Crime Donald Trump Elections

Former Prosecutor: Trump Should Be ‘Very Nervous’ About The Massive Defamation Verdict Against Giuliani

The enormous $148 million defamation verdict handed down by a jury against Rudy Giuliani is a warning shot that should have failed former president Donald Trump “very nervous,” according to former prosecutor David Henderson.

Henderson spoke with MSNBC guest host Charles Coleman Jr., noting that the verdict wasn’t just a win, it was “one of the biggest wins I’ve ever heard of.”

The verdict, Henderson explained, it a preview of what Trump and his co-defendants can expect when they’re put on trial for racketeering in Georgia in connection for attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.

“That is an epic victory. The only thing you have to acknowledge, and this goes to your point about nationalism, it does not make up for what these two women went through. Rudy Giuliani is in such a downward spiral, they’re not likely to see a dime of that money.”

And then there’s the disgraced ex-president.

“The real issue here is you’ve got a preview from the way that the jury down in Georgia is going to receive them. Giuliani, former president Trump, and anyone in their circle should be very nervous about this outcome.”

The penalty for racketeering in Georgia is imprisonment of between five and 20 years, which is a much bigger threat to Trump than a monetary reward that he could appeal for decades.

Crime Donald Trump Elections

Bombshell Report: Trump Knew Giuliani Was Drunk While Giving Him ‘Legal Advice’ – Which Destroys Donald’s Defense

The main defense being used by failed former president Donald Trump to shield himself from criminal charges related to efforts to overturn the 2020 election results is that he was merely acting on the advice of legal counsel.

But what if one of the people giving Trump legal advice was intoxicated? And what if the ex-president knew that but continued to let one of attorneys guide his decisions?

Thanks to a blockbuster report from Rolling Stone, we now know that Trump was indeed listening closely to what his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani told him, despite the fact that several people allege Guiliani was drunk most of the time while dispensing legal guidance.

Some witnesses told (Special Counsel Jack) Smith’s team that they saw Giuliani consuming significant quantities of alcohol; some told the special counsel’s office that they could clearly smell alcohol on Giuliani’s breath, including on election night, and that they noticed distinct changes in his demeanor from hours prior, the sources tell Rolling Stone.

Some have already told investigators that they were directly aware of moments when Trump had talked to others about Giuliani’s drinking, and that Trump spoke negatively about his then-top lawyer’s alcohol consumption. (Trump is known for being a longtime teetotaler.)

That would mean that the “advice of counsel” ploy being used by Trump is no longer valid, according to Mitchell Epner, a former Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey:

“In order to rely upon an advice of counsel defense, the defendant has to, number one, have made full disclosure of all material facts to the attorney. That requires that the attorney understands what’s being told to them. If you know that your attorney is drunk, that does not count as making full disclosure of all material facts.”

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner noted on MSNBC that Trump might have taken bad advice from an inebriated Guiliani as a “cover” to engage in illegal activities.

“Is he taking the advice from somebody who everyone in the room knows is drunk?” Kirschner asked. “If you’re taking advice from a thoughtful, sober, learned counsel, that, you know, might give you some protection on the advice of counsel front. But if you’re taking advice from, you know, from the town drunk sitting in the public square yelling at the clouds, you’re not going to have much of an advice of counsel defense.”

Kirschner added, “These are not salacious issues and I think more fundamentally, on the advice of counsel defense, I also think it is really hard for Donald Trump to pursue that when his counsel are his co-defendants in the Jan. 6 trial. They’re his unindicted co-defendants and there is no advice of co-defendant offense. So, that also complicated the advice of counsel defense that Donald Trump might otherwise have.”

Donnie might want to start thinking about a plea deal with Jack Smith.


Capitol Insurrection Crime Donald Trump Elections GOP January 6 Justice Department

Giuliani’s ‘Voluntary’ Testimony To DOJ Means He’s ‘Trying To Make A Deal’ With Jack Smith: Legal Expert

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and personal attorney to failed ex-president Donald Trump, gave “voluntary” testimony to federal investigators who are working for Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith and looking into efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

NBC News reports that a spokesperson for Giuliani confirmed the former mayor did indeed agreed to talk with prosecutors working for Smith.

“The appearance was entirely voluntary and conducted in a professional manner,” the spokesman, Ted Goodman, said in a statement after CNN first reported on Giuliani’s meeting with investigators.

But why would Giuliani be so cooperative and agree to speak with the special counsel’s office? According to former U.S. attorney and legal expert Harry Litman, it’s a sign that Rudy is ready to roll over on the Donald.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House” today, Litman was asked by host Nicolle Wallace, “What does it mean that his folks are saying he went in ‘entirely voluntarily.'”

Litman replied:

“I think it’s dissembling at best.”

He added, “Giuliani is waist deep in everything after the election, but he is neck deep in the false electors.”

“He and Trump together badger (former Arizona House Speaker) Rusty Bowers. He goes down to Georgia and tells a whole pack of lies and he is exactly where Smith is otherwise in the investigation, talking to (Georgia Secretary of State Brad) Raffensperger and the like,” Litman noted.

“Here’s what it means,” Litman said. “(Giuliani) has gone in with a proffer. That means he has given information but under circumstances where they won’t hold it against him. They’ll just evaluate whether they want him, want him for what, and give him immunity or an easy deal.”

“And then what he is giving in exchange has to be information about Donald Trump.”

As for the “voluntarily” part, Litman noted, “So this proffer, yes, he didn’t doesn’t have to do it. You could call it voluntary in that way, but don’t think that he’s like a good citizen just finally getting this off his chest. He’s trying to cut a deal and he knows the time is very short.”

Sounds like Rudy is ready to toss Donnie under the bus to save his own hide.

Here’s the video from MSNBC:


Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Lawsuit Claims Rudy Sold Presidential Pardons And Split The Profits With Trump

A lawsuit filed by a former aide to Rudy Giuliani accuses the former New York City mayor of selling presidential pardons and splitting the profits of those sales with indicted former president/sex offender Donald Trump.

The Independent reports that the suit was filed in a New York court on Monday, alleges that Giuliani bragged that he had sold pardons from Trump and made a cool fortune from the endeavor.

A former aide to former Trump attorney Rudolph Giuliani says he told her the ex-New York City mayor and then-president Donald Trump were offering to sell presidential pardons for $2 million apiece, according to court documents.

The bombshell allegation was levied in a complaint filed against Mr Giuliani by Noelle Dunphy, a New York-based public relations professional who is suing him for “unlawful abuses of power, wide-ranging sexual assault and harassment, wage theft, and other misconduct” committed while she worked for him in 2019 and 2020.

According to page 25 of the lawsuit:

(Giuliani) also asked Ms. Dunphy if she knew anyone in need of a pardon, telling her that he was selling pardons for $2 million, which he and President Trump would split. He told Ms. Dunphy that she could refer individuals seeking pardons to him, so long as they did not go through “the normal channels” of the Office of the Pardon Attorney, because correspondence going to that office would be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

If indeed Trump did agree to sell pardons with Giuliani’s help, the two could be facing enormous legal jeopardy, especially if Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith decides to pursue the accusations found in Dunphy’s lawsuit.

Smith is currently investigating if Trump committed crimes connected to the 2020 election and his removal of classified documents from the White House which he later took with him to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.


Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Rudy Giuliani Tells Right-Wing Host He Fears The Government May Try To Kill Trump

Disgraced former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that he’s very afraid the U.S. government is going to try and kill one-term ex-president Donald Trump.

Speaking to Newsmax about Trump being caught red-handed by the FBI with boxes of classified and top secret documents, one of the hosts asked Giuliani about comments he’d made about the search warrant served at Mar-a-Lago being just like what they do in Third World nations, which led Rudy to reply:

“All the time. They kill them. They arrest them. They put their families in jail.”

The host then inquired:

“Should Donald Trump be in any fear of the deep state maybe killing him?”

That was all it took for Giuliani to reel off a ridiculous conspiracy theory:

“I do. In many different ways, I do. The amount of hatred generated toward him is the kind of hatred we worry about that would set off a sick person. I mean, if there is anything to the fact that, that hatred can set off sick people. There’s no one where more hatred has been generated by the mainstream media — who do they hate more than Donald Trump. They display it at, uh, Emmy awards, they display it at — everywhere.”

And yet, it was a right-wing “sick person” who attacked FBI headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, earlier this week, as CNN reported at the time:

An armed man suspected of trying to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati field office Thursday was killed in Ohio after a vehicle chase and hours-long standoff with law enforcement, authorities say.

The suspect was believed to be armed with an AR-15 rifle and a nail gun, a federal law enforcement source told CNN, and was wearing body armor, according to officials in an Ohio county.

Authorities have not announced a motive. But Shiffer had been known to the FBI because he had an unspecified connection to the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol, and because he had associates within a far-right extremist group, two law enforcement sources told CNN Friday.

If anything kills Donald Trump, it’ll be his gross obesity and disgusting eating habits. A man cannot live on Big Macs and KFC without paying a price.