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Legal Expert: Tish James Is About To ‘Put A Padlock’ On Trump Tower

New York Attorney General Letitia James may “put a padlock” on Trump Tower and other properties owned by failed former president Donald Trump, according to former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, and the ex-head of state could also find his assets frozen and seized by the Empire State.

On Monday, attorneys for Trump told a judge they have been unable to secure a financial bond from any of the 30 companies they contacted about floating the $464 million needed for an appeal of the massive civil judgment handed down last month for crimes ranging from bank fraud to falsifying business records.

And that, Kirschner explained during an appearance on MSNBC, is the worst possible news for Trump.

“It would look like Tish James, figuratively speaking, putting a big New York state padlock on Trump Tower, for example,” he said.

“How does she extract the value from it, does she put it on the market? Does the state actually take possession of it and convert it to a state-owned property? I think the devil’s in the details with respect to how she will actually go about extracting the value to satisfy the half-billion-dollar judgment.”

Kirschner also noted that while Trump has bragged about being worth billions of dollars, he clearly doesn’t have the assets he claims.

“He is now being asked to put up a bond to secure basically a half-a-billion-dollar judgment, which would represent about one-twenty-eighth of his entire assets as Donald Trump [and his lawyer Alina Habba] say.”

If the disgraced ex-president was actually worth billions, Kirschner continued, “I would think insurance companies and sureties would be beating down his door to do business with him.”

“So it feels like this is perhaps the next-to-last step on the road to Donald Trump’s financial demise,” Kirschner said. “Because as we’ve been discussing, New York Attorney General Letitia James said she will absolutely begin seizing his properties to satisfy this money judgment that has been entered against him.”

The video, courtesy of RealClear Politics, can be viewed at this link.

Crime Donald Trump The Trump Organization

This Veiled Threat From Letitia James Is Causing Nightmares For Trump

As he and his attorneys continue to seek a delay in the payment of a $454 million civil fraud trial award to the state of New York, failed former president Donald Trump must have been shaken by comments made by the state’s Attorney General, Letitia James, according to “The Weekend” co-host Alicia Menendez.

During a segment this morning with former Justice Department official Mary McCord, Menedez played a video clip of James remarking,  “If he [Trump] does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek in judgment enforcement mechanism in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets.”

James added, “We are prepared to make sure the judgment is paid to New Yorkers. Yes, I look at 40 Wall Street each and every day.”

40 Wall Street, it should be noted, is the address of Trump Tower, perhaps the most cherished property the disgraced ex-president owns.

That led Menendez to remark, “Two important pieces. Make sure the judgment is paid to New Yorkers because often one of the things you heard from Trump’s team is this is a victimless crime. So the idea that there are actually citizens who need to be repaid is one piece of this. And then the comment that must haunt Trump’s dreams now is, ‘Yes, I look at 40 Wall Street each and every day.'”

Donald Trump probably thinks he can continue to kick the proverbial can down the road when it comes to paying the millions he owes both the state of New York for fraud and writer E. Jean Carroll for defamation. But if he’s under the illusion that Letitia James will let him get away with that, he clearly hasn’t been paying attention.

Crime Donald Trump The Trump Organization

Letitia James Mocks Trump’s Latest Fraud Defense By Calling His ‘Experts’ Nothing But ‘Golf Buddies’

As she has repeatedly proven over the course of the ongoing fraud trial against former president Donald Trump and the Trump Organization, New York Attorney Letitia James has a factual retort for every so-called defense Trump’s legal team puts forth.

One of those witnesses sounded like he was testifying for the prosecution, according to Business Insider.

When it comes to Donald Trump’s estimates of his net worth, “questionable” and “inconsistencies” are words you’d expect to hear only from his accuser, the state of New York.

But on Wednesday, Trump’s third day of presenting defense witnesses for his Manhattan fraud trial, an expert accountant took the stand in the former president’s defense for a second day and used these very words to describe the creative math at the center of the case.

“It’s certainly a red flag for me,” testified the expert, Jason Flemmons, referring to an internal Trump Organization spreadsheet from 2016 displayed on overhead screens in the lower Manhattan courtroom.

And then there was Steven Laposa, who admitted that he isn’t an expert on real estate appraisals.

Laposa said the attorney general’s approach to valuation was “flawed” because it relied on a market value analysis of Trump’s properties. He argued it should have been based on the investment value, which takes into account the owner’s investment requirements.

When Laposa returned to the stand Friday, a lawyer for the attorney general’s office asked him if he had any experience reviewing personal financial statements. Laposa said no.

That led AG James to lay waste to the Trump defense, which is crumbling almost as quickly as the Trump Organization itself.

In a video she posted online, James noted that most of the people testifying in Trump’s behalf aren’t experts at all. They’re just golfing buddies.

“We heard testimony from their many expert witnesses, but they weren’t real experts.

“We did learn something. Several of these experts are longtime friends and golf buddies of Donald Trump.”

James then focused in on why she didn’t believe a word Trump’s defenders had said in court and under oath.

“Their accounting expert has never once worked on the types of financial statements at the heart of Donald Trump’s fraud,” she explained.

“Their expert on real estate finance admitted that he not only lacks experience in valuing real estate, but he also does not have any experience with the accounting standards and personal financial statements that this case revolves around.”

Some of the witnesses, James continued, do other connections to Trump: They’ve donated money to him and been buddies for years.

“One has donated millions of dollars to Donald Trump’s campaign and his son even got married at Mar-a-Lago. Another is a member of Mar-a-Lago and several other Trump golf clubs.”

Tish James is a boss, and she’s got Donnie’s number.


Crime Donald Trump

Tish James Claps Back At Trump: There’s Enough Evidence Of Your Crimes To ‘Fill This Courtroom’

After he stormed out of a New York courtroom Wednesday in response to a $10,000 fine imposed on him by Judge Arthur Engoron for violating a gag order, 77-year-old juvenile delinquent ex-president Donald Trump told reporters that he’d just been exonerated by a witness in his fraud trail.

“The witness just admitted that we won the trial and the judge should end this trial immediately. Thank you.”

As with 99.9% of the things that issue forth from Trump’s mouth, the statement was a complete and total lie and has absolutely no basis in fact. It was merely a way for the multiply-indicted former head of state to try and save face.

In response to Trump’s childish conniption fit, New York Attorney General Letitia James, who brought the massive $250 million fraud case against Trump and the Trump Organization, released a video in which she rebutted all his lies.

“The defendants counsel attempted and failed to discredit our entire case,” James noted. “But our case is the result of a four-year investigation that is based on hundreds of thousands of documents and many, many witnesses.”

 “As the judge said today, ‘There is enough evidence in this case to fill this courtroom,'” James continued.
“And he already ruled in our favor and found that Mr. Trump engaged in this fraud.”

The video concludes with James looking into the camera and declaring, “When you have build an empire on falsehood the truth is your only enemy. And we will continue to present the truth in court.”

Tish James is not taking any of Donnie’s bullshit. She’s countering his fraud and lies with the truth, and that’s how you win in court: With facts.


Donald Trump The Trump Organization

Letitia James Has The Perfect Response When Trump Calls Her A ‘Racist’ At NY Fraud Trial

Ever since New York Attorney General Letitia James first filed suit against failed former president Donald Trump, accusing him and his company, the Trump Organization, of financial fraud, the ex-president has been constantly attacking the AG, accusing her of being a “racist” because she’s black and he’s white and even nicknaming her “Peekaboo” James.

Until today, James had not responded to Trump’s many insults and taunts, but she more than made up for her previous silence with what she said during a break in the trial that could financially destroy the Donald and his family-owned company.

According to Stewart Bishop of Law360, James let loose, remarking:

“He’s called me venomous, he’s called me disgraceful, he’s called me a radical, he’s called me a racist and this is only week three. None of this, which can best be described as performative, can change what’s happening in the courtroom.”

She added:

“And the evidence is clear, that he inflated his statements of financial [condition] to enrich himself and his family. And nothing will change that, not the attacks on me, or anyone.”

Tish James is absolutely right, but she forgot some other terms that also perfectly describe the one-term, twice-impeached former head of state:

  • Bigot
  • Pathological liar
  • Pervert
  • Loser
  • Indicted criminal
  • Douchebag

When the fraud trial is over with, it’ll be fun to see what else James has to say about Donnie.