If you watched the first half-hour or so of Thursday evening’s public hearing of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, then you saw a clip from a video deposition from Ivanka Trump, daughter of failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump in which she made it clear she didn’t think her father had been cheated out of a second term in office.
Specifically, Ivanka said when former Attorney General Bill Barr stated there had been no voting irregularities in the 2020 presidential election, that sealed the deal for her:
“It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr. So, I accepted what he said and what he was saying.”
What struck many people about that clip, however, was how completely empty Ivanka looked. Her eyes appeared to have no light to them. It was like watching a zombie testify, and it was downright creepy.
Of course, when you consider that the entire Trump family has always had a supreme sense of entitlement, it makes sense that Ivanka would look hollow and sullen. After all, her dream of a Trump political dynasty has been irreparably smashed and now she and her brothers will be lucky if they can even manage to grift enough money to keep them ensconced in the luxury they’ve grown accustomed to. They might even have to go out and (gasp!) work for a living.
It didn’t take long before Twitter was alight with all sorts of remarks about Ivanka’s appearance: