Elections GOP LGBTQ Issues Ron DeSantis

Pete Buttigieg Hilariously Trolls Ron DeSantis For His Anti-LGBTQ Ad With ‘Oiled-Up’ Bodybuilders

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg absolutely destroyed Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis for a bizarre anti-LGBTQ ad he released online, suggesting that the governor might be more than a bit insecure about his own manliness.

The ad, which as been roundly condemned, NBC News reports, left both Democrats and Republicans shaking their heads.

DeSantis’ campaign reposted a video to Twitter last week showing overtures to the LGBTQ community by Trump over the years, including footage of him saying that he would “do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens” during a speech at the Republican National Convention in 2016. Trump issued the remarks in the wake of the deadly mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

The second part of the video shifts to a focus on DeSantis that appears to attempt to portray him as the paragon of masculinity. Thumping background music is accompanied by images of DeSantis, shirtless muscular men and headlines about the anti-LGBTQ policies DeSantis signed into law.

Here’s the ad in question:

Log Cabin Republicans, the largest LGBT Republican organization, condemned the ad, issuing a statement which reads, “Today’s message from the DeSantis campaign War Room is divisive and desperate. Republicans and other commonsense conservatives know Ron Desantis [sic] has alienated swing-state and younger voters.”

Buttigieg was asked for his take on the advertisement during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.

“You know, I’m going to choose my words carefully, partly because I’m appearing as secretary, so I can’t talk about campaigns,” Buttigieg told host Dana Bash.

“I’m going to leave aside the strangeness of trying to prove your manhood by putting up a video that splices images of you in between oiled up shirtless bodybuilders. And just get to the bigger issue that that is on my mind whenever I see this stuff in the policy space — which is, again, who are you trying to help? Who are you trying to make better off? And what public policy problems do you get up in the morning thinking about how to solve?”

Buttigieg then referenced recent infrastructure initiatives he unveiled during visits to Kentucky and North Dakota.

“These are the kinds of problems that most of us got into government, politics and public service in order to work on. And I just don’t understand the mentality of somebody who gets up in the morning thinking that he’s going to prove his worth by competing over who can make life hardest for a hard-hit community that is already so vulnerable in America.”

DeSantis may think his divisive rhetoric and ads will help him win in 2024, but he’s wrong. The vast majority of this country is sick and tired of bigotry disguised as patriotism and hatred wrapped in the guise of domestic policy.


Donald Trump Elections

Secret Service Calls BS On Trump’s Claim That 75K Showed Up To His Rally In South Carolina

It probably won’t shock you to learn that failed one-term, twice-indicted former president Donald Trump is telling enormous lies once again as he campaigns for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, but even the professionals who provide security for him are now saying he’s full of shit.

The Greeneville News reports that at issue is attendance at Trump’s rally in Pickens, South Carolina on Saturday.

Pre-rally estimates of 10,000 to 30,000 were made. During his remarks, Trump claimed the turnout was 75,000.

Trump spoke for nearly an hour and a half, and people began leaving before he finished due to the extreme heat.

That led one of Trump’s supporters in Congress, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) to gush, “30,000 people inside the perimeter at the rally today. 45,000 people outside the perimeter trying to get in. For a total of 75,000 people.”

Trump later shared Mace’s post on Truth Social, but it turns out both of them missed with their numbers.

The Secret Service … (provided) a final number. Around 11 a.m., a secret service agent told the News there are 5,000 inside the gate and approximately 10,000 still in line.

5,000 instead of 30,000 inside the perimeter. 15,000 total, not 75,000. Those are BIG differences.

Lies and the lying liars who tell them. Absolutely no one lies as much as Donald Trump and his deranged supporters.


Donald Trump Elections GOP

Lindsey Graham Gets Booed By Crowd And Verbally Humiliated By Trump At Rally

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) got the opposite of a warm homecoming welcome when he appeared at a campaign rally for failed former president Donald Trump in Pickens, South Carolina.

Videos circulating on social media show the crowd lustily booing the senior South Carolina senator as he made remarks and introduced the twice-indicted ex-president, with the Greenville News reporting:

Graham, from nearby Oconee County, said he was going to help Trump win the 2024 general election and even pointed out that he was part of the Senate Judiciary Committee that helped bolster the Supreme Court’s conservative sheen. Despite that, the crowd remained unmoved and the booing continued for just over six minutes of Graham’s remarks.

When Trump took the stage, he tried to suggest that South Carolina loved Graham, according to Mediaite.

“Now, you know, you can make mistakes on occasion. Even Lindsey down here, Senator Lindsey Graham, we love Senator Graham.”

More loud booing.


“But when I need some of those liberal votes, he’s always there to help me get them, okay? We got some pretty liberal people. But he’s good. He’s good. We know the good ones. We know the bad ones, too. We got some real bad ones. But even he makes mistakes on occasion.”

To say it was a very bad day for Lindsey would be the biggest understatement of 2023. Even his own home state hates his guts.


Donald Trump Elections GOP

Trump Gets Pelted With ‘F*ck You Traitor’ Chants As He Enters Event In Philadelphia

On Friday, as he was headed to a speaking event in Philadelphia for the controversial group “Moms For Liberty,” failed one-term, twice-indicted former president Donald Trump was hit with verbal taunts, according to Mediaite.

“Moms For Liberty” has been in the news quite a lot lately, largely because they quoted Adolf Hitler in a newsletter. They have also been designated as an “extremist organization” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which had this to say about the group:

Moms for Liberty and its nationwide chapters combat what they consider the “woke indoctrination” of children by advocating for book bans in school libraries and endorsing candidates for public office that align with the group’s views. They also use their multiple social media platforms to target teachers and school officials, advocate for the abolition of the Department of Education, advance a conspiracy propaganda, and spread hateful imagery and rhetoric against the LGBTQ community.

But before he could give his speech, protesters outside the hall let the loser ex-president know exactly that they thought about him, yelling, “Fuck you traitor!” and “Lock Him UP!”

“Moms For Liberty” was also a target of the protesters.

The Philadelphia Enquirer’s Oona Goodin-Smith added:

As former President Donald Trump arrived at the Marriott for his speech Friday afternoon, he was greeted by dozens chanting “Lock him up.” Some booed, while others held up their middle fingers. A lone bugler played “Taps” as Trump’s motorcade entered the hotel’s parking garage.


Elections GOP

‘Deceitful Fraud’ Kari Lake Is Facing A Massive Lawsuit That Could Cost Her A Fortune

Having spent a year and a half insisting that she actually won the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election, Republican Kari Lake is finally starting to see that her scorched earth policy of attacking everyone who refused to help her overturn the results of that election do indeed come with a price.

What price? Well, perhaps millions in compensatory and punitive damages as the result of a massive defamation lawsuit filed against her by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer.

Mark Z. Barabak of the Los Angeles Times notes that Lake may finally be held responsible for her irresponsible words and actions.

Last week, a top election official in Arizona, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, filed a defamation lawsuit against his fellow Republican, saying Lake’s blatant lies have cost him friends and lifelong relationships. Her malicious incitement has also resulted in death threats, he said, and harassment aimed at him and his wife.

“Rather than accept political defeat, rather than get a new job, [Lake] has sought to undermine confidence in our elections and has mobilized millions of her followers against me,” Richer wrote in the Arizona Republic. “Her defamatory allegations have unleashed violent vitriol and other dire consequences.”

Richer has a hell of a case, too, Barabak explains.

Her farrago of falsehoods includes allegations that Richer manipulated the printing of election ballots and “inserted” 300,000 phony votes into the final count to prevent Republican candidates, including Lake, from winning.

Lake’s phony claims were repeated numerous times, the lawsuit documents, at political rallies, during podcasts and on social media. Richer seeks unspecified monetary damages as well as a court order determining Lake’s statements were false and requiring her to delete them.

Defamation lawsuits aren’t easy to win. The bar for victory is high, but it’s not impossible as we witnessed recently when a jury awarded writer E. Jean Carroll $5 million in damages against former president Donald Trump for sexually assaulting her and then lying about the matter.

Additionally, Fox “News” also forked over $785.7 million to settle a defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems for the lies some of the network’s hosts told about the 2020 presidential election being stolen with the use of voting machines, even going so far as to suggest that the machines had been hacked and manipulated by China and Venezuela.

Kari Lake deserves to be hit with a massive dose of karma, and one that takes an enormous bite out of the money she’s grifted from supporters since she lost in 2022 would be a nice start at righting the many wrongs she’s committed for her own self-aggrandizement.