Corruption Donald Trump WTF?!

Hilarious Details Of What Got Guiliani’s Law License Pulled Are Starting To Leak Out

Earlier today, former New York City mayor and personal attorney to failed, one-term ex-president Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, had his law license indefinitely suspended by the Attorney Grievance Committee for New York State Supreme Court’s First Judicial Department.


According to CNN:

“In a ruling released following disciplinary proceedings, the court concluded that ‘there is uncontroverted evidence’ that Giuliani, the former Manhattan US attorney, “communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020.”

A closer look at the ruling from the grievance committee gives details that are both hilarious and head-shaking in the full depth of their absurdity. Consider:

Rudy claims there’s been voter fraud; later says he isn’t claiming voter fraud:

Judge: “So the amended complaint — does the amended complaint plead fraud with particularity?”

Guiliani: “No, Your Honor, and it doesn’t plead fraud. It pleads the — it pleads the plan or scheme that we lay out… without characterizing it.”

Rudy says the late boxer, Joe Frazier, voted in Philadelphia:

“The public records submitted on this motion unequivocally show that respondent’s statement is false, Public records show that 15 Pennsylvania formally cancelled Mr. Frazier’s eligibility to vote on February 8, 2012, three months after he died.”

Rudy tells the court 60,000 underage voters cast ballots in Georgia, resulting in Joe Biden winning the Peach State:

“At various times, respondent claimed that 65,000 or 66,000 or 165,00 underage voters illegally voted in the Georgia 2020 election. The Georgia Office of the Secretary of State undertook an investigation of this claim. It compared the list of all of the people who voted in Georgia to their full birthdays. The audit revealed that there were zero (0) underage voters in the 2020 election.”

It’s a wonder Rudy even managed to pass the bar exam in the first place! Are we sure he didn’t have someone take the damn thing for him?


Congress Crime Donald Trump

Former Asst. U.S. Attorney Predicts Both Gaetz And Trump Will Be Indicted In September

There are those among us (call them eternal skeptics) who will tell you that failed, one-term former President Donald Trump will never be charged with criminal offense, and even if he is, he won’t ever serve a day in prison.

Using that sort of flawed logic, it would be easy to suggest that the American judicial system is stacked in favor of those who are wealthy and well-known, so much so that no one with financial means can ever be convicted. But if that’s true, how do you explain the successful prosecutions of Bernie Madoff, Ivan Boesky, the gang at Enron, and Michael Milken?

Granted, the judicial system we have isn’t perfect and is in desperate need of reform, but that doesn’t mean it cannot or will not ever work.

All of that brings us to three names most in the news these days: Donald Trump, Rep. Matt Gaetz, and Rudy Giuliani. And recently, we got new developments on two of those fronts:

  • Donald Trump: Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. has empaneled a special grand jury to examine alleged crimes (bank and tax fraud, money laundering, racketeering) the former president, members of his family, and his company may have committed.
  • Matt Gaetz: Gaetz, who is already facing the possibility of being indicted for sexually trafficking a minor, is now believed to have obstructed justice by speaking with a witness in the case against him.

Could we be on the verge of seeing indictments in the matter of Trump, Gaetz, and Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani? That depends on who you ask, but one person who’s convinced all three of them are about to see their name on indictments is former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Signorelli, who used to work as a prosecutor for the Southern District of New York and has decades of knowledge about how legal issues involving “famous” defendants work.

Recently, Signorelli made a bold prediction which he shared with his 36.000 followers: Gaetz, Giuliani, and Trump are all going down, and it’s going to happen by September:

Signorelli got immediate pushback, with people asking, “What makes you say that?” He responded calmly and knowingly:

Using Richard Signorelli’s prediction, by September 5 we should see Gaetz, Giuliani, and Trump indicted and facing trial and imprisonment.


Congress Corruption Crime Russia

Nunes And Jordan Are Up To Their Necks In Giuliani’s Latest Criminal Scandal

Now that over a month has passed since the FBI served search warrants on the home and office of Rudy Giuliani, new information is coming to light which suggests that the long-term fallout from the Justice Department’s investigation into the former mayor of New York City may also present major legal problems for two Republican members of Congress: Rep. Devin Nunes (CA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (OH).

Nunes name came up when it was revealed that not only did the FBI serve warrants on Giuliani, but also attorney Victoria Toensing, which led former federal prosecutor Daniel Goldman to respond to some tweets regarding Toensing also being on the warrant list:

That shows Nunes is also caught in the conspiracy that the DOJ is now starting to unravel.

As for Jordan, we since learned that he took $3,000 in contributions from Guiliani. That means he’ll also be getting a visit from the FBI very soon, if he hasn’t already.

Jordan was already facing a very uncertain run for another term in Congress next year, and when it was revealed that he’d taken, his likely Democratic challenger, Jeff Sites, remarked:

“It is beyond outrageous that Jim Jordan accepted money from the target of an active federal investigation. It would be improper for any member of Congress, but especially for Jordan, who helps lead the committee supervising the Justice Department while it conducts this probe.”

So while Rudy may be the one currently in the crosshairs, if Nunes and Jordan played any role whatsoever in Giuliani’s crimes, you can bet they’re going to be placed under the microscope, too.

Oh, there’s also the chance that Giuliani will roll over on Donald Trump and result in him being charged. That’s the only card the former president’s attorney has left to play.

Could Rudy wind up destroying the GOP? It’s beginning to look that way.


Corruption Crime Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

New Developments In The Case Against Rudy Suggest The DOJ Has Evidence Of Multiple Crimes

A little over two weeks ago, you probably recall, the FBI raided the home and office of Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, seizing his electronic devices and sending a clear message that the former New York City mayor is on the Justice Department’s radar screen in a major way.

There are reports federal prosecutors already have evidence that proves Giuliani illegally took money from foreign governments such as Russia and Ukraine. If they can prove that, Rudy is looking at spending a few years in federal prison, which at his age could conceivably be a death sentence.

Now, however, we know now that the DOJ is investigating Giuliani for other, more serious crimes which also trace back to his connections in Ukraine.

On Wednesday, The Daily Beast reported that the feds are taking a long look at a dossier Giuliani had cooked up in an attempt to smear Joe Biden during the height of the 2020 election:

“In late 2019 during the Trump-Ukraine scandal, The New Yorker, which obtained a copy of the dossier, described one of its allegations as a byzantine conspiracy theory in which the U.S.-backed creation of NABU— Ukraine’s anti-corruption prosecutors—in 2014 was somehow a scheme concocted by Ambassador Yovanovitch and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent to prevent Ukraine from investigating the Bidens. In another allegation described by the magazine, the dossier casts right wing boogeyman and liberal philanthropist George Soros as the orchestrator of Yovanovitch’s appointment as U.S. ambassador in Kyiv.”

The dossier, however, did manage to make its rounds inside the Trump administration, where it was discussed and debated, then dismissed as worthless:

“According to one former Trump White House official, those in the White House who examined the pages and interview notes in 2019 almost across-the-board dubbed the research “amateurish” and unhelpful, with Trump officials discussing amongst themselves how they believed it was unlikely that anyone, foreign or American, would agree to pay Giuliani to produce this—if only because of the utterly shoddy nature of the work.”

The fact that none of those White House advisers reported Giuliani’s bogus dossier to the FBI or other law enforcement agency also places them in significant legal jeopardy. And it’s safe to assume they’ll be glad to sell out Rudy to save their own hides. Provided, that is, Giuliani doesn’t feed them to prosecutors first.

What a nasty mess Rudy and his pals have gotten themselves into. Here’s hoping they all go to prison for a very long time.