Donald Trump Foreign Policy Russia WTF?!

Trump Says He’s The Perfect Person To Negotiate A Peace Deal Between Russia And Ukraine

Disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now proposing that he head a U.S. delegation to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.

A day after reports that explosions had damaged and disabled the Russian Nordstream pipelines in what European leaders are calling sabotage, the failed ex-president went on his failing Truth Social site and posted this message:

U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened, and would definitely not have happened if I were President. Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???

Despite suspicions that Russia disabled the Nordstream pipelines, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Tuesday evening on his show that he believes the Biden administration might be responsible, according to Mediaite:

Recent explosions that reportedly disabled the pipeline did not earn much coverage in the United States until Carlson opened his top-rated show covering it and pointing the finger at the Biden administration for what he suggested was a climate catastrophe.  Given Carlson’s documented proclivity for supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Trump’s doing the same, it might be wise to keep powder dry on laying blame on anyone at this point, but it is definitely a story to continue to track.

By all means, let’s send a man who repeatedly kowtows to Putin on every issue to sell out our Ukrainian allies. What could possibly go wrong, other than Trump helping to craft a “deal” that would result in Ukraine having to give up 90% of its territory to the mass murdering megalomaniac who may have dirt on the former president?

Here’s some of the reaction on social media to Trump’s ludicrous offer to help:

Crime Donald Trump Espionage

$3 Million Attorney Trump Brought In For Mar-a-Lago Case Has Already Been ‘Sidelined’: Report

Less than a month after he was hired and given a $3 million retainer to lead the defense for failed, one-term former president Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago stolen classified documents case, attorney Christopher Kise has been “sidelined” according to CNN.

Kise is expected to remain on Trump’s legal team but is not leading the work related to the federal government’s investigation into how the former President handled 11,000 documents seized from his Florida home in August following a lengthy effort by the government to retrieve them. The reason for the shift in Kise’s role remains unclear and he may instead focus his efforts on the other investigations Trump is facing, which range from his business practices to the January 6 insurrection.

Unlike many of Trump’s other so-called lawyers, Kise is actually a respect trial attorney who once served as solicitor general for the state of Florida and is considered to be an excellent white-collar attorney.

Before he came aboard, other lawyers on Trump’s team were perceived in legal circles to have made serious missteps in the investigation, such as not fully recognizing the legal risk of the documents investigation before the search of Mar-a-Lago, telling investigators all classified records had been turned over, missing opportunities to argue for executive privilege and having an appeals court deliver a drubbing against Trump’s bid to block classified documents in the investigation.

What exactly happened? That’s hard to say since neither Trump or Kise would agree to speak on the record regarding Kise’s sudden demotion from lead counsel to bystander, but knowing the ex-president, it probably involves Kise suggesting a legal strategy and being rebuffed by the Donald, who doesn’t know the first thing about the law other than he doesn’t think it applies to him or his family.

Among the other attorneys Trump has employed for the Mar-a-Lago case are former One America New Network host Christina Bobb, Florida insurance lawyer Lindsey Halligan, and Alina Habba, who’s main qualification seems to be that she was attorney for a parking garage company.

But hey, by all means, put the real lawyer on the bench, Donnie.

Capitol Insurrection Congress January 6

January 6 Investigation Likely To Continue Even If GOP Wins The House – Here’s How

Even if Republicans do manage to win control of the House of Representatives in the upcoming midterm elections, the ongoing investigation of what took place on January 6, 2021 will continue, according to a member of the House Select Committee looking into the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Sunday during an appearance on “Meet the Press” that work will indeed proceed to determine exactly who played what role in the insurrection, which left five people dead. Evidence is being preserved so that others can continue the work of the committee

Raskin was asked by host Chuck Todd:

“So if the Democrats hold the Senate though, you’ll know this in December? If Democrats hold the Senate or if Democrats lose the House, do you send your investigative materials over to the Judiciary Committee and Dick Durbin?”


“Well, we’re going to make sure that our investigative materials are made public and are available for the future. And we’re going to preserve them. We’re not going to allow them to be destroyed.”

That led Todd to inquire:

“But it’s my understanding, the investigation, I’m told you’ve got so much evidence that you can’t finish this up by the end of the calendar year. You do need more time. The president could create a committee by executive order to finish this job. And Liz Cheney’s not going to be in Congress, maybe she’s one of the co-chairs. Do you do that to preserve this investigation?”

The congressman replied:

“Look. It would have been a lot better, had Donald Trump essentially not gotten the Republicans in the House to veto the creation of an independent, 9/11-style commission. But we’re going to make sure that all of the evidence is preserved. But the main thing is this coming Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. And in our report, we want America to understand there was a premeditated and deliberate hit on American democracy in attempt to override the will of the people. And the forces that supported that are still out there and would gladly do it again. And a lot of them are running for high offices, like Mastriano in Pennsylvania. These are people who are election-deniers who are committed basically to their party winning, regardless of who actually won the election.”

Despite their pledge to end the probe of what transpired on Jan. 6, it’s now clear that Republicans will be powerless to do so. The Senate can take up the case and follow through on the House’s work. President Biden can also appoint a commission that would do so. That means more damaging evidence will be available to the public, which is a serious threat to both the GOP and Donald Trump.


Abortion GOP

MSNBC Guest Mocks Lindsey Graham For His Abortion Ban: ‘He’s Never Seen A Naked Woman!’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has been heavily criticized for suggesting a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks, and his proposal could wind up costing Republicans a chance at retaking control of Congress in the upcoming midterm elections.

Just this week, President Joe Biden weighed in on Graham’s legislation, telling attendees to a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in New York:

“Think about what these guys are talking about. No exceptions — rape, incest — no exceptions, regardless of age. I happen to be a practicing Roman Catholic. My church doesn’t even make that argument now.”

Graham’s abortion ban was also the topic of discussion on MSNBC, Mediaite reports, with host Stephanie Ruhle leading a discussion of the topic:

Ruhle said Graham is “more than doubling down” with the legislation, and said to the panel “I want you to first help me understand, why would he even be doing this?”

“Why do this? Republicans don’t even support it across the board. He’s dividing Republicans. It’s not like you can get white evangelical voters to vote for you twice,” said Ruhle. “And now they’re knocking out a ton of other potential new voters.”

Comedian and podcaster Judy Gold then joined the debate, noting:

“And, the fact that he is telling women what to do with their bodies. Go for it.

“He’s never seen a vagina! He’s never seen a naked woman! And he is telling me?”

Clearly, Gold was insinuating that Graham is gay, which has long been suspected about the South Carolina senator, who is 67 and has never been married.

Ron Insana of CNBC agreed with Gold, to an extent:

“If I could flip that, though, as a married man who’s got a wife and two daughters. I don’t want somebody who’s not married, without a family, dictating my family policy.”

Why is it that old white men think they have a right to tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies? Whether Graham is gay or not is immaterial to the larger issue: How can any man legislate what a women does with her body when there’s isn’t a man on the planet who can identify with what making such a decision involves.

Sen. Graham and the rest of the GOP need to sit down, shut up, and quit trying to rule other people’s lives.

Donald Trump Viral Video WTF?!

What?! Trump Tells Crowd At North Carolina Rally ‘We Have To Keep Our Country Gay!’

Something very strange happened Friday evening at the rally failed, one-term former president Donald Trump held in Wilmington, North Carolina.

During his speech (which seemed to go on forever), it sounded like the disgraced, twice-impeached ex-president said that he and his supporters “have to keep our country gay.”

According to Mediaite, the remark was clearly a mistake.

“To stop the destruction of our country and save the American dream, you must vote Republican. Joe Biden and the Democrat arsonists do not care one bit about the pain and suffering they’re causing you or your family or our once great country. Remember, I was going to say, was going to use an expression, ‘We have to keep our country gay,’ but it’s not… I mean, for some reason, it’s just not great anymore. And we can name those reasons. And we’re going to discuss them tonight.”

That set off peals of laughter and mockery on Twitter.