless comment from Trump was the topic of discussion on “Morning Joe” today, with host Joe Scarborough remarking, “Mocking a mother who was holding a dying child in their arms, Katty Kay. We hear this is the new and improved Donald. I’ve been hearing it for the past week — this is the new and improved Donald Trump.”

“He’s positive, he is happy, he is not the old Donald Trump, he’s really been liberated,” Scarborough added. “And there we have Donald Trump calling people fat pigs. Donald Trump mocking others. Donald Trump mocking a mother holding her dying child.”

That led co-host Mika Brzezinski to ask, “I mean, is he mentally fit?”

Scarborough continued.

“It doesn’t sound like the new and improved Donald that, I swear, it’s all you hear from Trump people. ‘Oh, you know, he’s changed. He’s not the Trump of three years ago. He’s not the Trump of three months ago.’ Here he is, he’s actually taking great joy in a mother’s child dying in her arms.”

Kay noted, “Yeah or writing on Truth Social that Vice President Kamala Harris, in a clear dog whistle, should caddie for him in a golf tournament against Joe Biden. This is the Donald Trump that his campaign does not want particularly out there in public. It is not the Donald Trump who showed up to that debate; that was the more disciplined Donald Trump. As we have always said, that doesn’t last very long with the former president and he is out there again.”

The “new and improved” Donald Trump is the same cruel, disgusting, and perverted sack of human excrement he’s always been, and his comments about the dying child are proof that he’s getting more evil with his every utterance.

Crime Donald Trump Elections Sex Scandals

Disturbing New Epstein Documents Lead To Calls For Trump To Drop Out Of 2024 Race

While there’s been a cacophony of talk on Capitol Hill over the past couple of weeks regarding whether or not President Joe Biden should drop out of the 2024 race for the White House, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) said Tuesday that the person who needs to be booted from the ticket is disgraced former president Donald Trump.

Citing newly released grand jury documents from the Florida criminal case against the late convicted pedophile and sexual trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, Lieu told reporters that Trump’s name is all over the court filings, and yet Republicans haven’t said anything about the matter.

“So like Chairman Aguilar said we hear a lot from our constituents on different issues, but something I’ve heard that doesn’t seem to be being covered are the Epstein files. These files were released and like Donald Trump sort of all over this, right? There are pictures of him with Jeffrey Epstein.”

Lieu then got specific with his accusations against Trump.

“He’s taken multiple plane flights with Epstein with young girls on board. He is in call logs with Epstein. One of the highest trending hashtags on Twitter right now is about Trump and Epstein. I’m not going to repeat the hashtag because we’re in a dignified setting. But yeah, y’all might want to look at that because that’s highly disturbing.”

The California Democrat concluded, “And again, it shows that Donald Trump is unfit for office. And by the way, he was convicted in a civilian court for sexual assault, convicted in a separate court of 34 felonies. Donald Trump should drop out of the race.”

Lieu is correct. Trump’s name is indeed all over the latest batch of Epstein documents, as many people pointed out on social media, where the case remains a hot topic of debate.

Reporters covering the Trump 2024 campaign need to ask the convicted felon why he made so many calls to Epstein and traveled with him on several occasions. After all, the voters have a right to know everything about a candidate for the presidency who may have been engaged in the systematic sexual abuse of children.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris The Biden Administration

Former Trump Administration Official Says Donald Is ‘Afraid’ Of Kamala Harris

A former White House official says convicted felon Donald Trump is hoping and praying that President Joe Biden doesn’t drop out of the 2024 presidential race, because the prospect of having to face Vice President Kamala Harris as his opponent terrifies him.

Alyssa Farah Griffin served as White House communications director, and she told her co-hosts on “The View” that Trump is indeed afraid of Harris.

Griffin made her comments in response to Sunny Hostin, who remarked, “One more thing that I will say is that Republicans are clearly scared about Kamala Harris.”

“There’s a reason Donald Trump isn’t out there shouting about the debate. He knows that Joe Biden will lose to him. He is afraid of Vice President Harris,” Griffin explained.

That led co-host Whoopi Goldberg to note, “It doesn’t matter what we say should be happening. It’s going to come down to one or the other. It’s that simple, and it is not up to us. It is not up to the media. It is up to you all. You know, as I keep saying, do you want the guy whose teeth fall out when he talks and maybe his hair isn’t on as secure, or do you want the guy who’s going to take your family, whatever your background is, and send them to another country because he doesn’t like who you are? That’s what it comes down to. So, you know, it’s in our hands.”

The numbers couldn’t be clearer, as we learned in the 2020 election: When Democrats vote, Democrats win. We outnumber the GOP and we can keep them from inflicting their horrific agenda (i.e. Project 2025) on this country if we get out and vote like our lives depend on it. Because they do.

GOP Social Media

Ted Cruz’s Warning To Texans About Hurricane Beryl Comes Back To Bite Him Right On The A*s

Bless his atrophied heart, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) just couldn’t resist humiliating himself for the entire internet to see with a tweet he sent out urging Lone Star State residents to stay safe as they prepare for Hurricane Beryl.

According to HuffPost, Cruz made his comments in response to another social media posting.

The Donald Trump loyalist on Sunday shared a video from Jim McIngvale (aka “Mattress Mack”), the founder of Gallery Furniture in Houston, offering help “if things get bad” when the storm hits.

“Mack is an American hero,” wrote Cruz. “Stay safe & avoid high water as the hurricane makes landfall.”

Of course, being that this is the same Ted Cruz who abandoned the state he supposedly represents in the Senate during a massive 2021 winter storm and headed to Cancun for a mini-vacation with his family, Twitter users quickly reminded him of his cowardly actions three years ago and how the irony in his pretending to care was just too damn much.

Congress GOP History Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Humiliating American History Fail Gets Her Schooled On Social Media

Proving yet again that she’s unquestionably the dumbest member of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted something on Twitter so historically inaccurate that many people wondered if it was a joke.

But the joke was none other than Greene herself.

In the midst of the July 4th holiday weekend, Greene proudly declared that many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were under 35, which some took as a jibe at President Joe Biden, who is 81.

As the Reader’s Context note states, six of the men listed by Greene didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence, a fact that she could have easily discovered if she’d bothered to take 10 seconds and do a quick Google search for “Signers of the Declaration of Independence.”

In other words, Greene got six of the eight names she listed wrong, which resulted in her getting called out on Twitter for her moronic fake history lesson.