Crime Donald Trump Uncategorized

Legal Expert: Tish James Is About To ‘Put A Padlock’ On Trump Tower

New York Attorney General Letitia James may “put a padlock” on Trump Tower and other properties owned by failed former president Donald Trump, according to former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, and the ex-head of state could also find his assets frozen and seized by the Empire State.

On Monday, attorneys for Trump told a judge they have been unable to secure a financial bond from any of the 30 companies they contacted about floating the $464 million needed for an appeal of the massive civil judgment handed down last month for crimes ranging from bank fraud to falsifying business records.

And that, Kirschner explained during an appearance on MSNBC, is the worst possible news for Trump.

“It would look like Tish James, figuratively speaking, putting a big New York state padlock on Trump Tower, for example,” he said.

“How does she extract the value from it, does she put it on the market? Does the state actually take possession of it and convert it to a state-owned property? I think the devil’s in the details with respect to how she will actually go about extracting the value to satisfy the half-billion-dollar judgment.”

Kirschner also noted that while Trump has bragged about being worth billions of dollars, he clearly doesn’t have the assets he claims.

“He is now being asked to put up a bond to secure basically a half-a-billion-dollar judgment, which would represent about one-twenty-eighth of his entire assets as Donald Trump [and his lawyer Alina Habba] say.”

If the disgraced ex-president was actually worth billions, Kirschner continued, “I would think insurance companies and sureties would be beating down his door to do business with him.”

“So it feels like this is perhaps the next-to-last step on the road to Donald Trump’s financial demise,” Kirschner said. “Because as we’ve been discussing, New York Attorney General Letitia James said she will absolutely begin seizing his properties to satisfy this money judgment that has been entered against him.”

The video, courtesy of RealClear Politics, can be viewed at this link.

Crime Donald Trump Elections National Security

Congressman Warns: Trump’s Inability To Post Bond In Fraud Case Makes Him A ‘Massive Security Risk’

Now that attorneys for failed one-term former president Donald Trump have revealed to the court that their client cannot post bond for the $464 million judgment imposed on him by a New York court in February, some are suggesting that the disgraced ex-head of state is now a serious security risk and could be for sale to the highest bidder.

According to CNN, Trump’s lawyers claim they approached dozens of bond underwriters who said they would not provide the necessary funding.

Trump’s attorneys said he has approached 30 underwriters to back the bond, which is due by the end of this month.

“The amount of the judgment, with interest, exceeds $464 million, and very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude,” Trump’s lawyers wrote. (Trump himself was ordered to pay $454 million; the $464 million includes the disgorgement for his adult sons Don Jr. and Eric.)

An insurance broker, Gary Giulietti, who testified for Trump during the civil fraud trial, signed an affidavit stating that securing a bond in the full amount “is a practical impossibility.”

In the filing, Trump’s attorneys also argued, “The amount of the judgment, with interest, exceeds $464 million, and very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude.”

And that, according to Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL), makes Donald Trump a serious threat to the national security of the United States.

On Twitter, Casten argued, “The presumptive @GOP nominee for President is desperate for $464M (and counting) which he cannot personally access. That fact alone makes him a massive national security risk; any foreign adversary seeking to buy a President knows the price.”

Casten then added other facts to bolster his case against Trump.

Ask yourself this question: Who has the most to gain (other than Trump and his family) if he’s elected in November?

If the nations of Russia and Saudi Arabia immediately came to mind, then you understand Congressman Casten’s concerns and why Trump should either be forced to divulge all of his financial information to voters or drop out of the presidential race. A man who has divided loyalties cannot be trusted with the most valuable secrets this country possesses.

Donald Trump Elections Immigration

Donald Trump’s Latest Angry Rant About Immigrant Children Gets Turned On His Own Kids 

Over the weekend, failed one-term former president Donald Trump attacked immigrants and their children as part of a campaign rally he held in Dayton, Ohio.

“I don’t know if you call them people. In some cases, they’re not people in my opinion. But I’m not allowed to say that because the radical left says that’s a terrible thing to say,” Trump ranted.

Trump has also claimed, “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country.”

But as “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough noted Monday morning, the irony of Trump’s remarks cannot be overstated, as four of his five children — Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka, Eric, and Barron — were given birth by immigrants.

That led Rev. Al Sharpton to remark, “You may disagree with the policy, but to make people less than human is exactly the kinds of things that Blacks went through in America; being called three-fifths of a man. We’re now dealing with different policies based on those that are on the right that want to do it for different strokes for different folks.”

“I’d remind Donald Trump, his own in-laws were immigrants that had to be brought into citizenship,” he continued. ” So what makes their blood different than somebody’s blood from South America that may be seeking a better life, and we need to have a policy that would not have them come in a way that would be contrary to our view.”

“But clearly, we can’t act like their blood is poisonous.”

“Reverend, if I’m not mistaken, one, two, three, four of his five children are children of immigrants,” Scarborough interjected. “Four of his five children are children of immigrants. I don’t get it. So did they poison the blood of America when they came here? Are his children poisoning the blood?”

“How would he feel if politicians were saying his children and his wives poisoned the blood of America?”

Sharpton concurred.

“By his definition, he participated in that, by his own definition. I mean, this is absolutely offensive beyond politics.”

Of course, as with everything Trump says and does, he thinks his rhetoric doesn’t apply to him. He’s one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet, and he belongs in prison.

Crime Donald Trump Elections Sex Scandals

Upcoming Release Of ‘Damaging’ Epstein Report Leads Terrified Trump To Lash Out  

Speaking to supporters at a campaign rally in Dayton, Ohio, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump began attacking Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who ended his bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination in January.

“I hit him hard, I hit him low, just like we did to ISIS…We hit this guy so hard,” the ex-president said. “He’s a shell of the man…We have to hit our enemies hard.”

Why continue to attack a defeated foe, especially one in a state the GOP desperately needs in November? DeSantis is no longer a political threat. Could there be an ulterior motive in what Trump said in Ohio?

Consider for a moment an action DeSantis took late last month, which was reported by Politico.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign legislation in Palm Beach this morning to release state grand jury records of an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender and financier who killed himself in jail.

Liberal news outlet MeidasTouch Network noted on Twitter that Trump’s latest anger at DeSantis is likely tied to the upcoming release of those state grand jury records, writing:

“Trump began attacking DeSantis again right after DeSantis signed legislation to allow the release of grand jury documents in the Epstein case.”

Peter Henlein, an Iraq War vet, concurred.

“If you had any doubt that the release of the Florida Epstein grand jury files is going to destroy Trump, remove that doubt. Trump and his political operation are suddenly spending an equal amount of effort attacking DeSantis as they are Biden…..which makes no sense. They aren’t attacking Haley at all, who refused to endorse Trump and stayed in the race much longer than DeSantis, but they are passionately attacking DeSantis, who dropped out after Iowa and endorsed Trump……which makes no sense. The ONLY possible explanation is that Trump knows the release of Florida Epstein grand jury, which DeSantis paved the way for, is going to be extremely damaging to Trump. Trump is angry that this has happened, and he needs to discredit everything about DeSantis to try and blunt the impact of those files.”

With the steady drip of news stories each day highlighting Trump’s alleged criminal actions in any number of ongoing cases, being directly tied to Epstein and his disgusting crimes could prove devastating for the disgraced ex-president. Granted, his fanatical supporters won’t care, but it would give independents and non-MAGA Republicans yet another reason to not cast a ballot for Donald in November. And that’s how you lose in a landslide.


Donald Trump Elections Media in America

Ex-White House Official Warns CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Trump Will ‘Go After’ Her If He Wins In November

An ex-Trump administration official is warning members of the news media that if failed former president Donald Trump wins the 2024 election, he will target them and even seek to have their licenses revoked by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked former Trump official Anthony Scaramucci, “Donald Trump became the first former U.S. president who had ever been indicted. And now nearly a year later, he is the presumptive Republican nominee … and it’s not clear if voters are going to get to hear the evidence against him in any of those cases before they decide if he should return to the White House.”

“If none of this happens before the trial, what does that mean?”

“Well, I think you’ve got to take that as the status quo. I think any of those other things that could happen before the trial, particularly the documents case, where if you really read through that complaint, that’s where the most damning evidence is. If none of that happens, it’s a Trump vs Biden rematch.”

Scaramucci then warned Collins of what Trump is planning for her and the network she works for.

“What [Trump] said, what he did over the four years, what he’s saying now — he wants to go after you, Kaitlan,” he said.

“He’s made it very clear that anybody that he disagreed [with] … he wants to potentially threaten their FCC license. He said publicly he wants to persecute, using the Department of Justice, his political adversaries, and the list goes on and on. He’s courting with dictators. He wants to be part of the axis of autocracy with people like Vladimir Putin, and just to remind people Vladimir Putin is tied very closely to Iran now. So just think about what that means for the Middle East, because we know how transactional Donald Trump is.”

“I think we got to get off the cases,” he added. “We have the focus on Mr. Trump being the most un-American presidential nominee in U.S. history. And we have to go through the things that he’s saying he’s going to do as it relates to being un-American … I think if we do that, he’s going to lose the election.”