QAnon WTF?!

QAnon Cultists Gathering In Dallas Once Again To Await The Return Of A 105-Year-Old JFK

Last November, more than a thousand of the loons who consider themselves members of the QAnon conspiracy cult began gathering in Dallas to await the return of the John F. Kennedy (along with his son, John F. Kennedy Jr.), the late president who was assassinated in the city back in 1963.

As you might expect, neither JFK or JFK Jr. ever showed, probably because they’re both dead.

But despite that, Vice News reports, the QAnon crazies are headed back to Dallas, once again because JFK will be rising from the dead:

It’s been 220 days since more than 1,000 people traveled from across the U.S. to Dallas at the behest of Michael Protzman, a QAnon influencer known as Negative 48, who promised his followers that John F. Kennedy would reappear at Dealey Plaza. JFK didn’t reappear, of course, but the QAnon cult is now returning to Texas.

More than seven months after the group first met in Dallas, it is heading back to the city this weekend after Protzman once again promised that JFK would reveal himself to the group, proving once and for all that he is, in fact, the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Protzman has already checked into the Hyatt Regency, where hundreds of people gathered back in November.

“What started in Dallas ends in Dallas,” one member of a Telegram group linked to the cult wrote on Friday morning.

So now JFK is Jesus? That’s a neat twist, don’t ya think?

But wait, the plot gets even crazier the longer you listen to Protzman’s BS:

Earlier this week, Protzman, in hours-long audio chats on his Telegram channel, laid out what he predicted would happen this weekend. He told his followers that JFK would only reveal himself to those willing to travel to Dallas on Saturday. This would be followed by 10 days of darkness before JFK would finally reveal himself to the world

Family members of those who follow the bizarre pronouncements from the cult didn’t exactly sound enthusiastic about what’s actually going to happen in Dallas this weekend, with one noting:

“​​I’d like to say that I am glad Protzman’s group of believers are all heading back to Dallas so that Michael Protzman will be exposed as a liar, but I am not holding my breath that any of his followers will suddenly have the ability to think critically and see that they are following a madman. They have the uncanny ability to believe everything Protzman tells them. I mean EVERYTHING.”

Oh, and let’s not forget that Protzman and some of the QAnon nutjobs have also shown up at rallies held by failed former president Donald Trump, who is actually JFK in disguise, they claim.

Want to see a bunch of lemmings in a hotel? Look no further than this video of the QAnoners showing up at Dallas hotels to wait for the late president to show himself:

Yeah, these people are more than a few bricks short of a load.

Congress Fox News January 6

Tucker Carlson Pitched An On-Air Hissy Fit During Thursday’s Jan. 6 Committee Hearing

Fox News host Tucker Carlson proved once again Thursday evening that he and the network he works for have zero credibility and are nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and its would-be dictator for life, Donald Trump.

As the first evening of hearings from the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol were beginning at 8:00 p.m., Carlson was starting his nightly show, and he made it clear from the get-go that he had no intention of letting any truth into his broadcast:

“This is the only hour on an American news channel that will not be carrying their propaganda live.

“They are lying, and we will not let them do it.”

HuffPost notes it wasn’t just Carlson’s ranting that was completely fact-free and at times hysterical:

He and his producers plastered hysterical chyrons across the screen for their millions of viewers to see: “JAN 6 CMTE FUELS FALSE NARRATIVES AS SHAM INVESTIGATION DRAGS ON.” “LEADERS WILL SPEND 90 MINUTES GIVING MORAL LECTURE.” “OUR LEADERS ARE FOCUSING ON JAN. 6 WHILE IGNORING THE REAL THREATS.”

And if all that wasn’t bad enough, Carlson also suggested that investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection might just led to another insurrection, which is ironic since he insisted there had been no insurrection in the first place:

“This was not an insurrection, but you know what will give you an insurrection? If you ignore legitimate concerns of a population. If you brush them aside like they don’t matter when gas goes to $5 and say ‘Buy an electric car.’ When cities become so filthy and dangerous that you can’t live there. When the economy becomes so distorted your children have no hope of getting married and giving you grandchildren. When you don’t care at all about any of that and all you do is talk about yourself, nonstop, you might get an insurrection if you behave like that, speaking of insurrections.”

Is that right, Tuck? Well, at least the FBI will know who to visit if and when that happens.

education Fox News WTF?!

Fox Host Pete Hegseth Pitches A Hissy Fit On-Air And Defaces His Harvard Diploma: ‘Return To Sender’

“Fox & Friends” co-host Pete Hegseth is a graduate of Harvard University, but he felt a need to prove that he didn’t learn a damn thing while a student at the Ivy League university, defacing his diploma live on-air and vowing to return it to his alma mater.

Mediaite reports that Hegseth said he was angry because Harvard teaches critical-race theory (CRT):

“I don’t want to elevate the prestige of Harvard considering what Harvard has become. The head chaplain at Harvard today, the president of the chaplains is an atheist. This was a university founded by John Harvard with the original motto of: for the glory of Christ. When you look at the ubiquitousness of critical theory, of Marxist thinking, of racist thinking, frankly, inside Harvard — why are we holding it up as the vanguard of what is the imprimatur of what makes someone credible?”

Hegseth at least stuck true to his word and pulled out his Master’s Degree in public policy, removing it from the frame and scribbling, “return to sender” across the front. He also crossed out “Harvard” and wrote in its place: “Critical Theory,” making it “Critical Theory University.” Hegseth signed it, as well as Campos-Duffy and fellow co-host Will Cain.


Of course, Hegseth’s stupid stunt doesn’t change the fact that he has a degree from Harvard. He always will, no matter how many diplomas he writes on or mails back to the university. He only did it for ratings.

Next time, Pete, if you really want to make a statement, take one of your Fox checks and refuse to accept it because you work for one of the most destructive forces on the face of the planet. But you won’t, because you’re a greedy, talentless prick like just about everyone who works at Faux News.


Congress GOP Gun Crime

WATCH Katie Porter Shut Down A GOP Witness At A Hearing On Guns

California Democratic Congresswoman Katie Porter masterfully handled a witness testifying for Republicans on the issue of gun control, making it clear that she wasn’t about to be steamrolled and lied to.

Amy Swearer of the right-wing Heritage Foundation was appearing before the House Oversight Committee, and she immediately suggested Porter had incorrectly accused her of perjury regarding legislation on assault weapons:

“Would you like the explanation?” Swearer asked Porter, to which the congresswoman replied:

“I have not yielded, Ms. Swearer.”

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) squawked that Swearer had not been allowed to answer, but he was promptly ruled out of order by the committee chair.

Swearer then got even angrier:

“I have been accused of falsely testifying under oath and I would like to address it!”


“Earlier today, you testified you hope this is the last time you have to testify before this Congress. For the sake of our nation and the integrity of this Congress, I do too.”

The witness responded:

“I said after a mass shooting. Trying to figure out how to solve a problem that we are heavily invested in solving.
“How dare you.”

Once again, Porter had the perfect comeback:

“Reclaiming my time. How dare you misstate the law.”

Seething, Swearen hissed:

“How dare you ask questions that you do not even want the answer to.”

Rather than let Swearen continue, Porter told her:

“Ms. Swearer, I’m moving on.”


Capitol Insurrection Fox News January 6

Hillary Shreds Fox For Refusing To Air Jan. 6 Hearings: ‘They Prefer Their Sedition Made Fresh On-Site’

Just hours after Fox News announced they would refuse to cover any of the televised public hearings from the House Select Committee on the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has gone viral with a tweet she sent out suggesting that the network is actively engaged in sedition.

For those unfamiliar with exactly what the word sedition means, here’s a definition:

“Incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority.”


According to the New York Times, Fox’s decision to ignore the hearings clearly makes them an outlier:

“(Fox) anchors have held a dim view of the committee. Mr. Carlson called the committee ‘grotesque’ on his program on Monday night, and Mr. Hannity has called the group of five Democrats and two Republicans ‘fake’ on his 9 p.m. show.”

Sounds like classic psychological projection on the part of the Fox hosts, doesn’t it?

The move by the right-wing “news” network prompted Clinton to eviscerate them on Twitter, with a posting that quickly went viral:

Others then joined the debate and also pilloried Fox.

Keep in mind that Fox (and it’s prime time hosts) had absolutely no compunction about repeating lies about how the 2020 presidential election had been “stolen” from Donald Trump, even going to far as to suggest that voting machines had been manipulated to guarantee that Joe Biden was the victor.

Fox has backed off the election conspiracy theories since a massive $2.7 billion lawsuit was filed by Smartmatic, an election technology company which claims it was defamed by the lies told on the network. A judge ruled in March that the lawsuit will move forward, despite Fox’s asking for it be dismissed, according to Vanity Fair:

A New York judge said much of Smartmatic’s $2.7 billion defamation case against the network can proceed. There is “substantial basis” for the claim “that, at a minimum, Fox News turned a blind eye to a litany of outrageous claims about [Smartmatic], unprecedented in the history of American elections, so inherently improbable that it evinced a reckless disregard for the truth,” Judge David Cohen wrote in a 61-page ruling.

Sedition and defamation. Sounds like that’s what Fox needs to have as part of their on-screen graphics. It’d be the first time they’ve ever told the truth about anything.